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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. Denny is a straight caller & Tyrod is his shot caller, he put 20'' blades on his Impala, caller her get laid tonight.
  2. If the Bills win in Atlanta they will be ranked a little higher. If they lose expect them to be ranked as low as #28. It's amazing how quickly they were lowered after their 3-9 stinker in Carolina.
  3. Most drunks are starting to get priced out of the market. They are too busy tackling cardboard cutouts of their favorite football players in the parking lot. Who would of known that if you raise prices you get rid of the trash and improve the fan experience? Alcoholism and football don't mix.
  4. We haven't beat the Falcons in 22 years 1995, going 1-4. We are due for a win.
  5. Pats are scoring points like it's going out of style. They have no flaws.
  6. 2-2 four games in is nothing if we trip up in Atlanta. We needed to bag Carolina. 3-9 is not acceptable. Our offense has no semblance of a running game and our defense has yet to play a top tier pass offense. Here comes ATL.
  7. If Dareus got 10 sacks this year fans will warm on him.
  8. Trump should keep his opinions to himself when he is working for us no? From now on new rule, Trump can only share his opinion when crapping on his golden toilet via Twitter.
  9. His stats haven't been too good. Is it a case where they not scheming and targeting him, or he simply doesn't have the athleticism to get in and out of his breaks to get free from NFL level coverage?
  10. Tamir Rice was 12. Shot after police arrived in under 2 seconds. Dispatch failed to relay he had a toy gun. Research brah.
  11. OMG, the 1st Amendment is awesome! Isn't it as awesome as the 2nd Amendment?
  12. Great white boy talking points. Did you get those from O'Reilly's Talking Points Memo?
  13. All woke fans are boycotting a league that pays lip service to the 1st Amendment. #NFLBoycott Week 3.
  14. A majority of Americans support players peaceful right to protest. A majority of Americans are appalled at what happened to Philando Castillo & Tamir Rice. A majority of Americans support equality and that means that Black Lives Matter equally as much as white lives. The idea that a player as good as Kaepernick is out of the league is all the evidence you need that the 31 white NFL owners conspired to blackball Kaepernick. Thankfully Trump and his big-mouth put a megaphone to the silent back-door deal that was made to keep Kaepernick out of the league. For that reason the NFL Boycott continues.
  15. Kaepernick is out of the league. Why aren't conservatives happy?
  16. I'm a Kaepernick supporter who is boycotting the NFL. Is anyone else on here not watching the games and not paying a dime to the league in 2017?
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