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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. Why do people think his weapons are on the caliber of Brady's or even Rodger's? Taylor creates offense with his mobility.
  2. Tyrod is 3-2 & people want him benched. He has almost no weapons in terms of WRs & TEs. That says it all right there.
  3. This thread went nowhere fast. I'm curious if Donald didn't say we should bring in a QB who actually is available that made it to a Super Bowl with a great defense?
  4. Stevie is 31 and isn't fully recovered from multiple injuries. He's a risky take. Veteran minimum?
  5. Can't trade. Our better bet is to get a 22 year old Adrian Peterson. Find a time machine.
  6. The Bills might implode. Our offense is atrocious and our defense can't be expected to sustain this high level of play indefinitely. Injuries and fatigue will settle in. The Bills need to find 2 stud FA WRs and hope Logan Thomas emerges as a playmaking TE or we will be drafting much higher than we expect with our own first round pick.
  7. Judging by the fact that he's had a chronic knee issue, has been rest days throughout his career, and sustained this injury as a direct result of from a lateral side hit, thereby bending the inside (medial) side of his knee inward its likely that he's sustained a MCL with meniscus damage, which could require microfracture surgery or removal of the meniscus making for more 'bone on bone' rubbing which will increase swelling and require even more rest days. You have a guy whose knee was a ticking time bomb.
  8. Dareus played a solid game today, but our weapons on offense are severely limited.
  9. No WRs, no dynamic TEs, and a 29 year old RB, coupled with an overweight 32 year old backup. Without Tyrod our offense implodes. Peterman wouldn't have a fair chance with the lack of talent among our playmakers.
  10. Haterade: the drink of losers since 1960.
  11. If McDermott had the benefit of hindsight he would have went for 7 instead of settling for a FG that made the score 16-17. We needed 7, and the 1st down pass to Zay was a good idea. The 2nd down run to McCoy was worthless, and the 3rd down checkdown to McCoy made it 4th and 8 or so. I think if McD could do it over he'd have went with the play action on 2nd down and tried Zay again.
  12. Zay needs to calm down and needs the game to slow down.
  13. If Tyrod goes down we are toast, UNLESS we sign Kaepernick and use Peterman as a 1-2 week bridge while Kaepernick learns the offense.
  14. The Corporate Neoliberal Wing of the Democratic Party is done. The grassroots Progressive base is the core centrist ideology of the country. You'll see.
  15. Add a guy like Fred Jackson who can do a little bit of everything and even play ST.
  16. 1st Amendment right proving McDermott is a players coach.
  17. What's the over/under that OJ ends up back in prison in the next 3 years?
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