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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. I stand corrected, Buffett opposes the repeal of the estate tax. As for $2.99, this is still another example of the rentier class finding a revenue stream to extract wealth. Its $2.99 in 2017. By 2020 it will be more. More importantly I refuse to patrionize a dying business that employs two tabloid sensationalists in Sully & Bucky.
  2. $2.99 for Billionaire Buffett whos about to get a huge tax break & his estate tax will go to $0. Ill keep my $2.99.
  3. This & the fact prison costs $80k per year in California, more than tuition at Harvard.
  4. Its not the physical but the mental lapses that concerned me. He seemed to miss at least two assignments.
  5. Rolled up on? Either MCL or LCL sprain. Although pop is normally associated with ACL.
  6. Demographic changes. My family brothers dad no longer go to games or watch football. This started around 2014. I think people are aging out. Its nice to blame other factors, but most fans are old now. Younger fans dont care about watching games, so much as they do about stats/fantasy.
  7. I figured it out early. Very surprised Johnson-Weld couldnt get over 4% of the vote.
  8. Says the blind follower. Ill take war hero and pow who was held for 5 years over a spoiled draft dodger. Coward Donald proved one thing in the 1960s, you dont need to be a Senators son to avoid military service. Just be a multimillionaires son with a coke problem.
  9. And the jerks at the News wonder why we get our news from other unbiased sources?
  10. McCain is a war hero. Trump is a coward.
  11. The Browns suck. The Bills are meh.
  12. Rodgers is my QB, hit while devastating was clean. Wish that was Brady. Keep hitting him.
  13. Injuries have been a big part. Word to the wise always pick the team playing Cleveland & San Fran.
  14. Great move. I hope he wins and donates the money to charity.
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