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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. Where is Savior Peterman at? Just another 5th round clipboard holder. He’s the savior of the Gatorade. He’s already in the record books!
  2. Thankfully he was on a grass soccer field. That’s a hit that normally bends way worse on turf as the cleat locks on to the surface.
  3. White privilege would be throwing 5 first half picks and getting rewarded with a start next week at KC.
  4. McDermott and Beane are totally responsible for this team. You can’t blame anyone else for the personnel decisions and coaching hires. It does have the appearance the team didn’t quit on him so much that they are being dominated on both lines of scrimmage.
  5. Peterman gets a shot to upstage Eli. That likely won’t happen, but Eli’s 2004 season was garbage anyway. I assume the Bills FO knows 2017 is over looking at the upcoming schedule and wanted to go big or go Bust.
  6. Tyrod played well. Listening to Romo I understand why he had a high pick percentage.
  7. Curious what road teams records are on Thursday in comparison to all other games. Still no excuse for the lack of focus.
  8. No Dareus was not the only problem. The main deficiency I saw was lack of overloading. The Bills should have put more men in the box and forced an old 38 year old McCown to beat them.
  9. We had an NFL O-Line out there tonight? That wasnt Grand Islands JV team?
  10. This^^^^^^^ Jerrah Jones wants a Yes Man who will do whatever he & the other top revenue clubs wants. Dont think for a second this is about the 🇺🇸. This is a power grab under the guise of Goodell being a poor executive, and really this is about crony billionaires wanting even more power. Jones can hide behind patriotism and pretend he is doing right by the league. We all know Jones true character, hes the guy who takes selfies in bathrooms with 20-something groupies despite being married to the same woman for over 50 years. Hes a lying sack of $hite and you all know it. As is Bob Kraft.
  11. I believe the protests are doing more to scare off those who are sympathetic to the cause. Think of it this way, Trump MAGA people invented the word political correctness, triggered, cucks, and safe-space. Its almost as if going to an NFL game is their last refuge from liberal America & now they are confronted with 1 or 2 protestors. Its not going to stop these manly men who are not easily offended or triggered. After all these are Patriots who believe in the 1st Amendment as much as they do in the 2nd Amendment. So the Trump people boo and say nasty things. As a result, the cucks (liberals) the small 5% who attend have stopped going. #MAGA
  12. If you win everyone loves you. I said this before the season began, under Rex Ryan Tyrod was a .500 QB. If McDermott is a good coach & continues to coach the team why cant TT be a winning QB? Rex Ryan was holding TT back IMO. TT is only scratching the surface of his abilities.
  13. You have to beat the $hit out of the Patriots. I recall the Browns beating them by twenty plus in 2011. Thats what you do, run the score up so bad their cheating wont matter.
  14. A racist NFL franchise owner? We cant have that. Remember Limbaugh was blocked from ownership by other franchise owners, because of inflammatory comments he made. 🤣
  15. Time will tell. All I know is this appears like a radically different approach. Im thinking 2017 is a building year, who the hell knows about 2018 draft & free agency?
  16. When did Trumptistas become so easily triggered by political correctness?
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