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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. Peterman was accurate in throwing the ball to opposing teams corners. McD attempted a Hail Mary and it blew up in his face. Glad he owned up to it. Proving he’s humble & capable of putting the blame not on his players but himself. Where this gets interesting is if Josh Allen lights up training camp & the preseason and pushes McCarron & Peterman for the starting job. Will McD be willing to roll with the rookie & weather through the learning curve?
  2. The richest 10% of Americans own 84% of all stocks. Furthermore most of the Trump tax cut has led corporations to invest their additional income in stock buybacks, to further increase executive compensation. By buying back shares they aren’t investing in new plant and equipment, hiring more workers or increasing wages. Real wages when adjusted for inflation are holding at 2.7%. Inflation at 2% means about a 0.08 increase in average hourly worker take home pay. The stock market is trading at all time highs when looking at price to earnings ratios. You also have real estate bubbles that have popped up all over the country even in metro areas like Buffalo. Trump has also put himself in a bind if the market turns south. We’ve had 9 years without a recession. With tariffs starting to impact inflation and interest rates going up to thwart inflation we are moving towards the next recession.
  3. Kind of like... Trump said after Charlottesville “there’s fine people on both sides.”
  4. Never been embedded with Antifa but have sympathy to any organization whose sole mission is to oppose hatred like the white nationalists of the U.S. espouse. I suggest you read Mein Kampf to better understand the role of capitalism’s merger with fascism. I suspect you are well versed in the adage “accuse the other side that of which you are guilty of.”
  5. Independents can’t favor policies like expanding Social Security, Medicare? Mmmm Kay. The Overton Window skews far right on this forum. Lots of key demographics covered here; white, late 50s & older & conservative. This board needs Indy’s like me to bring the conversation back to the center.
  6. What makes me laugh is people who don’t vote & conservatives who for decades championed neoliberal free trade deals & the elimination of federal debt who now are going in the totally opposite direction.
  7. I’m an Indy because I favor policies that help the people not corporate profits.
  8. Not my side. I’m an Independent. Obama suspended habeas corpus. https://theintercept.com/2016/11/11/commander-in-chief-donald-trump-will-have-terrifying-powers-thanks-obama/
  9. I’ll let our courts try them. Although we’ve suspended habeas corpus & could theoretically send these terrorists to Club Gitmo where they can undergo ‘enhanced interrogation’.
  10. Obama?!?!? The NeoLiberal? As he said, he governed as a moderate Republican. Obama and the Clinton Neoliberals got in bed with Wall Street, Big Insurance & Big Pharma to strip out the only progressive idea in the ACA, the single-payer public option. Obama was an absolute failure and deserved to lose Congress in 2010. He campaigned rhetorically as a Progressive but turned into a Clinton Third-Way Democrat about 5 minutes into his Administration. Could have done amnesty, single-payer, broken up the banks, but he caved like every weak NeoLiberal Corporate Democrat since Jimmy Carter.
  11. I love our country so much I want to help everyone get access to world class healthcare. Meanwhile you think the status quo of 35 million without healthcare & 47,000 people a year who die due to lack of coverage is fine. I say it’s not. You are also cool with spending $700 Billion on the defense/offensive military at a time when Russia spends $65 Billion a year. You love the $7 Trillion spent on war in Iraq & Afghanistan too. Imagine what that money could have done having been spent domestically rebuilding our D grade infrastructure.
  12. We will leave the killing to Nazis. As Trump said “there’s fine people. On both sides.” Trump & the Republicans can’t even come up with a healthcare plan outside of stripping away preexisting conditions coverage from the Heritage Foundation conceived ACA. Time for Medicare-for-All with expanded coverage eliminating the donut hole & providing long-term care insurance, while eliminating Medicaid & consolidating it with Medicare.
  13. SMH...this guy who forgets about the white nationalists last summer in Charlottesville chanting “Jews will not replace us.” The same group who killed a peaceful protestor. So far thats alt-right 1, Antifascists 0 in the body count.
  14. I think the reason we haven’t seen wage increases tied to worker productivity is the reason we have populist insurections on the left & right. But you can’t argue the basic facts that this populist era is mainly due to economic malaise for the average worker.
  15. I like Ocassio-Cortez because she cares about people over corporate profit. What do you call an economic system that takes the richest country the world has ever seen and renders half of its population poor and low income? Where 40% can’t afford a $400 emergency & 50% of all workers earn under $30,000 per year, and 71% earn under $50,000 per year. You call it a failed system. But hey, at least Jeff Bezos is worth $150 Billion.
  16. Reread my post. IMO, the NFL and by extension the DoD should disclose this deal & not engage in paid patriotism. It took Sen McCain Sen Flake exposing this. http://thehill.com/policy/defense/259120-mccain-flake-slam-so-called-paid-patriotism-at-sporting-events I have no issue with this deal provided it was disclosed to the public.
  17. Maybe the NFL should disclose how much money they took from the dept of defense without needing Sen McCain to expose that fact.
  18. Jerry Hughes plays stiff legged too, and didn’t do much his first 2 years at Indy no?
  19. The amazing thing is he kept Barry Sanders on the bench in ‘87.
  20. I notice this mainly with seniors. It seems there are lots of seniors who watch; NFL network, ESPN, CNN, MSNBC & Fox. They’ve never heard a counter argument to their bias beliefs. Whatever the talking heads say is “fact”: no matter who; Stephen A, Schefter, AC360, Maddow or Hannity come up with that day. Enjoy your KoolAid grandpa.
  21. You are making a good argument for Kaepernick over Spiller. Kaepernick 375 carries 2300 yards 6.1 YPA, 13 TDs, 90 yard long. playoffs 51 carries 507 yards 9.9 YPA, 4 TDs. Spiller 712 carries 3451 yards 12 TDs 4.8 YPA, 77 yard long. Plus the guy can always throw the halfback option. Brilliant idea Tom!
  22. Shady’s phone might be meeting the Team Hillary hammer or Tom Brady acid bath.
  23. Innocent until proven guilty by Trump / Goodell.
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