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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. It’s not a question whether a war is morally justifiable or not when it pertains to the draft and you know that.
  2. I’ll take McCain’s service over DJT’s any day.
  3. I like POTUS’ who didn’t dodge the draft.
  4. Tom & Tim are both very bad at talking about a sport they never played. ?
  5. The NFL is trying to get rid of injuries suffered by Ryan Shazier. I think it won’t impact or change the game as players simply won’t be using their helmet to tackle or target other players.
  6. A fully guaranteed contract comes with less money overall. The additional risk must be measured.
  7. That is how it currently works in Canada. I don’t see Canadians in the streets demanding private insurers take over their national healthcare. In the U.S. 93% of doctors accept Medicare. Medicare pays very well and on-time. In actuality medical billing is complicated and insurers often slow pay & sometimes don’t pay. This is wasteful & inefficient. Prices can be negotiated as they are now, and pegged to inflation. The idea that we have people going bankrupt due to medical debt is absurd.
  8. I understand you don’t understand Economics. Venezuela has one primary source of GDP - exporting oil. They are experiencing hyper inflation not deflation. The $17 Trillion savings would be a huge deflationary event, it wouldn’t make us have inflation. But to say how it’s paid for number one understand this right now every worker pays 1.45% into Medicare & their employer matches 1.45%. This is in addition to the cost of employer provided insurance which costs around $500 a month. Assume your Medicare tax would go to 5%. Your employer also pays 5% but would get out of the business of administrating and negotiating with health insurers. At 17-19% of GDP our health care system is the highest in the world. We can bring this down to 10% and save trillions. The question than becomes how do we spend those savings to make our economy not go into hyper-deflation? We’d have some 250,000 newly unemployed bean counters at the private insurance companies, and medical billing office clerks who won’t be needed in such mass numbers.
  9. The same way Medicare currently delivers care, except now you get better Medicare with long-term care, vision, dental & no more Part D supplemental. Because you guys are all wildly successful capitalists I’m sure you can buy your private supplemental insurance to cover Botox & Viagara. ?
  10. How are we going to pay for a system that saves $17 Trillion over our current system? That’s laughable. How does Canada, the UK, Germany, France, Japan, S Korea pay for their system?
  11. http://www.urban.org/sites/default/files/alfresco/publication-pdfs/2000785-The-Sanders-Single-Payer-Health-Care-Plan.pdf
  12. No. Obama recruited Perez for DNC chair over Ellison. Perez is an establishment neoliberal corporate Democrat who speaks in platitudes and cliches and becaus of it refuses to offer any bold progressive policy ideas. He says things like “our values unite us.” And when pushed on healthcare he says “everyone has a right to affordable healthcare”. https://theintercept.com/2017/02/24/key-question-about-dnc-race-why-did-white-house-recruit-perez-to-run-against-ellison/ It’s not really overhauling it, so much as taking out the 30% overhead of private for profit insurance. It would be like how Medicare currently works. The government would be the single insurer / payer. Not a difficult overhaul at all and even conservatives who study trends know it’s going to happen sooner or later. http://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/the-conservative-case-for-universal-healthcare/ Why Trump doesn’t try to pass this before 2020 I have no idea. He would be re-elected in a landslide if he proposed and passed Medicare-for-All with the help of his followers & the Progressive left.
  13. Rosen was a better passer and more complete & accomplished QB coming out of college, but his injuries, concussions, overall size & durability scare me. He could be as tough as Tom Brady same height, similar weight coming out of college, or he could be made of glass like Trent Edwards. Time will tell.
  14. Japan has 127 million, Germany 83 million, France 67 million, the UK 66 million, South Korea 51 million. It would work here very much the same way Medicare works now, except the idea is to expand it to cover everyone while also providing vision, dental, long-term care while also eliminating the Part D prescription drug donut hole. You can consolidate Medicaid, while keeping the VA system separate. It would lower costs $17 Trillion over a decade compared to our current system. And there wouldn’t be 30 million people without coverage. That $17 Trillion in economic savings would be very deflationary to our economy so it would be necessary to spend that money elsewhere like; regime change wars, more Wall Street bailouts & imprisoning 25% of the world’s prisoners despite only having 5% of the world’s population. In reality we can spend much of those savings back into the commons; infrastructure, sustainable energy, transportation, schools, hospitals, airports, high speed rail.
  15. Obviously you don’t, because you don’t even know who the head of the DNC is. And if you knew the story about how that person was handpicked by Obama to defeat the person you mentioned you’d have more cred. Why when attacking socialism aren’t you talking about Japan, S. Korea, Germany, France, the UK, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Israel?
  16. I love this thread...why are you conservatives so worried about AOC? As Pelosi attempted to explain “this is an isolated phenomena.” Lots of time being spent on an idealogy that can “never come to pass” as Hillary said about Medicare For All. Its always nice to know that establishment Democrats & Republicans can come together to sell us another 40 years of Neoliberalism.
  17. Wow I never heard of this movement conjured up by right wing trolls around 1 month ago. I did a little research and was surprised to see the nonpartisan James Woods deeply involved in an effort to make this trend along with thousands of Russian bots with Russian IP addresses. ?
  18. You’re suffering from Trump Clown Syndrome. Side effects include flip flopping on: debt reduction, & free trade agreements.
  19. I’d be surprised if Trump knew how to play checkers let alone chess. Trump is doing some good things in showing the U.S. that you don’t need to pay for things with tax revenue. Trump is a good advocate for Modern Monetary Theory & I respect him for showcasing it to the GOP & corporate Democrats. Medicare for All & public college are next. Bravo Trump!
  20. Think like a conservative for a moment: was it we want open free trade until Trump said we want tariffs? Was it we want a balanced budget until Trump said I want $70 Billion more for defense/offense while cutting taxes $250 Billion per year? That $320 Billion was printed from thin air. Paul Ryan & the other Ayn Randers heads are exploding.
  21. A few numbers such as median wages, and average wages, over the past 4 decades are extremely important in a political climate where jobs & wages took precedent. The economic data whether acknowledged by the establishment or not gives my argument credence. And economic Populism whether you acknowledge it or not played a central role in Trump winning, and Sanders proving to be more of a challenge than HRC ever expected. “When I was campaigning, I was talking about 18 and 20 years (when) wages effectively went down. Now, for the first time in a long time, they're starting to go up for people." Donald Trump on Thursday, March 8th, 2018 in remarks before a Cabinet meeting.
  22. These statistics help explain the rise of Trump & the progressive left movement, no? Or are you in the camp of explaining away the rise of populism to racism, sexism, & xenophobia on the right and left? If so how CNN & MSNBC of you. To rephrase, are you honestly are arguing that declining wages, economic stagnation have zero correlation to populism seen in today’s politics?
  23. Big deal, get a babysitter / nanny & Party it up.
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