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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. What has impressed me the most is the footwork and willingness to keep his eyes down the field.
  2. The Browns & Panthers have bad ass front 7’s. Expect our OL to settle in going forward.
  3. Can’t separate & had hands of glass.
  4. Why did Trump fill out a selective service card & then not protest U.S. involvement in Vietnam? Does the fact you come from wealth preclude you from service?
  5. Fact: Trump is a draft dodger fact. Question: Is Trump a coward?
  6. Heard Brett Favre is a big Josh Allen fan.
  7. Geographic: He’s from the San Joaquin Valley (desert like) “Desert Storm” Dad is a farmer ”FarmerJosh” Firebaugh, California “CaliFire” “HellFire” “FireBall” (Wyoming California) “WildFire”
  8. I need to watch the game but from what I’ve read he’s not ready yet. I’m fine with that as he’s 22 and really has limited college experience at a non power conference. He’s got the arm and his mobility seems good. He just needs time to develop. Let things marinate and hopefully he’ll be ready in the next 1-2 seasons.
  9. CTE is real and found in many autopsy’s. Some players like Trent Edwards may be more susceptible to than a guy like Brady. I think has more to do with skull thickness than anything. That said why not conduct a scan of Trent Edwards cranium thickness as opposed to someone like Brady?
  10. A well sourced article on the policies of the Mar o Lago trio advising the VA. Interesting to note that this group are all members of Mar o Lago. Do they have the best interests of veterans in mind? You read, you decide... https://www.propublica.org/article/ike-perlmutter-bruce-moskowitz-marc-sherman-shadow-rulers-of-the-va
  11. CNN is a socially liberal, war monger Network. They’ve never met a conflict they were skeptical of. I’d say they are more hawkish than Fox News. They have former CIA Anderson Cooper, and 1/2 of their panels consist of neocons. Wolf Blitzer loves propping up Israel & has never sided with Palestinians. They openly crap on Progressives and cannot stand Trump’s trade policies as its messing up the status quo establishment order. Rather than focus on why Hillary lost (electoral college aside) they focus on Russia. It makes it easier than admitting where the Democrats have gone wrong since Jimmy Carter embraced neoliberalism & they went into an even more center right stance under the Third Way revolution.
  12. How am I dishonest about the Balderson-OConnor race. I predicted a R win. Another moderate D loss.
  13. Not surprised by the results of this race at all. Lets compare the candidates key issues: Troy Balderson Republican: Balancing the budget: (Most Americans support this idea, Clinton did this) Military: (Of course) Economy & Jobs: (Yes) Building The Wall: (Good meat for the base to chew on) 2nd Amendment (More good meat) Faith & Values (Abortion - covers the evangical base) Healthcare (63% of Americans support repealing the ACA & replacing it with Medicare-for-All) Supporting President Trump (70% Americans believe Trump-Russia is over-hyped by corporate media). Danny OConnor Democrat Healthcare - Danny will fight to protect access to quality health care. (What does access mean? I have access to buy a Lamborghini but can’t afford it, nor could I afford the maintenance). Creating Economic Opportunity and Jobs (How?) Finding Common Ground (On what issues?) Combating Climate Change (How?) Improving Our Education System - By expanding federal student loans & making community college & trade schools accessible to everyone. (How is worsening the student debt crisis by loaning out more money fix this issue?) Safeguarding Our Voting Rights (Really?) Protecting Medicare & Social Security (These programs won’t be altered per Trump, so why make this an issue?)
  14. O’Connor is going to lose by around 500-1,000 votes out of over 200,000 votes cast. This is another shining example that being; centrist, moderate, corporate, and neoliberal won’t cut it in a Populist era. People want fighters not folks who speak in platitudes and cliches and don’t contrast themselves from Republican economic orthodoxy.
  15. When we turn 18 we are given the choice to fill out a selective service card. If you morally object to war, you can choose not to fill out a card. As as far as the Vietnam War being morally justified, it was never authorized by Congress nor did it pass the UN charter 7 as legal reasoning behind going to war. The Gulf of Tonkin resolution in 1964 was overturned in 1971, and Nixon cited Article II powers to continue the war. Pertaining to Trump, he never said he was morally opposed to the Vietnam War as an excuse to for not going into the military. Trump took a medical out. Trump’s excuse was bone spurs to the best of my knowledge. If Trump failed to fill out a selective service card in 1962 when he turned 18 years old let me know. Now it’s your turn...
  16. My opinion wouldn’t matter. If I’m a citizen of the U.S. and I’m called up in the draft I have two choices: dodge or answer the call.
  17. It’s not a question of the morality of the Vietnam War. The question is did Trump dodge the draft? It’s a bit of a tongue & cheek reply “I like POTUS’ who didn’t dodge the draft.” I think most honest TBDers on here know Trump dodged serving his country in Vietnam while McCain spent 5 years as a POW.
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