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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. I miss the days when Pegula said he could drill more fracturing wells or sell the mineral rights on the hundreds thousands of acres he owns the rights of. What is Pegula doing these days on that front?
  2. Jones could also be another team next year if he continues not getting seperation early in the route. If it takes over 3 seconds with our OL he’s worthless along with all the other WRs.
  3. Derek Anderson or finding a QB they like on a PS makes sense. But if it came down to Kaepernick or Johnny Football the choice is simple, Kaepernick. A player who has demonstrated the game is not too big for him to put up decent stats & a RPO offense can be installed around him.
  4. At this point you have to wonder does Peterman know how to throw a man open, does he process things slowly & because of that is that why he’s not an NFL caliber QB? Either way his lack of velocity, questionable durability, nerves, and unathleticism attribute to what we’ve seen so far on Sunday’s. I’m not sure how someone with so few ideal skills can get many more starts.
  5. Exhibit A: We have the NFLPA suing the NFL over its anthem policy. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-football-nfl-anthem/nfl-policy-to-stop-anthem-protests-challenged-by-players-union-idUSKBN1K02F2?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+reuters%2FtopNews+(News+%2F+US+% Exhibit B: Tom Brady sues NFL over deflate gate suspension. https://www.google.com/amp/s/syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/2533344-tom-brady-deflategate-lawsuit-vs-nfl-latest-details-comments-and-reaction.amp.html Care to rephrase your bs counter-argument?
  6. Didn’t the current POTUS try suing them and was a finalist to purchase the Bills? Somehow a 4x bankrupt idiot got to the final stages of the vetting process. Not to mention Bon Jovi who was only worth $250 million or so? Kaepernick should be given a shot. It’s a joke he’s not on a roster.
  7. Of course they should sign Kaepernick unless they honestly think Peterman is better. Kaepernick on his worst day is 10x better than Peterman & 5x better than Allen are now.
  8. I think one more game wouldn’t hurt. We aren’t going anywhere in 2018.
  9. Maybe they can tell the Chargers this & get them to cancel their flight.
  10. I’m all for playing him next week to prove to himself that he can be an NFL QB. I am totally a Peterman hater but at this point I’d like to see him have some success for his own sake. I truly feel bad for this guy. He’s had 2 games in horrible conditions & another where Bosa & the Chargers destroyed him on the road. Give the kid a home start in favorable conditions & maybe he can save face.
  11. You’re a miserable old fool. How does your wife cope?
  12. Hey “the process” in 2018 could be a code word for “the tanking”. Remember they were accused of tanking in 2017 only to sneak into the playoffs? For what it’s worth McD is 9-9 as an NFL head coach.
  13. Why do Bills fans continue to hate Tyrod? Did you watch the game today?
  14. I’d let him start next game weather permitting. Something tells me in a low wind crisp early season day he will have his best chance to prove himself. But remember it was similar conditions in LA last season.
  15. Peterman is good on a summer day. Add elements, scheming and higher effort by the defense it goes to hell.
  16. Peterman is starting to pull on my cold heart strings. I can’t help but root for this guy now. It’s gotta suck being him. He’s in a no win situation.
  17. There’s an old white guy in a Kelly jersey near midfield. He’s got no long sleeve underneath, no jacket. Looks 50-65, typical redneck trash Bills fan. I love that guy!
  18. This is embarrassing. The effort level is atrocious. The Process is broken. Where is Coach McD? He should start benching people.
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