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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. Was our OLine depeleted last season or is McCoy washed up?
  2. Good low risk pickup and he’s still young turns 26 in October. Probably a better 3rd down back with above average pass catching and route running ability.
  3. I don’t care what the surface is although it’s widely known New England plays worse on grass than a turf surface of any kind. On a side note the problem I have with the Bills stadium isn’t the turf, it’s the proximity of the corner endzone to the wall that is the danger.
  4. Surprised not to see Nathan Peterman on that top 3. He completed a high % of his passes, very accurate & anticipation.
  5. 5’10 & 185 and now 31. Find me one WR 5’10” or shorter who had 2 good seasons age 31 & older.
  6. Trading for Adrian Peterson or Beast Mode would be awesome and likely give us the 3 active backs in league in terms of career rushing yards.
  7. Love Gronk’s elbow to Tre White’s neck. So classy. And his affinity for porn stars & acting a fool. NFL WONT BE THE SAME.
  8. At this point I feel good about saying 9-7. Its 2020 & beyond that excites me.
  9. I don’t care as long as they nail the pick. Trade up, stay put or trade back. In 2017 they traded back. In 2018 they traded up. Either they love their guy at 9, or they make a draft day decision to trade back to acquire draft capital for 2020.
  10. Except at that time no one knew who was going to be drafted #1 overall
  11. Money well spent if the QB gets them the ball & the OL blocks for the QB & RB.
  12. He’s a WR who is replaceable. There are plenty of 5’10” fast guys.
  13. Being objective this whole thing comes down to the QB. If Allen improves his accuracy, ability to read coverage & throw with anticipation then this FA period was amazing. If he struggles Beane & McD are likely gone by end of 2020. We all don’t want that to happen but that’s the reality of pro football.
  14. Good to hear him say this. Also more importantly good that he brought in a slew of FAs that can find real contributing roles. This really opens up the draft for us. I believe they have options to trade down & collect more capital in 2019.
  15. McDermott & Co. will need to coach better in pivotal moments.
  16. I’m cool with this. Frank Gore has to carry the ball a few times per game.
  17. I believe there was genuine interest and Beane made what he felt was a fair offer. Being that AB is still not traded the Steelers asking price might be too high. Which brings up the question who has more of an axe to grind in this situation? Clearly the Steelers want to get value for AB, but they also want to send him a message that his market value is nowhere near what AB thinks he’s worth. The Steelers know this and are asking for compensation on par with what AB believes his value is. They probably won’t get much for him, and that is not the point. The point is the Steelers FO wants to bludgeon him on the way out as some form of payback.
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