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Everything posted by kasper13

  1. They should put 'The Shield' and 'Rescue Me' on back to back. That would be a great night of TV. Blows the crap out of anything on the network stations.
  2. That's what attorneys do. They lie for their clients. If someone doesn't believe that Barry Bonds used steroids, testosterone and other kinds of performance enhancing drugs then I don't even know what.
  3. Meyer stated ND was his dream job and had an out in his contract to take the ND job. Apparently, the $5 extra million from Florida changed his mind. He bailed on Bowling Green after two years and he bailed on Utah after two years and went for the cash. Screw him.
  4. The Rigases were looting money from Adelphia all over the place and they let Peca hold out for an entire season over $500,000 and then traded him for 2 pieces of crap. I'd have thought if they were stealing millions and millions, why not just steal a little more and keep the captain of their hockey team and try and win the Stanley Cup? Greedy SOB's kept all the money they stole for themselves. Rigas and his son will be sentenced on January 5th. NHL and the Player's Association will start negotiations next week. Just like in 1994, there has to be an agreement by the end of December to have a shortened season starting in late January.
  5. If a 10-1 record is not good, then what the hell is?
  6. I really wonder why anyone cares what Ricky Williams does. I know a guy who quit his job 2 years ago to smoke pot every day and I have yet to see him on ESPN or his name in the papers (except for the time he got caught burning one in a parking lot and was arrested, he was in the paper for that). Honestly, someone tell me why they care what a person does with his life if it doesn't directly affect them.
  7. 1. South Park. There is always something laugh out loud funny. Anyone see last night's show? Butters in a bear suit with Paris Hilton passed out on his bed. It was "the darndest thing I ever seen". It was very, very funny. 2. Family Guy. Tired of seeing the same shows over and over and over. This would be #1 if the new ones were out. 3. Simpsons. The middle years especially when Conan O'Brien was writing episodes.
  8. Giambi used all kinds of "performance enancing" drugs. Steroids, Testosterone, Human Growth Hormones. Who knows what else. The guy was a walking chemical set. He should be banned for life. At the least, suspended for a year and the Yankees should be able to cut him and save the $120 million left on his contract without any penalty. Using steroids makes those fly outs to the warning track become home runs. It makes those weak base hits up the middle turn into doubles in the gap. Obviously, you have to really have the talent to begin with to be able to hit to make the majors but steroids adds distance to those hits. More HR's, doubles & RBI's adds up to more money at contract time. Giambi is a scumbag. So is Bonds.
  9. Philadelphia vs Pittsburgh. Here's how it will happen....... Wild Card Indianapolis 47 Denver 21 San Diego 32 NY Jets 9 Minnesota 44 St. Louis 11 Green Bay 27 Seattle 14 Divisional New England 30 Indianapolis 29 Pittsburgh 24 San Diego 21 Philadelphia 27 Green Bay 24 Minnesota 31 Atlanta 28 Championship Pittsburgh 33 New England 30 (OT) Philadelphia 38 Minnesota 10 Super Bowl Philadelphia 26 Pittsburgh 24
  10. Giambi is worse but you also have to include Barry Bonds along with Giambi. Both should be banned for life and all their records & stats taken away.
  11. This was in the NY Post this AM. By George King December 2, 2004 -- What didn't work in July isn't clicking in December, either, when it comes to trading Randy Johnson to the Yankees. According to sources in and out of the Yankees' organization, the talks between the Diamondbacks and the Bombers have reached an impasse because the Yankees believe the Diamondbacks are being unrealistic in their asking price for the 41-year-old future Hall of Famer, whom they promised to do their best to trade to a contender. The deal has hit a wall even though the only place Arizona can move Johnson is to the Yankees, who are willing to trade Javier Vazquez and aren't against extending Johnson's contract for 2006 at the cost of $16 million. The Red Sox and Cardinals don't have the starting pitching Arizona craves, and the Angels are saving their money for free-agent center fielder Carlos Beltran. Though the Yankees and D'backs couldn't get together at the July 31 trade deadline and are locked in a stalemate four months later, the deal could still get done. But the Diamondbacks are going to have to lower their sights, and they run the risk of nudging the Yankees toward free agents Pedro Martinez and Carl Pavano. The Yanks have not made an offer to Martinez or Pa vano. Arizona made four proposals — two before the Yankees countered and two after. None of them were acceptable, and the Diamondbacks didn't believe the Yankees' offer was enough to make a deal. Vazquez was in all five proposals, with the Yankees willing to pay a "substantial" part of the $19.5 million difference between Johnson's $16 million and the $35.5 million remaining on Vazquez's contract. The Diamondbacks are expected to spin off Vazquez at some point because he can demand a trade after the 2005 season and he doesn't think much of Arizona CEO Jeff Moorad, whom Vazquez fired as his agent two years ago. Arizona's first two proposals broke down this way: Arizona wanted Vazquez, $19.5 million, and the Yankees to acquire one of 10 major league pitchers and include them in the deal, and four or five of the Yankees' top prospects. The list of pitchers the Diamondbacks wanted the Yankees to get for them is as follows: Edwin Jackson, Scott Kazmir, Barry Zito, Kenny Rogers, Jason Jennings, Shawn Chacon, Ted Lilly, Jeremy Bonderman, Tim Hudson and A.J. Burnett. When the Yankees scoffed at that, the Diamondbacks asked for Vazquez, $19.5 million, reliever Tom Gordon and prospects. The Yankees countered by offering Vazquez, a "substantial part" of the $19.5 million, lefties Brad Halsey and Alex Graman, and 20-year-old left-handed prospect Abel Gomez. That wasn't good enough for the Diamondbacks. They asked for Vazquez, Gordon, Halsey and the $19.5 million. Later they requested Vazquez, Gordon, Halsey, infield prospects Eric Duncan and Robinson Cano, outfield prospect Rudy Guillen, plus the $19.5 million. As usual, there is a middle ground to be reached, and because the Yankees have targeted Johnson as their No. 1 pitching priority this winter and the Diamondbacks don't have options, the Diamondbacks will lower their demands and move on with rebuilding the worst team in the majors.
  12. There were some great names back in the 60's & 70's. Three of my favorites were mentioned already- Boobie Clark, Emerson Boozer and Fair Hooker. Two haven't been mentioned- Curley Culp and Mosi Tatupu. There is a website- www.theredzone.org/draft_history/ that lists every player ever drafted in order by year & round and also lists the college they went to from 1967-2004. Almost nobody listed below made it past a NFL training camp but they were all drafted by a NFL team. The best names from 1967-1978..................... Barry Beers Dick Post Yazoo Smith Randy Rhino Tinker Owens Wonder Monds Elmo Maple Grundy Harris Johnny Outlaw Ko Trepanier Jeff Beaver Billy Hayhoe Skip Wupper Denver Samples Leon Lovelace Junior Ah You Dick Schmalz Tom Beer Lance Moon Jean Fugett Ed Rideout Happy Feller (This guy was a kicker from Texas and was drafted ahead of Joe Theismann) Any relation? Mo Moorman Gene Bledsoe Need a RB? How about...... Larry Lightfoot or a kicker??? Ken Barefoot This guy may come in handy in a few weeks........ Council Rudolph These guys sound familiar...... Pat Riley Bill Buckner Jimmy Walker Bill Shoemaker Mike Holmgren Paul Orndorff John Saunders Joe Jackson Brian Billick (TE out of BYU drafted by San Francisco in 1977) and who could forget these Buffalo Bills draft picks? Dick Plagge Julian Nunamaker Wayne Lineberry Dick Cheek Charlester Crumpler and last but certainly not least....... Busty Underwood
  13. Arizona doesn't want "prospects" from the Yankees. They want Vazquez & Posada + they want NY to pick up some of Vazquez's salary. All that for an all-time ugly team 42 year old pitcher who makes $16 million. No thanks. On the other hand that could also mean that one or two of the following pitchers are going to sign with the Yankees- Pedro, Pavano, Milton, Lieber. Or that NY is going to trade Vazquez to Texas for Soriano. Or that Vazquez will be going to Oakland along with some of those "prospects" for one of Oakland's big three pitchers. Regardless, it's been awful quiet in the big leagues and there are tons of free agents out there. Only 77 shopping days left until Spring Training. I expect players to start moving very quickly.
  14. There were excerpts from Marv's book in the Buffalo News for the last three days. It's on the top of the Christmas wishlist.
  15. 1. Bass Pro just opened a store in Toronto. There goes the Canadian tourists idea. 2. Someone wants to open a store in Buffalo. Great. Just don't take more money out of my pocket to do it. The taxes in Erie County are high enough as it is. Property taxes are 42% higher than the national average. Sales Tax is going up to 9.25% or property taxes will be doubled or we lose 90% of County services. I don't want to even get into the school tax, income tax and all the other taxes (Gas, smokes & everything else) It's insane. 3. The Control Board is for the City of Buffalo. Erie County has it's own problems. The libraries being closed and the Fire, EMS & Police services that are going to be cut if the "Red" Budget takes effect on January 1st are for all of the suburbs as well as the city.
  16. Empire Sports Report is still on I think. Once in awhile they might have a college basketball game on. They don't advertise anymore. They are all but finished. They only thing that is left to do is pull the plug.
  17. I'd have to look it up in "Shake Down the Thunder" but ND tried to join the Big 10 for about 60 years and kept getting shot down so they finally said screw it. Worked out well for them I'd say as far as having their own TV contract and the exposure they do get. They did join the Big East in everything but Football. Two reasons ND hasn't won a National Championship in 16 years. 1. Recruting. The top high school players nowadays just go to college to play football and get ready for the NFL Draft At ND you have to attend classes (all of them, not just the creampuffs) and maintain a certain GPA as well as spend a huge amount of time on football. 2. ND has the toughest schedule in College FB every year. If they don't get the best recruits and still play a very tough schedule, they can't finish in the Top 8 and get a BCS Bowl bid. I have heard they will play a bit of an easier schedule and add a home game. That will help. Ty Willingham is a good guy no question. Too inconsistent as a coach though. ND should have finished at least 8-3 this year. Coaching cost them a couple wins. Urban Meyer will be the new ND coach unless he hits a strip club or something.
  18. $66 million in County, State & Federal money go directly to Bass Pro to open this store. There are HUGE budget problems in Erie County and massive cuts are coming January 1st (closing all the libraries and massive cuts in Fire and Police services to start with) unless the sales tax goes up yet they have $14 million to hand Bass Pro to open a fishing & hunting store? I could care less if they open a Bass Pro here but I do care when it's costing taxpayers more money. They are also going to charge people $6 to park for the privilege of going to Bass Pro. This whole thing stinks like a big, old, dead fish.
  19. How Martz is not working the drive-thru at BK right now is beyond me. He may be the worst coach in the NFL. I would have fired him right on the spot after the fake field goal attempt when they were down by 11 in the 3rd. This tool has no concept of how to use a timeout either. The Rams always seem to use all three before half of the 1st quarter is over.
  20. Anyone notice that Travis Henry is INJURY PRONE? He played one frickin play yesterday. He has been hurt three times this year and had 3 or 4 injuries last year. His trade value is next to nothing. Maybe a 6th or 7th round pick at best. Why is this even up for conversation today? Nobody can be traded until mid- February at the earliest.
  21. Every time I pick the Bills they lose. Yesterday I picked Seattle to win 41-9. This week it's Miami by a 27-3 score.
  22. Nobody thought Boston would come from 0-3 down to beat the Yankees and then win the World Series. Why in the heck can't the Bills win 7 straight and make the playoffs? They have won two so far. They win Sunday in Miami and that's 3. They take it one game at a time, forget what everyone else is doing and there is no reason in the world why it can't be done. Nobody knows what is going to happen this Sunday or the next 4 after that. Predictions are 100% worthless. All this negative garbage is just that. Garbage.
  23. I am just going to enjoy the win from yesterday and enjoy Miami week. It's not too often Miami is a train wreck. They only reason Miami won yesterday is because SF is an even bigger mess than the Fins are. Why do we have to have the foot down on the negativity pedal at all times? How is that even enjoyable?
  24. No doubt it could happen. It could really make for a great finish to the season. I hope they go at least 4-1 and make it exciting around here again and give them something to really build on for next year.
  25. Jesus. We won another game. That's 5 out of 7. Let's put the QB controversy to bed for awhile please. It's Miami week. This team is coming together. If the Bills just play it one game at a time, they could end up 10-6 and in the playoffs. Losman in as the starter is for the offseason. This season could have one heck of a finish.
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