Bills have sold out 15 of the last 16 regular season games and a preseason game. Maybe nobody sent Prisco an email when the Bills were 0-4 because everyone was at the game. Why does he care if Bills fans send him emails? He sounds like a lonely old loser. Heywood J. Blowme says Prisco is the King of Douchebags.
I heard that even the Yankees think the Yankees have spent enough and aren't going to sign Beltran. They will pay a 40% luxury tax on top of a $200 million plus payroll for the 2005 season and that's without Beltran. As far as total contract value goes, they have over $250 million committed to just 5 players over the next few years. Unless they get rid of Kevin Brown and his $15 million salary and Jason Giambi and the $80 million he is still owed, the Yankees are done signing players for now. They do play by the rules and they just try and put the best team on the field every year within those rules. End of story.
Look at the Steelers schedule. It doesn't impress me one bit. Their two big wins were against New England and Philadelphia and those were both at home. That may be the easiest road schedule in NFL history. Their first big road test of the season comes this Sunday.
2005 Pittsburgh Steelers (Teams with LOSING records in CAPS)
New England 34-20
Philadelphia 27-3
New York Jets 17-6
Baltimore 20-7
Baltimore 13-30
MIAMI 13-3
DALLAS 24-20
Jacksonville 17-16
I got mine at the Team Store today. $19.80 with my Bills Extra Point Value Card. They were down to just a handful of shirts when I was there at 12pm and I got the last XXL. The girl at the store couldn't believe how many people were in there just to buy those shirts today.
Not at all but I thought about three times though. First time was at 0-4. Second time was at 1-5. Third time was after the New England disgrace and a 3-6 record.
According to the NY Post, Pennington has a real bad shoulder on his throwing arm. He will definitley need to have surgery after the season. They called it a "pre-surgical arm".
Signs outside the stadium state:
Following items are prohibited inside the stadium: Video Cameras, Fireworks, Weapons, Thermoses, Noisemakers and Claxons.
The correct question is "Who in their right mind wants to play the Bills right now?" Only the phony tough and crazy brave would want to play the Bills. Indy or SD doesn't matter. Bills would smoke either of them right now.
Since I red X'ed Bledsoe and started predicting against the Bills they are 5-0. No time to stop now. In fact, the scores have been pretty close to the opposite of my prediction.
Bring back Zubaz! I had a pair of the originals and wore them to the point they were pretty ragged so I cut them to make shorts and wore them for a few more years. They lasted until a couple years ago. I never liked the 2nd series that were blue with red splotches. The entire reason the Bills went to 4 straight Super Bowls was the introduction of Zubaz in 1990.
Heywood J. Blowme says a win is a win is a win. Anyone that sits alone in a dark room and comes up with the theory that the Bills aren't winning pretty enough or cares in general how a team wins games has too much free time on their hands.
I have the original 45rpm record. On the "B" side is a Lou Piccone tune that I can't remember the name of. Funny thing is that around the time that record came out, the Bills played in San Francisco 4 days before Christmas and clinched the 1980 AFC East title.
16 Team Playoff Bracket with the Final Four on December 25th and the Championship Game on January 1st. Of course schools would never go for this because there wouldn't be big sponsorship payouts from the Bowl Games.
Some Bowl Games/Sponsors that I am surprised we have not seen yet.......
The Tinactin Jock Itch Bowl
The Kotex Maxi Pad Bowl
The Trojan Rubber Bowl
The Preparation H Hemmoroid Bowl
The BALCO Bowl
The Medicinal Marijuana Bowl
The Miami Shocker. Now does Pittsburgh clinch homefield advantage with a win vs. Baltimore Sunday? That would also knock Baltimore out of the playoffs. This is setting up almost too perfectly.