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Everything posted by kasper13

  1. I like this kind of talk from TD. Anyone can see DB's play against Pittsburgh cost him his job with the Bills. Donahoe wanted to win that game more than anything. It was the Bills biggest game since he has been here, since Bledsoe has been here and the Bills choked. Bledsoe was brutal. Good-Bye and Good riddance. It's time for greatness with a trio of Losman-McGahee-Evans leading the offense.
  2. Good, now CBS can put on another CSI or another reality show. Why does network TV even bother to broadcast anymore. It all sucks. All the good shows are gone or on cable. Not that Raymond was any good mind you but it did get big ratings. They should cancel King of Queens as well. Used to be one of my favorites but this season has been truly awful. I couldn't even get through tonight's show. Maybe it's becasue Leah Remini never lost any weight after she had a kid. Now it's just two fat people bitching at each other. High comedy there. NYPD Blue is gone after this season as well. Oh well, at least I can watch the NHL......
  3. The Rigases will spend lots of time in jail. No way you get convicted on 18 felonies in federal court and don't do time. Sentencing is on February 25th. Maybe EMPIRE will get to carry it live as their last hurrah. Rigas & sons were nothing but a bunch of freaking scumbags.
  4. Empire hasn't been good in years. There is nothing left to miss. I can't even remember the last time I watched it. Rangers games on MSG are blacked out in Buffalo so that would be no problem. Instead of showing the "Best Damn Sports Show" they could just show the Sabres game. They could end up on YES as well. Or they could go back to like it was in the old days on International Cable. They would show the game on one of the message channels they have. It would come on right before the game started and would go off right after the game ended. The one thing that sucks is someone recently offered to buy Empire for $17 million and return it to the way it used to be. Adelphia turned the offer down because they saved more money by just folding it. NOW THE GOOD NEWS................. Replacing the Empire Sports Network on Adelphia Cable Systems................. THE NFL NETWORK. There will be a free preview on Adelphia Channel 13 starting next week from 7-10pm through the Super Bowl and then it will be on where Empire used to be full time.
  5. When Bledsoe does get cut by March 1st, can we have a rally at the airport to send his sorry ass out of town? Much like the rally at the Ralph when he arrived, only in reverse.
  6. Speaking of music in WNY in 1980. Here's a little known bit of trivia. An unknown band by the name of U2 played at a bar in Cheektowaga called Uncle Sam's. There were 17 people at the show. The date? Monday, October 8, 1980. The same night John Lennon was shot.
  7. It's a lockout, not a strike. Big difference. Owners locked out the players, the players didn't go on strike. My opinion is that the whole thing is a big joke. They are arguing over money that isn't there to begin with and will never be there in the future. 350 NHL players are over playing in Europe & Russia and the average salary there is $350,000 US. Most of the players aren't hurting for money. Plus, they are all getting $10,000 a month in lockout pay. I wish I made $10,000 a month for doing nothing. Basically, the fans are saving money by not wasting big bucks on tickets to watch a crappy product. The owners aren't losing as much money not playing than they would be by playing. The players are crying that they will only make $2 million a season instead of $4 million. Scrap the whole thing and start over. It's laughable to me that players or owners think people really care that there is no NHL hockey. Bunch of idiots.
  8. It was -2 in Lancaster, NY at 9am. It's almost 3pm now and the thermometer made it all the way up to a balmy +3. Typical winter weather but it sucks because just last Thursday it was 68 degrees here. That was an all-time January record for WNY.
  9. I really, really hope Bledsoe takes a stand and refuses to take another pay cut and forces the Bills to release him. I know nobody at One Bills Drive or Two Bills Drive wants that but Bledsoe deserves all the money he is owed and he owes it to himself to not back down. Someone tell Drew that he is worth $6 million and he shouldn't take a penny less from the Bills and if they release him he will be just as good somewhere else.......... Where is the sarcasm button on this thing...........
  10. If the Colts would have learned from last year, they would not have spent $160 million on a QB and a WR that can't play outside in January. They would have gotten a better defense and it would have been a closer game. I will be a Steelers fan this week. Maybe NE playing on the road will change things.
  11. I called GD Adelphia today and they told me that only 70% of the Adelphia customers in WNY have the NFL Network right now. I am one of the 30% who still doesn't but should have it by this weekend. How hard is it to turn off WE or FIT TV and put the NFL Network on? Bastages.
  12. I have Adelphia Digital Cable and I do not yet have the NFL Network. I am pretty ticked off about it. There is paid programming on Women's Entertainment Channel 124 right now and the NFL Network is not listed anywhere on the guide. Adelphia also just announced another rate increase. That's 2 in 2 years and 4 in the last three years.
  13. The story in the first post of this topic happened three blocks from my house. In the 10 years that I have lived here, not one house has been ever broken into in the entire neighborhood. So having a gun in this area to protect against buglars is 100% ridiculous. Second, the guy is a prosecutor for Erie County. The Erie County Sherriff's Department provides anybody with child proof locks for guns kept in a house, will store a persons guns for up to 10 years free of charge or will come to your house and remove any guns free of charge. This was a horrible tragedy that could have easily been prevented.
  14. If the NHL does ever come back and there is no hard salary cap, the Sabres and 6 or 7 other teams will be gone anyways. In the USA, other than in cities with NHL teams, the NHL was already 5th behind NFL, MLB, NBA and NASCAR. The NHL players are just dumb. They are throwing away their careers and have nothing to gain. Play for $2 million instead of $4 million or don't play at all and make nothing. Seems like an easy choice to me. The longer the lockout lasts the more the players lose. I'd almost rather have an AHL team in Buffalo if there is no NHL or a NHL w/o a salary cap. The games are just as good and they are way more affordable. I do miss watching the Sabres since I do not watch any basketball whatsoever. Tonight I watched a documentary on the Sundance Channel about "pro" skateboarders in the 80's and early 90's and some tool named Gator that became semi-famous, went crazy after skateboarding declined in popularity because it went corporate and he lost his career, became a born-again christian and then sexually assaulted and murdered the best friend of his ex-girlfriend. It was just as interesting as a hockey game I suppose.
  15. If he would have actually dropped his pants and actually shot the crowd a moon, then I can see people being in an uproar over it. He faked the moon and Slama-Lama-Ding-Dong made a big deal of it on TV and everybody is going crazy over it today. How about the TV cameras showing Moss yelling at the fans in the first quarter "Look at the scoreboard M-F-ers" Lipreaders everywhere should be outraged about that. The overreacting to nothing is getting just a little ridiculous.
  16. Tice should wear a hat to keep the crap from falling out of his ears.
  17. Couple FG kickers looking alot like Scott Norwood this weekend.
  18. Yankees don't want Beltran. If they did, they would get him. Boras kept calling the Yankees begging them to bid for Beltran. Mets offered $115-$120 million for 8 years. That's too much for a .267 hitter, even for the Yankees. Beltran said it wasn't about the money and that he was very comfortable in Houston so he leaves for the NY Mets for $8 million more which evens out with the Astros offer after taxes? Right. It was about the most money and the Mets are now just bidding against themselves. Beltran= the next Bobby Bonilla.
  19. Same thing happens in the playoffs every year. Teams don't play to win, they play not to lose. A cliche to be sure but it's true. SD has a 1st down on the Jets 25 and all the momentum and they run three straight plays and they don't even run in the middle to spot the ball. Throw it once to try and get the TD, closer for the FG or at least make the Jets think pass to open up the run. How in the hell do you trust the game to Scott Norwood's nephew? Schottenheimer has made a career out of losing playoff games. Bills would have beaten either the Jets or Chargers.
  20. Where does the ball say "Property of the Red Sox" on it? It doesn't. It has the MLB logo on it and they supply the baseballs for the games. Whoever has possession of the ball owns it according to MLB. If the Red Sux want it, then pay the guy for it. If I had the ball, I'd blow it up like the Cubs fans did after the 2003 playoffs. The Red Sox management are the scum in this whole thing.
  21. Yankees are at $205 million with the addition of The Big Unit. They will pay a luxury tax of 40% on every dollar over the $140 million salary threshold. All the luxury tax money goes to other teams. Yankees will get rid of Kevin Brown's $15 million salary and Bernie Williams $14 million salary after this season. If the can void Steroid Giambi that saves another $70 million. So they can afford Johnson, Beltran and anybody else they want Any idea how much money the Yankees bring in every year? Between the YES Network, Ticket Sales, Merchandise sales, other advertising sales and national TV contract money, it's somewhere close to $500 million a season. Between player salaries, luxury tax, revenue sharing and operating costs they spend about $450 million. They are still in the black by about $50 million each year. My point being, if George Steinbrenner wants to spend his money and trade for top name players or sign unrestricted free agents, why in the hell can't he? If the Red Sox didn't play in such a crappy old stadium that holds only 38,000, they could be right up there with the Yankees every year and they DID beat the Yankees in the ALCS and they DID win the World Series last year so why all the complaining about the Yankees? Pirates fans, Twins fans and the Royals fan among others, complain about your owners, not the Yankees. They all get money FROM the Yankees and just bank it instead of spending it on improving their team.
  22. The 13th Annual "All-Joe" Team honoring hard-working, over-looked, underappreciated players and coaches was featured in today's USA Today. Buffalo Bills making the team: Willis McGahee Drew Bledsoe Brian Moorman Special Teams Coach Bobby April Head Coach Mike Mularkey Former Bills head coach Gregg Williams was also named as the defensive coordinator.
  23. Now this is ridiculous. If Drew Bledsoe were born 10 years earlier and the Bills drafted him instead of Jim Kelly, they never would have won an AFC Championship or played in a Super Bowl. If Drew Bledsoe's father was a woman then he would be his mother. Seriously.
  24. This sucks. All the Bowl Games were meaningless and now a massive blowout tonight. I want a playoff system in college football. Auburn-USC would have been a better game. Where did Oklahoma get their QB? The Drew Bledsoe QB School?
  25. Baseball doesn't have revenue sharing? Huh? The Yankees payed out almost $100 MILLION dollars in revenue sharing and luxury tax for just the 2004 season. That money goes to other teams. What do they do with it? If it wasn't for the Yankees and all the money they generate and pay out and reinvest in their team, MLB would be on the same level as the NHL. Yankees President Randy Levine was quoted in the NY Post on Sunday. "It's OK for the teams that complain about us to spend OUR money however they chose but it's not OK for us to spend OUR money how we chose" Arizona spent big bucks on Russ Ortiz & Troy Glaus. They got Javier Vazquez and three decent prospects from the Yankees for a 42 year old pitcher. They turned around and traded for Shawn Green. Looks to me like Arizona doesn't have any problems with cash flow at all. How is this trade bad for baseball? Because the Cardinals didn't get The Big Unit? Save the crying for something else.
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