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Everything posted by kasper13

  1. Hey, Flutie's Brother-In Law, were you the same guy that called WGR and suggested the same thing about an hour ago? Quit it.
  2. Look, the whole Bledsoe experiment was a total waste. The Bills are kind of stuck. Who in their right mind would trade for him when they know the Bills have to release him by March 3rd or pay him a roster bonus AND the team that traded for him would have to pick up his remaining contract? A team can get him free and clear and pay him way less than his remaining contract knowing full well the Bills have to cut him. The Bills save cap space by cutting him and that is good enough for me.
  3. Buffalo News this morning stated that with the restructuring of Moulds and the cutting of Bledsoe, the Bills are $14 million under for 2005.
  4. I'd rather spend $15 and go watch an AHL or a UHL game instead of spending $50 for an NHL game. At least the younger players try in the minors and I don't feel ripped off after watching two and a half hours of holding, clutching & grabbing and the trap while half the team takes the night off to begin with. Replacement player games won't be much different than regular player games and it'll be cheaper too. F the NHL players. I hope they all lose their jobs and when the light bulb finally goes on and they realize how incredibly stupid they are and it will be way too late. Let them all go work real jobs for minimum wage and we'll see how fast they are crossing the picket lines begging to play for $100,000 a year.
  5. If my job wasn't a union job, my family and I would not have what we have today, some family in Mexico would. Technically, the NHLPA isn't a union. It's a player's association. They pay dues but once they retire they are no longer a member. The NHL pays player pensions not the NHLPA. The CBa is much different than a Union contract as well. Big differences.
  6. NHL players are a big bunch of hypocrites. They go play in the UHL for $500 a week or overseas for a couple hundred thousand at most yet they refuse to play in the NHL for a couple million. That's just stupid. They must have no idea that they are ruining the game even more than it was already ruined.
  7. Cheap but good. First payment is due by March 1st.
  8. There are no balls in Bledsoe's court. They Bills will not pay him a roster bonus in March to be the backup. Restructuring just prolongs the cap hits on this waste of a QB. He is leaving. So long, good bye, do not come back.
  9. Cut him. Cut him right freaking now.
  10. You know you are messed up and need serious help when these four things occur...... 1. You are banging Heidi Fleiss. 2. You beat up Heidi Fleiss because she won't let you bang her anymore. 3. You stalk Heidi Fleiss because she filed charges against you for beating her up because she won't let you bang her anymore. 4. You play Pete Rose in a movie and Pete ends up looking better off than you are.
  11. Got mine in the mail today. $253 per ticket. Sent the first payment back already. I am very excited about the JP Losman Era beginning this fall.
  12. You forgot Jennifer Aniston, Sheryl Crow and myself.
  13. Bulls were supposed to be a lock for the division title and were the favorites to win the MAC and get a tournament bid. 7-5 doesn't cut it. Actually, they blew a 17 point 2nd half lead earlier this week against division leader Miami. Typical underacheiving Buffalo sports team. Niagara is the team to watch. They are leading the Metro Atlantic and are the favorite to win that conference and people are saying they could even win a couple games in the Big Dance.
  14. That was ketchup on Schilling's sock. He was hurt but not as bad as he let on. He just wanted to be a hero because he is a media whore and needs all the attention. Then he came out and said he won't be ready this year until late April at the earliest and as soon as the Yankees signed Big Ugly, Schilling said he will try and be ready to pitch on Opening Day. This year, maybe he can donate his skid marked drawers to the Hall after he pitches on Opening Day and gets beat by 30 runs.
  15. I hope they get alot closer alot quicker. Bills can't do any worse without Bledsoe than with him, in fact they will be a much better offensive team with a mobile QB. I can't wait until this is official. I will be buring a pile of Bledsoe Bobbleheads & a jersey in the backyard. The Bills should permanently ban anyone from ever wearing #11 again. It's time for the "JP Losman Era" to begin. I'm pretty damn excited about it.
  16. Any player caught cheating in the past- by using vaseline, sandpaper or any other illegal substance on the ball or by corking a bat- has been suspended. Anyone that was caught gambling on baseball or fixing games was banned for life. Using steroids while illegal as far as the law goes was not specifically called cheating or resulted in suspensions by MLB until last year. So, I guess that makes it OK to have shot up before 2003 but now it's not? I don't think so. Steroids are a bit different than corking a bat or throwing a spitball. How in the hell did MLB not make it a suspendable offense until 2003? The players are not sorry that they used steroids, they are sorry that they got caught, especially Giambi. He apologized and then was asked what he was apologizing for and he said he couldn't say why. He told the truth in court and is getting roasted for it while Bonds conveniently has knee surgery and gets to sit out Spring Training and doesn't have to answer any questions. Giambi was truthful, Bonds keeps his mouth shut and Giambi is the bad guy. They both are. If one takes the fall, they all should. I still haven't changed my mind about Giambi. Ban him for life and take all his money back.
  17. "Steroids are not illegal like coke or weed" What's the highest grade you completed in school? I doubt it was any higher than second grade. It is 100% illegal to possess steroids in the USA. From http://www.steroidtruth.com/steroid_law.htm "Steroids are in the same legal class as barbituates, LSD and illegally obtained prescription narcotics like Vicodin. Simple possession is a federal offense punishable by up to one year in prison and a $1,000 fine. Possession with intent to sell or distribute will get you up to 5 years in a federal prison or up to 7 years in a New York State prison"
  18. I think he should be thrown out of baseball forever and all his records be taken off the books. Same goes for Bonds and all the rest of the steroid freaks. It's as big of a disgrace to baseball as the 1919 White Sox throwing the World Series. Even worse is that all these guys used steroids, lied about it, had an unfair advantage over all of those that didn't use steroids, got huge contracts and there are absolutley no repercussions. It's just swept under the rug. Just sad.
  19. That may be the ugliest wedding of all-time.
  20. NHL made a "compromise" offer today. I had to read it twice to understand it. It's just a bunch of mumbo jumbo that in the end includes a hard salary cap so it will be rejected and the season will finally be canceled. Read the "compromise" and if I read it correctly, condition "C" would be the hard salary cap. The NHL said "OK, we will accept the players last offfer for a luxury tax system but no more than two teams can have a payroll of over $42 million". That's a great compromise. Not. I guess the NHL thinks that the players can't read so good. TORONTO (Feb. 9, 2005) - In a final effort to achieve a compromise between the NHL and the NHLPA, and commence playing hockey this season, the National Hockey League today made a CBA proposal to the NHL Players' Association. "We believe this proposal should form the basis for a fair agreement among the Players and the Clubs," said NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman. Under the terms of this proposal, the NHL is prepared to accept the NHLPA's December 9, 2004 Payroll Tax proposal, with certain exceptions, provided that the terms of the CBA will automatically and immediately convert to those contemplated in the League's February 2, 2005 proposal, in the event certain economic and competitive conditions referred to below occur during the term of the proposed CBA. Any one of four economic and competitive conditions would "trigger" conversion to the terms outlined in the NHL's February 2, 2005 proposal: A. League-wide Player Compensation exceeds 55 percent of League-wide hockey revenues; or B. The average of Club Payroll for highest three Payroll Clubs in the League is more than 33 percent higher than the average of Club Payroll for the lowest three Payroll Clubs in the League; or C. Any three Clubs each have Club Player Compensation in excess of $42 million; or D. League-wide average Player Compensation per Club exceeds $36.5 million. Upon conversion, the terms of the NHL's February 2, 2005 proposal would become effective, and would be the governing terms of the CBA -- replacing the terms of the NHLPA's December 9, 2004 proposal -- and any "excess" payments made by the Clubs to the Players would be recouped.
  21. I think the Bills-Falcons will be a Sunday Night Game. Bills-Bengals will be a Monday Night and they will throw us a bone with an extra Sunday Night or Monday Night home game.
  22. Send Bledsoe ANYWHERE for ANYTHING. I do not care as long as he is not a Buffalo Bill any longer.
  23. I have 11lbs. of meat for her........
  24. He was hungover on top of having the flu on top of having food poisoning from a bad can of Chunky Clam Chowder plus a mild case of herpes and a touch of sleep apnea to top it all off. Excuses, excuses, excuses.
  25. Where would you get a box of eatin' puppies on such short notice? All I can get that fast are pettin' puppies.
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