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Everything posted by kasper13

  1. Henry is under contract. He sits, he gets fined for every day he misses. TH was the one who wanted a contract extension and more money from Arizona. The Bills can trade him wherever they want to for whatever they want and TH has zero say in it whatsoever. The only problem is finding a team willing to give up anything for him. The Bills were nice enough to tell him go make a deal for himself and he was incapable of doing so. I'd trade him for a 7th round pick two years from now just to dump his salary at this point, if that is the best offer the Bills can get. Actually, I'd trade him to the CFL for a box of Tim Horton's Donuts right now.
  2. I heard it's at quarter after never on March 32nd.
  3. The two worst sequels of all time are "Caddyshack II" and "The Bad News Bears Go to Japan"
  4. So, let me get this straight, if the Bills would have offered more money than Detroit, then DeMulling would have came to Buffalo? How unique in this day and age of the NFL that the most money gets the player.
  5. I guess if LA had a team then selling out 15 of the last 16 games and 21 of the last 24 with non-playoff teams qualifies as "Not regularly selling out". What a tool. Bills will never play a regular season game outside of Orchard Park. Anyone who even suggests otherwise is a giant moron.
  6. If TD is on here......HEY TD, SIGN A BLEEPIN OFFENSIVE LINEMAN OR TRADE FOR SHELTON PLEASE, YOU BLEEPIN BLEEP. If you don't, I'm not sending in my 2nd ticket payment.
  7. That's just a stupid report from ESPN. Must be a slow news day. Really, they can say any team MAY have an interest in ANYBODY. How is this even news? Flutie is 67 and still under four feet tall. Why doesn't he just retire already?
  8. If Sosa & Palmiero lied to congress under oath, they won't be playing baseball. They will be in prison. FEDERAL "don't pick up the soap" prison. Lying to congress under oath is almost worse than killing someone. Palmiero better leave the Viagara at home when they haul his ass to the joint.
  9. Well, then I would have gone back in time and killed the Chicago Mobsters parents so they wouldn't have been around to kill me.
  10. Yes. 100% without a doubt. If anybody believes that he didn't than they are totally clueless. He was under oath. If he never used steroids he would have said what Rafael Palmiero said. "NO. I NEVER USED STEROIDS. PERIOD. END OF STORY!" McGwire wouldn't answer any questions at all. He was the only one. Obviously, he has something to hide- years and years of steroid use. He looked 40 lbs. lighter on top of it. McGwire was totally destroyed today. When the Rep. from Missouri who is from St. Louis asked McGwire "Can you say that you played the game with honesty and integrity?" and McGwire refused to answer, that erased any doubt whatsoever in my mind.
  11. I'd buy it for $650, go back in time to 1928 and buy all kinds of stock and land in Las Vegas (among other things), then I'd go back in time again and steal the plans for the time machine, come back and patent and manufacture my own time machines and sell them for $250 therby putting the guy I originally bought the time machine from out of business.
  12. "Taking steroids is not illegal" Uh, YES, taking steroids is in fact illegal. To say taking steroids is not illegal is just plain ignorance. "The Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990 added anabolic steroids to the federal schedule of controlled substances, thereby criminalizing their non-medical use by those seeking muscle growth for athletic or cosmetic enhancement. It places steroids in the same legal class as amphetamines, methamphetamines, opium and morphine. Those caught illegally possessing anabolic steroids even for purely personal use face arrest and prosecution. Under the Control Act, it is unlawful for any person knowingly or intentionally to possess an anabolic steroid unless it was obtained directly, or pursuant to a valid prescription or order, from a practitioner, while acting in the course of his professional practice (or except as otherwise authorized). A simple possession conviction is punishable by a term of imprisonment of up to one year and/or a minimum fine of $1,000." In 2004 the following drugs were added to the above TETRAHYDROGESTRINONE (THG), ANDROSTENEDIONE, AND SPECIFIC RELATED CHEMICALS USED TO PROMOTE MUSCLE GROWTH. SPECIFICALLY, ANDROSTENEDIONE, OR ANY "ANDRO"-CONTAINING SUBSTANCE"
  13. Of course it does. People have the right to not incriminate themselves on a witness stand. If someone asks a player "Did you take steroids?" They can answer one of three way. "Yes", "No" or "I plead the 5th". If Mark McGwire says no, then he is a liar and is guilty of perjury. If he says Yes, then he publicly humiliates himself, taints his entire career and probably will cost himself a spot in the Hall of Fame. If he pleads the 5th, everyone knows he did but he won't admit it in public,continuing the speculation until someone else proves that he did.
  14. Network TV Sucks with a Capital S.
  15. Washington certainly overpaid him as well, no matter how much they gave him. Redskins also signed Courtney Brown and overpaid him as well. How much more crap can Washington sign?
  16. The guy had a stroke and now has a hole in his heart. If he ever stepped on a football field again, he is beyond crazy. If anyone ever let him play in the NFL again they are just as nuts. He played 9 seasons in the NFL and has won three Super Bowls. He has two young kids to think about. It's time for him to retire. There is being a warrior and then there is being stupid. Chris Spielman, one of the toughest players of all-time, walked away and gave up the game he loved without a Super Bowl Ring because of a neck injury and then his wife getting breast cancer and to me that doesn't make him any less tough, in fact that was a very admirable thing to do. Bruschi has nothing left to prove and should just retire before he dies on the field.
  17. I read that Giambra said he knew nothing about the letter and he was pretty upset about it: http://www.bizjournals.com/industries/spor...ry7.html?page=1 If those clowns knew anything, they would know that New York State gave the Bills $98 million in 1998. The State gets most of that money back through taxes through 2013. I do not think even the idiots in NY State Government would let the Bills lease be voided and let the team leave over $3.8 million that Erie County owes and cost themselves $70+ million in cash. Even more insane is that these two idiots don't seem to realize is that Erie County collects 4 cents in sales tax out of every dollars worth of Bills tickets and merchandise sold and also everything else that is sold that generates sales tax revenue by related industries. (Concessions, Tailgate Beer, Food, Out of town fans who rent Hotels and Transportation and so on). Let's see......let's save $3.8 million this year, lose the team and lose at least $5 million a year in sales tax revenue in the future. Absolutley Brilliant.
  18. I sent them all emails. Won't do any good because they are all idiots. Nevertheless, start messing with the Bills and their lease and there would certainly be some serious trouble. If the Erie County Government thought there was a "Tax Payer Revolt" over a one cent sales tax increase, they should wait and see what would happen if they cost us the Bills. There would be bodies in the streets and buildings burned to the ground.
  19. What are the consequences for McGwire using as many steroids as Jose Canseco? McGwire is retired. Do they go take away his money? His records? Send him to jail for using steroids 10+ years ago? The only thing they can do is not vote him into the Hall of Fame. They aren't even punishing current Steroid users Barry Bonds, Jason Giambi and the rest.
  20. Buffalo State 95'
  21. How wrecked was he when he made that film? That guy might have been sober twice in his 20's.
  22. That broad is a train wreck. I bet she ends up in rehab half a dozen times before she is 22 and ends up doing a porno even before Britney Spears does.
  23. The whole Erie County Budget mess is ridiculous because they just went and raised everyone's taxes anyways. They just reassesed my house and it's worth $47,000 more than it was yesterday so my property taxes will go up at least $150. In Amherst they raised the assessments even on the houses that are sinking and have cracked foundations. They get you no matter what. They went and cut stuff people actually use and need just to make taxpayers miserable so they can say "See, you should have just let us raise the sales tax". They cut the Auto Bureau to almost nothing yet the Auto Bureau brought in millions of dollars of year. These politicians are all idiots yet somehow they were elected to office.
  24. Minnesota spent $69 million on two CB's in two years. Anyone else find that totally insane?
  25. Any team that signs Boston for any amount of money- even 3 cents- is the stupidest team in the history of sports.
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