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Everything posted by kasper13

  1. Drew didn't jump the shark. He froze, got sacked, fumbled and the shark ran it back for a TD.
  2. Someone in the Buffalo News mentioned that Shelton was "In the quarter bin at the dollar store". Enough said.
  3. Apparently, Jim Morrison is alive and well and is living in Oregon. He is 62 now and is a goat farmer. Details to come from the Jim Rome Show.
  4. Are her boobs still huge? If not, I no longer have any use for her.
  5. The transformation begins. Last year everyone said JP reminded them of RJ. Now, we are hearing how he is more and more like Jim Kelly. From the cover & article in USA Today Sports Weekly to the tales of his drinking and womanizing to his strong work ethic and toughness on the field to his cocky attitude and confidence. If it's true- great. If it's the Bills planting stories in the media to get people behind this guy- that's bad. If he produces on the field, given time, he will as big as Kelly was & is in WNY. If he doesn't- he will be thrown on top of the scrap heap and be remembered along the lines of Todd Collins, Doug Flutie, RJ and Bledsoe. Only time will tell.
  6. "If you are the ultimate winner of the auction and I refuse to wear your advertisement, I will refund your money with the exclusion or any fees I incurred through Ebay. Under no circumstances is this auction to be misconstrued as selling my body for sexual purposes. " I just wasted $11,000.
  7. Lesson of the day is do not take your Whizzinator in your carry-on. Leave it in a checked bag.
  8. Wonder how many adults wore diapers so they would not miss a second of the action? Ridiculous.
  9. I saw the original Star Wars in a movie theater when I was 5. That's it. I hated it the first time and I have successfully managed to not see any of the others in a movie theater and I never watched one second of any of them on TV, VCR or DVD- even by accident. I am just anti-Star Wars all the way I suppose. I have also successfully missed out on everything Star Trek, Battlestar Gallactica and all other related junk.
  10. That's 30 out of 32 regular season games Winslow will have missed. He doesn't deserve a nickle.
  11. I knew Arizona would be stupid about the whole thing. They could have had TH for LJ and a swap of picks and instead they cut Shelton, take a cap hit and do not get TH. Their 3rd round pick they kept will probably not make the team either. Anyone wonder why the Cardinals have sucked since 1930?
  12. Is there blood on it? If so, was the blood planted?
  13. "This week in the NFL" shows are great. I love watching those. Actually, I remember watching those as a kid on Sunday mornings in the mid 70's- right after Tom & Jerry cartoons- before going to the Bills games. That show was the predecessor to Inside the NFL on HBO which started in the 77 or 78 if I remember correctly.
  14. Bills 11-5 Pats 10-6 NYJets 7-9 Fins 3-13 What's it all mean? Nothing. Actually, the chance of Losman either sucking or being good is 100%. 50% each way.
  15. That's pretty steep. I don't have DirecTV and the only reason I would get it is for the NFL Sunday Ticket. It's not worth it even though I usually B word about the lousy games on network TV when the Bills are on the road. I have season tickets and Bills Home Games are an all day event so I hardly ever see the 4pm games anyways. If you don't go to the Bills home games and live out of town, then I can see paying whatever price they ask.
  16. Don't the have anything else? They have showed those three programs 789 times in the last year.
  17. Looks like those pictures are real. One of her in the NY Post yesterday. She claims she "just lost her baby fat". Booze, Cocaine & Heroin will do that to a person.
  18. For just $10, Lonnie will come to your house, sign autographs, pose for photos, do your dishes and mow the lawn.
  19. The REAL Bledsoe isn't worth $38. The cardboard standup is quicker in the pocket.
  20. For $52 an hour, that's easy money. I'd do it.
  21. Worst: Carling Black Label 16oz. cans. $1.99 for a 6 pack. I would have rather licked the rust off an old car than drink that stuff. 2nd Worst: Naragansett. $3.99 for a case at Consumers Beverages (this was back in 1992-93) They still have that at Consumers. Probably the same unsold beer from 13 years ago. Hangover lasted for days even when you got drunk again. 3rd worst: Hudepohl. 16oz. pounders. $4.99 a case. Some of the caps and labels from the case we bought didn't match! Bottles were kind of slimy too. Drank it though just because it was cheap and I was young and stupid. 4th worst: Schaefer. Found this at a Rite-Aid once for $1.99 a 12 pack. One of the ingredients? Formaldahyde. Tasty! Worst of the rest: Piel's, Utica Club Cream Ale, Genesee 12 Horse Ale, Schmidt's, Schmidt's Bavarian, Meister Brau, Milwaukee's Best, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Schlitz and Generic Yellow Cans that said "Beer" on the front from Bells Markets.
  22. None of Rosenhaus' holdouts have gotten a new deal. None will. The owners are telling him to go screw himself and the players to report or be fined heavily. What an idiot. He must need money for some new shirts or something.
  23. When I was 19 and in my early 20's we used to go all the time. Fort Erie- Maxine's, Mints, Pure Platinum. Niagara Falls- Sundowner. Even went to a few in Toronto and even one in Trenton, Ontario. The girls there were really rough. I wish I could remember the name of the place. Canadian Ballet kicked ass over the American clubs. Great fun regardless.
  24. The NFL should make every team play the opener every year in early 1920's jerseys and equipment. Leather Helmets with no facemasks, wool jerseys, canvas pants and spikes with metal cleats. It would make every player appreciate what they have now and we could all read, talk about and watch countless hours of SportsCenter about all of the player fatalities on opening day.
  25. Could it be that TD was smart for not taking a 4th or 5th round pick at the draft for TH? Titans are still interested, Eagles are still interested and Jacksonville may be interested as it sounds like Fred Taylor is out for the season. A third round pick or a player and a 6th or 7th round pick in return is not out of the question. Hold onto TH for awhile longer and see what team becomes the most desperate for a RB.
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