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Everything posted by kasper13

  1. Old school time........ Football Joe Namath- LA Rams Johnny Unitas- San Diego Chargers Franco Harris- Seattle Seahawks Ken Stabler- New Orleans Saints and did you know that.....Archie Manning finished his career with the Vikings, Jim McMahon played for the Vikings, Cardinals & Packers to finish out his career, Warren Moon played with the Chiefs his last season and I didn't remember this at all but Frank Reich played for the Jets and than Detroit to finish out his career, Baseball Keith Hernandez- Cleveland Indians Willie Mays- NY Mets Hank Aaron- Milwaukee Brewers Babe Ruth- Boston Braves Ty Cobb- Philadelphia A's In his last two seasons, Steve Carlton pitched for the SF Giants, White Sox, Indians & Twins. Even in the old days, guys hung on for one last paycheck.
  2. There is management- program directors & producers that tell the hosts what to talk about, what callers to take or not to take and so on. Howard was probably on his own during the last months of WNSA/Empire and/or the producers kept it all sports. Now, on WGR, there is no competition as far as sports talk goes and the program directors and produces and some hosts think they are being hip, cool, edgy and funny when in reality they are just pathetic and they flat out suck.
  3. Don't waste your money on "Herbie Fully Loaded". Lindsay Lohan's boobs were digitaly reduced by TWO cup sizes for the movie. After parents complained that Lindsay's assets were too "big" for this kids movie, especially when she was "jumping up and down", the movie studio digitally reduced the movies two biggest draws. They should have waited until the heroin, booze and bulima took over. They would not have had to spend all that money on digital dis-enhancement. No word if they are changing the title to "Herbie Partially Loaded"
  4. I am not against the Jets getting a new stadium. What bothered me was the cost to the taxpayers. Two BILLION for a stadium is obscene in it's own right and a $300 million bill to taxpayers is even more obscene. If they wanted a $2 billion dollar stadium in Manhatthan, than finance it privately, not with my money or your money. WNY taxpayers should not have to foot part of the bill when the stadium is 450 miles away and we already have a team and a stadium here, not to mention our own problems with taxes in Erie County. I also don't like the idea of the Olympics in NYC. They may as well have called it "Terrorist Convention 2012". The cost for security alone would be in the hundreds of millions and who pays for that? The taxpayers in New York STATE. Why can't the fat cats and big shots in NYC kick in a few bucks each for the stadium? Donald Trump could have kicked in a couple hundred million for the naming rights on his own. I can see the name in gold already: "Apprentice Field at Trump Stadium"
  5. CFL players have ads all over their jerseys & teams have ads all over their fields. Arena League Players have ad patches on their jerseys. Won't be long before NFL players look like NASCAR cars with ads all over their uniforms A Viagra patch on the cup area would be ingenious advertising to say the least. The may as well replace the names on the back of jerseys with a sponsor like they do in Little League Baseball while they are at it. Teams can change color schemes to represent sponsors as well. Imagine UPS sponsoring the Cowboys for example. Brown uniforms with yellow stripes, a big UPS logo on the front instead of a number, a brown helmet with a Yellow Star and all the jerseys have UPS on the back instead of the players name. They could put a big brown star in the middle of the field and have "UPS" in the endzones instead of "COWBOYS" Jerry Jones could have even more face lifts with this idea.
  6. Someone show me a Colts jersey with Numbers outlined in RED and stripes on the sleeves that are RED and white instead of white shoulder stripes. The Bills TB's look nothing like the Colts.
  7. What short memories people have. The glory days of the Bills weren't always glorious. Besides Jim Kelly getting into a few scraps, does nobody remember???? Andre Reed (and some members of his family) got in a fight at a bar on Elmwood called No-Names one night after a game and he was arrested. Darryl Talley bought a couple cops breakfast one early morning and then was pulled over after he left the restaurant and was charged with DWI. Thurman Thomas swore at a bunch of kids and suggested if they wanted his autograph they bring their mothers over and he would fill in the blank them first. Bruce Smith fell asleep at a stoplight and was charged with DWI. Corneilus Bennett was charged with rape and spent time in prison. These were just incidents that I remember off the top of my head. There were certainly others.
  8. Couple of DWI's and a failed stint in rehab are the big reasons why Koren Robinson got the boot from Seattle. Look for him in Oakland or Dallas after he gets out of prison/rehab.
  9. I watched it just to see what those people looked like. It was interesting in a "have to stop and look at the accident" kind of way. The years have not been kind. The guy from Loverboy comes out 40lbs. overweight, bald and couldn't even get through "Working for the Weekend" without gasping for air. The guy from Flock of Seagulls who used to have the big girl hair nows wears a cap to hide his baldness. Tiffany looked OK in a trailer park kind of way. At least she didn't have her boobage hidden. I also noticed the songs performed were shorter than the original version and didn't sound nearly as good. Next week: The Knack, Tommy Tutone, The Motels, Vanilla Ice and Haddaway. Should be better than yesterday.
  10. With the white helmet and original logo, those are freaking awesome. I love em' and my wallet will take a big hit. For you purists, the Bills had a gray facemask in 1965, but what the heck, they still look incredible. I wonder if the players will wear black spikes? Mr. Wilson wants more revenue, well he got it with these throwbacks.
  11. I'd take the 4th and be done with it. It would clear almost $2 million from the cap and a big headache would be avoided. The Bills stocked up on RB's and Henry is no longer an asset for the Bills.
  12. Those would be way better if the shoulder stripes went all the way around instead of just halfway.
  13. I'll only go to a game if the tickets are $5. There has to be major changes in the game and not just financial. What good is it if they finally agreed on a deal and we get the same old garbage hockey that the NHL has been putting on the ice for the last few years? I'll bet even with a salary cap of $32-$35 million and a whole year wasted, ticket prices do not come down more than a buck or two to "appease" what few fans are left. The league is still going to lose money and nothing will ever change. It's pretty hard for me to get excited about NHL hockey after what they have to done to the game.
  14. Travis Henry Injury History. Courtesy of http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/football/...5/injuries.html He hasn't had a knee injury since October 2002. Date Status Injury 12/29/2004 Questionable Ankle 12/22/2004 Questionable Ankle 12/15/2004 Out Ankle 12/08/2004 Out Ankle 12/01/2004 Out Ankle 10/20/2004 Questionable Foot 10/13/2004 Questionable Foot 09/12/2004 Day-to-Day Cramps 09/08/2004 Probable Rib 11/19/2003 Questionable Leg 11/16/2003 Day-to-day Cracked bone in right leg 10/01/2003 Questionable Chest 09/24/2003 Questionable Chest 10/02/2002 Probable Knee 09/22/2002 Day-to-day Leg 01/02/2002 Questionable Knee 12/26/2001 Out Knee 12/19/2001 Out Knee 12/16/2001 Day-to-day Sprained knee
  15. Somebody get those girls a sandwich. "The Karen Carpenter Book of Diet Tips" was a bad gift idea.
  16. WNSA??? Get in your Way, Way, Way Back Machine. They have been gone for over a year now.
  17. You can take the girl out of the trailer park but you can never take the trailer park out of the girl.
  18. Dan Snyder and the way he runs the Redskins is the problem. The Redskins are going to kill the NFL. Not Mr. Wilson and the way the Bills run things. The Redskins make big profits and don't want to share them. Fair enough as there is plenty of money to go around for now but keep it up and that makes for a league that would look like MLB or even the NHL. Five or Six gigantic payroll teams in the playoffs every year, a couple fluke teams in the playoffs and 20 teams that can't compete. People in the smaller market cities will eventually give up spending their money on consistently losing teams and the league will fall apart much like the NHL has. Fans in Washington get raped year after year by Dan Snyder yet they continually sell out every game even though they don't even sniff the playoffs. I can't figure out why they can treat their fans like dog crap and still be as profitable as they are. I sense a ton of jealousy coming out of DC towards the Bills for no other reason than they wish they had our owner instead of what they have. All Mr. Wilson is doing is looking out for the Bills and the other smaller market teams and in fact, trying to look out for the best interests of the entire league. (I wouldn't really call the Bills small market except in terms of non-league revenues as we are always in the top 10 in attendance and get gigantic TV ratings in the area market). If they let Dallas, Washington, ect. run wild it will kill the league as we know it.
  19. Paris Hilton is fugly, has no boobage, is dumber than a bucket of broken hammers and is incredibly wealthy thanks to her family. We have a saying back home about girls like that. Let's date em'.
  20. To paraphrase what Chris Spielman said today: "What are they doing? It's FOOTBALL. May as well put flags on them and play two hand touch" Broken legs, broken necks, cheap shots, clotheslines, bloody noses. All part of the game. These guys get paid big, big money to play ball. Injuries are part of it. Don't want to get hit? Go play chinese checkers and live off welfare. The big money is starting to sissify the game. People aren't going to pay big bucks to go watch two hand touch. I'd like to hear what Chuck Bednarik has to say about this new rule.
  21. Because they are both scummy politicians and they are both up for re-election.
  22. RW McQuarters will be handing out McD's Quarter Pounders this fall.
  23. I'll personally break both of Drew Rosenhaus' knees with a Louisville Slugger if he tries to holdout McGahee for a bigger contract. McGahee is signed through 2007. The Bills took a big chance on Willis and let him rehab while paying him for a full season. Whatever happened to loyalty? McGahee owes the Bills at least some loyalty. I am sick and tired of these GD agents trying to make as much as they can for themselves at the expense of their players. Why the hell do players need agents anyways? Aren't most NFL players college graduates? I think all schools should make players take a mandatory course on contracts and contract negotiations. Do away with agents alltogether. How hard can it be that a player has to have an agent negotiate his contract and give the agent 10% of his earnings? Willis: I want 5 years, $35 million with a $14 million signing bonus. TD: You mean I don't have to deal with that A-Hole agent of yours? Done deal.
  24. I'm also drawing interest from several teams. It's ridiculous to me that every single player that becomes a free agent is reported on as "Several teams are interested". No kidding? If not, career over. Not exactly breaking news here.
  25. He was just practicing for the National Kitten Toss Championships next month. All Time record is 156 feet.
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