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Everything posted by kasper13

  1. I'd like to pound you in the head with a sledge hammer until you understand that preseason games are meaningless and do not indicate much of anything about the regular season.
  2. Media Guide is a beauty. It is also loaded with mistakes. Especially in the year-by-year statistics (which is a great addition nevertheless). Lots of passing stats are wrong- they list the 1960 QB stats in 1976, 1998 and a couple of other years and someone named Gillon apparently played RB for the Bills in the 1966 AFL Championship Game. Couple years ago they sent the media guide, pins and tickets all at once in a nice box and each item had it's own compartment. Kept everything together yet no dings, dimples or creases. Anything to save a couple bucks I guess.
  3. Typical preseason game. Very sloppy. Chock full of mistakes. Penalties up the behind. Doesn't count. Let's move on. Bills D dominated the Bears offense. Fast Freddy is finished. Lionel Gates needs new shoes and new hands- he was not impressive. McNally called Jason Peters the "best left tackle prospect" he has ever seen. Enough said there. I think Haddad makes the team over Reed, Aiken, Smith. Who gets the boot out of the latter three? Ritzmann got some time with the first D and had a half sack. He looks real good. Whatever happened to Justin Bannan and Ryan Denney? I think these two will be on the waiver wire soon. Bills will win games with Defense, Special Teams and limiting turnovers and penalties on offense. Works for me. Also, Ruben Brown had his typical pro bowl game. One holding penalty and he looked like a turnstyle on numerous occasions. Bills D was blowing by him left and right.
  4. You forgot wins. losses, playoff appearances, playoff wins. Stats are just numbers on a piece of paper. They don't mean much without W's.
  5. Buffalo will do that........in 2067
  6. Vikings said no to the guaranteed contract for 2006 so Birk will have the surgery instead of playing through it.
  7. This guy has had problems with concussions. The last season played he had two in the last month of the season and missed the entire playoffs. Also had a couple shoulder injuries over the last few seasons. I think Regier has had a multitude of concussions as well. Another below average pickup for the Sabres.
  8. I despise Regier, Ruff and Quinn. A trio of bigger a-holes you could not come up with if you looked for 50 years. I just don't understand why the billionaire owner has kept very quiet. The Sullivan article stated that the Sabres are at $24.5 million (not including Ryan Miller and McKee). They claim the budget is $28-$29 million. That would leave, even to us that can't add with a calculator, about $3 million to spend (after McKee and Miller sign) on a quality player that will help the team and give the organization some credibility among the fans (those of us that are left). Sullivan hit it right on the head when he said that the other small market teams below the Sabres have now either caught up or passed them. Regier and company can't be telling the fans that they will not sign a quality player if that means pushing the payroll to $29.5 or $30 million, can they? The owner is a BILLIONAIRE. He loses more in his couch cushions then on the Sabres. Sabres are still just a very big joke and will be until there is new management in here.
  9. Just another reason to hope Dallas goes 0-16 and scores 3 points all season long. I hope Drew and Keyshawn get into a fistfight in the huddle during a game. I haven't hated Dallas this much since 1992-1993.
  10. I buy my gas and smokes from the Original Americans at the Indian Reservation. Gas is 20 cents a gallon cheaper and smokes are almost 1/3 of the price then anywhere else.
  11. I already turned it off this morning after 10 minutes. The topic is that JP runs too much and he is going to get seriously injured because of it. NOW OUR QB RUNS TOO MUCH????? Last year the QB couldn't run at all and he was ripped on WGR every day because of it.. One of the "points" made is that Bret Favre can run whenver he wants because he is a veteran and JP can't because he is a rookie. What complete and total nonsense. These morons on WGR need to be stopped.
  12. Start panicking. Our defense is shot. They were brutal on the first drive and Favre would have had 8 TD's if he stayed in the game. I am so worried about this. I couldn't sleep last night. OK, I turned off the sarcasm button. Bills blitzed twice on the first drive, when they did, GB ran the ball. If the DE turns around that pass was probably knocked down and GB settles for a FG. Bills D was almost always bad on the first drive last year. Favre didn't stay in last night so the Bills D didn't have time to make adjustments. The D isn't going to stop every team on every single drive all year. I can't think of any other reasons why this is a big deal.
  13. The first person to understand anything that McGahee says wins a prize.
  14. Well, what they have in print and what happens in reality are two different things. I had on my Bills poncho when I went in and the two security guards were talking to each other and never even looked at me as I walked through. I could have walked in with a big bottle of booze or whatever. I saw people that brought in cameras w/cases, clear bags with blankets, ponchos, binoculars. One woman behind me brought in bottled water. Nobody that I was with was asked to turn on their camera or cellphone. There were a few balls in the stadium (of the beach variety) and one guy in the scoreboard endzone was out on the hill smoking weed in the 3rd quarter and there were no security guards to be found. So much for the "improved" security measures.
  15. Porky, Wheezer and Froggy will lead the way. I do not think the Bills are going to give away their offense to other teams in the preseason. Wait until the 12th of September to start complaining.
  16. I didn't see all that many mistakes. He was not "shaky" at all. JP ran when he had to run and got rid of the ball when necessary. He didn't do anything stupid which is most important. Bills scored 17 points on three drives and were 6 of 9 on third downs when JP was in there. Better he runs or throws it away than stand there, hold on to the ball too long and get clobbered and fumble. What do you people want? 30-30 for 500 yards and 9 TD's in one half of a preseason game? JP is a huge upgrade over Bledsoe. He is flat out exciting to watch and will just get better each game.
  17. Anyone tries to disrupt the Bills Home Opener they will get seriously messed up. 75,000 fans would seriously injure if not flat out kill any scumbag terrorists before they even had a chance to do something stupid.
  18. Never heard of the guy who "wrote" that. It's probably some 45 year old, fat, bald guy living in the basement that didn't get to draft McGahee in his Fantasy Draft, so now having a fourm (The AOL Sports Department is one of the best!) to give his thoughts, he bashes McGahee in hopes of having the other loser who did draft him having second thoughts and trades him. He obviously hates the Bills and knows nothing about the NFL. Just another blowhard getting his name in print.
  19. Nobody anywhere seems to know if the DirecTV price is correct and they just got the year wrong or if they are in the process of updating their website. Two years ago it was $134. The consensus on some NHL team message boards seems to be its four payments of $32.25 for a total of $129. Screw em'. If it was $79 or even $99, I would have bought it. A freakin $5 discount from the last season? Way to get those fans back. I get enough hockey in WNY anyways. 75 Sabres games on MSG, Hockey Night in Canada Doubleheaders every Saturday and now 2 games a week on OLN. Do I really need to spend $134 to see the Capitals-Hurricanes or Predators- Ducks? I say No!
  20. Even if it's a friends or friend of the familys wedding it should be $75 each minimum nowadays- unless you know it's a cheap wedding or it's a cash bar. It used to be $50 each about 5-10 years ago. I always get it back at the bar. One time about 10 years ago I gave $25 and drank about $150 worth of booze. Another time, I didn't give anything and drank $100 bucks worth of booze in an hour. That's a long, long story. Good times. Good times. Last year, my wedding was $75 a head. Some couples gave $50 and drank three times that. Unless you can't afford it, why be considered cheap? If you don't like the people, don't go.
  21. Fukufuji. Is it pronounced like it sounds? Hockey announcers everywhere are crying and the censors & parent groups will have a field day with Mr. Fukufuji.
  22. I see Claxons are no longer prohibited. I suppose I should leave my fireworks, monopod, thermos of Whiskey, illegal substances, big stick and weapons at home tommorow night. They sure know how to ruin a good time.
  23. Nobody, including and especially Nate Clements is worth 7 years/$65 million dollars. Lots of contracts are up after this year and after 2006. Draft a CB in the first round next year and let Nate walk. His comments about himself and his worth made me want to vomit. He is not the best in the NFL and he does not deserve a big chunk of change and a big chunk of our cap space
  24. Why is it different when a pro athlete admits he smoked weed? I have smoked weed, done lines of coke, drank myself into oblivion more times than I can remember and who really cares? Nobody. Probably 90% of everyone alive has done drugs at least once or done something else foolish and nobody even batted an eye. I could care less what pro athlete smoked weed or smokes weed. I guess Moss feels like he needs some attention since TO has been grabbing all the headlines.
  25. I guess Parcells didn't watch any tapes of Bills games from last year and doesn't remember when Drew was his QB in NE. (Sarcasm button ON) Parcells is a genius though so there is no doubt he will cure what ails Drew
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