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Everything posted by JasoninMT

  1. You know what amazes me.... 14 pages in, and there are new funny ones... And some sad ones... And even more sick ones... This won't hurt. Email Tax approved.
  2. let's see.... 53 players x 32 teams.... for just roster players... and then there's the coaches, and the practice squad players (who may also have the chance... I don't know).... Plus I believe they can get 2 tickets each.... Sure, not every one of them does the scalping... but even a quarter of that is more than "a few hundred" tickets.... And, no, I wouldn't expect to pay $100 for a ticket to the superbowl... but, $1700? I could pay the $500 face value... hell, I plan to some day... but it isn't fair to me if they don't have those $500 tickets because players took them and scalped them via a broker for $1700.
  3. I just don't see why they do it... If the NFL truly wants to cut this, then the players will have to pick them up as will call on their way in.... What ticks me off more about this than anything, is that the NFL doesn't then have all of those tickets to sell at face value to Joe Fan (you & I) because players claimed them... so we are forced to buy them at the ridiculous scalped prices... If there's anything which bothers me a little about this Tice witch hunt... it's that it has been going on for so long, and Tice has been doing it for a long time... but for him it will probably mark the end of a career (maybe not a bad thing).... but given the already tenuous stance on him as a coach, having a mark against you by the NFL isn't going to win any support at being a coach... And perhaps cracking down hard on him will force some players to think twice about scalping... but the NFL MUST at a minimum continue to make this trickle down and fine the players who gave them to him as well if they want to truly curb the activity.... fine them each $5000.... that's more than they get for their tickets.
  4. I have been wondering the same thing... If we don't get a deal Donahoe likes, he isn't going to deal Travis... And I am equally certain he won't cut him either... So, how do you bring him back into the fold? He's isolated himself by asking for a trade, although not to the point of other more vocal players (like TO say or Randy Moss)... So, there's a chance you could get him back.... Then, what do you do with him? Can they make something work? he won't accept (and we shouldn't expect him to quite frankly) sitting on the bench. It was an interesting prospect, and we never got to see it this year (because he went down with the injury). And then, if it is successful.... well, I don't think you can keep him after next year... and if it's unsuccessful then you won't want to keep him... Putting this another way... Travis Henry is better for the Bills than anything less than a second or high 3rd round pick in the '05 draft... His cost is minimal... and if he applies his head to the game (which I think he would do if he had to stay because no one wanted him)... Then he's better than any 2nd day pick for the Bills. Unfortunately for him and the Bills, teams rarely trade anymore... they just figure you'll cut the player later and they can keep their pick. Travis' key asset is something he doesn't like about the trade... his low salary for '05... A release forces a new deal... a trade keeps it... It shouldn't be the case, but it is that it takes a big person to live up to commitments they made when they don't appear fair anymore. He wants a guarantee that he'll see a payday if he does what he thinks he can (and has proven he could in the past as far as yardage) on the field. It is easy for me to sit here and say, trade him for a 3rd round pick with a conditional pick next year based on performance and to expect him to play for his current contract with no guarantee of a payoff if he excels (and no "insurance" really) if heaven forbid he has a career ending injury. It is asking him to take a risk and a leap of faith... I can't blame him fully for wanting a new deal. A 1 year deal is like being a lame duck.
  5. There are some classics here.... And there are some really disturbing thoughts here.... I knew you folks wouldn't let me down. Next week we could do the flipside.... 3 words you "want" to hear.... SDS, could we get an SUW icon similar to OT? Pull my finger. Does this hurt? Daddy, we're engaged. You are fired.
  6. HBO did a story on this a few years ago, it is rampant in the NFL, players scalping tickets... I think they view it as a "perk"... what bothers me is that they already make money hand over fist... so why do they really need an extra few hundred bucks? is it the "thrill"? Do they really feel they are sticking it to the man? or what compels them to do it?
  7. That is close to one he declared the second best.... "Michael Jackson's Daycare" his "favorite" was "Uncle Ron Jeremy"
  8. The Herd on ESPN radio read the story on the tequila contest (in another thread) and said 3 words America doesn't need are "Tequila Drinking Contest"... Then he had listeners email him 3 words you don't want to hear... some of them were pretty good... I know we have folks who can come up good ones here... 3 words I never want to hear... Los Angeles Bills
  9. That is a possibility Kegtapr... And I know this is a business and all, but then TD shouldn't say "We can't afford them"... Which is what he said about Pat W & Jonas J... And then both players say they were never even given offers after the extension offers which were supposedly made last year and turned down. And you are right, it isn't the first time we've heard this type of thing. I think that's the bad part of the hardball TD plays... If your reputation is you don't blink... you can't blink. which means you might lose because of the unwillingness to compromise.
  10. I noticed that too... that's because the NFL is about big guys in the trenches, either opening holes, or filling them... hopefully Big Mike will turn things around this year and show he's worth what he's getting paid...
  11. http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/pgStory?conte...431652&GT1=6209 We get 2 in the list... you can just tell there are liars in the NFL when it comes to weight... And it is also obvious that some players carry their weight better than others...
  12. Geez.... What a difference 2 signings makes....
  13. OK.... here's what I figured out... for those still playing.... You get 3 "up" bursts... And you can use the "down" burst any time it is at 100%.... How you use them is just click... the "up" burst can be used when the word "Aerial" is red, and the Down burst is used when it is Blue...
  14. oh my..... I found out there is strategy to this game.... I got a "combo" and quickly wrapped up some distance.... 2279.67m What a sick and wrong diversion.... EDIT: OK, now 2561.55 . . . But, that's it for today.
  15. While I don't want to pile on with our Pat's Fan's bandwagon... exactly what is leading anyone to believe Buffalo is a "prime destination"? We "should" be considering we are a team on the rise, and we always get good press from our former players about the fans and Ralph... (not TD though - he plays hardball). But we haven't had any visits (that we know of), nor are we listed on anyone's "wish" list it seems. While TD was what we needed to balance the salary cap... I think he needs to adapt now to something a little different and not play hardball the way he does. I think his biggest fault (perhaps because he comes from the media) is that he believes what the media says 'market value' for a player is, and therefore assumes we can't afford the likes of Pat or Jonas... When both of them said they never even got an offer after last year (which was most likely a lowball number). What pisses me off almost more is that we didn't offer Marcus Price anything either, so he's another FA and was at least an adequate backup for a position we now need a starter in as well... Maybe TD knows something about our young guys we don't.... but damn, I'd have rather let them sit another year or two behind JJ & PW...
  16. As I recall.... he is an NFL Europe signing... we signed 6 players and shipped them to NFLE. There doesn't seem to be a link anymore in Bills News at BB.Com... but here's where we assigned them (and who they were drafted by). http://buffalobills.com/news/news.jsp?news_id=3103
  17. I have to say it is interesting how many people on that list are listed as "Should/Could/Would.... if they return from XYX injury". And those are the "top" free agents? I really would like to see Pat W back in Buffalo... I think Jennings wants to go elsewhere, so he'll go elsewhere. But Pat I think would like to stay in Buffalo...
  18. Apparently, this is the cold hard reality of NE... If Bellyache doesn't feel like you offer enough to the "team" anymore, you are gone... or if he feels he'll have to pay you more than minimum... He's bought so much into this "team" thing... but I suppose I can't really argue against 3 trophies in 4 years... I wonder what he puts in the gatorade though, because I can't figure out how he releases players - strong "team leader" type players... and the remaining players continue to play hard and keep it together... He has something which keeps them together. Maybe he gets blackmail material on his players...
  19. I bought a Spikes replica road Jersey last year... As far as rationale went... I went for someone I liked... and someone I figured would be a Bill for a while... I can't say why I went with the Road White over the blue... maybe because I'm rarely in Buffalo... And I went with the replica because I'm not so rich... but even if I was I don't know if it'd be worth the difference... I don't get many opportunities to wear it... other than 16 sundays... Hopefully extending that to 19 sundays...
  20. I just saw that it was yesterday... and AD already reported it... Sorry for the repost...
  21. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news;_ylc=X3oD...ov=ap&type=lgns That's just weird... RIP...
  22. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/teams/schedule?team=nwe Not only is this "secret" game on there... but if you look you'll also see a "secret" game with Indy which they lost 16-30... I'm sure Peyton was overconfident and that's why he lost the Division game...
  23. The cap should help the sabres - even though it is higher than their salary because it will make players affordable - and they can't be "bought" ala the few big baseball cities... I agree the trap needs to go... they have to find a way to make the game open up, otherwise it's like watching soccer on TV - Boring and therefore they'll never get the $$ contract... for most (maybe all) teams, this salary cap isn't going to prevent them from losing money every year...
  24. Hmm... as if you can't buy the music any other way.... So, when they stop making VHS tapes, are they going to sue the movie companies for only making DVDs?
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