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Everything posted by BillsFanSD

  1. Well, I would hope that ANY passer having this kind of game would get crushed. Watson/Winston/Wilson has been terrible.
  2. Man, Peleton really knows how to make a cringey commercial.
  3. This game is confirming that Houston is the team we want to draw. I've never seen a team look so bad while winning by a TD.
  4. One of the announcers just said, and I quote, "You never want to start a game with a pick six." That's some high-level analysis there.
  5. I want the Bills to draw Houston, but I live within driving distance of KC and would definitely go to a playoff game at Arrowhead.
  6. I'm too busy enjoying our double-digit wins and upcoming playoff run to worry about what some dork on television thinks. If he likes Jamies Winston, that's great. I sincerely hope he enjoys rooting for Tampa Bay.
  7. Well if we get to that point, it's either Baltimore or New England. Belichick is a master at torturing young QBs, coming up with things you haven't seen before, and taking moral liberties with sportsmanship. Also, there's New England playoff officiating. I'd rather have Baltimore. At least we know what we're getting and can prepare accordingly.
  8. Is anybody really saying this? It's true that our roster doesn't have a lot of star power, but it has no weak links and is solid top-to-bottom with pretty good depth.
  9. I was not excited about this hire at all, because honestly why would I have been? This franchise has had a revolving door of mediocre-to-bad coaches since Levy or maybe Wade Phillips. But McDermott has been great. It's easy to quibble with some of his gameday decisions, but the bottom line is that in all three seasons it feels like our team finishes with a record that's about two wins better than what the roster would indicate. We had no business making the playoffs in 2017 and I still don't fully understand how last year's team scraped together six wins. This year, we methodically beat everybody we were supposed to beat with no slip ups, won our share of tough games, and have a playoff berth clinched with two weeks left to go. He and Beane very clearly have this team turned around are doing it right.
  10. Honestly this seems about right to me. The Bills are a good team, but they don't have a lot of high-end star power. They're mostly above-average across the board with no real weak links. You'd kind of expect this team to have a disproportionate number of wins vs. Pro Bowl selections.
  11. What if the Bills were down 16-0? I wonder if Allen could bring us back from that sort of deficit.
  12. Same here -- I'm on board with whatever this FO does.
  13. It would depend on the outcome of the other WC game. We go to BAL if the 3rd seed wins. We go to NE* if the 6th seed wins. *This assumes that NE remains the #2 seed, which probably won't happen after we beat them on Saturday.
  14. Houston is definitely the matchup I want. Honestly though, KC would be okay too. Both of those teams have average (KC) to bad (HOU) defenses. The one team I don't want to play is TEN. Not because they're great, but because I don't want a rematch and I don't feel like seeing replays of Homerun Throwback over and over again for a week.
  15. It's worth having Marrone in the NFL just to watch him fail. Couldn't happen to a better guy.
  16. I've been a fan since the late 80s, when I was in high school. Admittedly, I had a few "Why am I doing this to myself?" moments during the drought, but bailing out completely was never really an option for me. I did make a decision to boycott Bills merch after they brought back Dick Jauron after the 2008 season, but that was the closest I ever came to turning my back on the team. Strangely, it was almost worth going through the drought to fully savor what we have now. I literally cried in 2017 when the clock hit zero in the Cincinnati-Baltimore game and we ended the drought. I absolutely love the team that Beane and McDermott have built. Part of me wonders whether fans of regularly-successful teams like Pittsburgh (for example) really appreciate any of this sort of thing.
  17. Yeah, but you can cover it with some well-placed wagers at the craps table, right?
  18. I agree with you on Houston. I really like the Bills' chances in that game.
  19. That particular series was an abomination. Not going to fret about it too much because I'm enjoying the win and don't want to dwell on the negatives, but had we lost this game we would all be melting down about those three play calls.
  20. If Houston gets to 10 wins, they win the AFCS even if Tennessee wins out. (Conference record, I think).
  21. Let's say there's a 30% chance that we beat New England, a 20% chance that New England loses to Miami, and a 75% chance that we beat the Jets. 0.3 X 0.2 X 0.75 = 4.5%
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