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Everything posted by BillsFanSD

  1. Actually, if you need to get a few shanks out of your system, Jets week is the best time for it.
  2. I live in a region of the country with way too many Scandinavian names, and Ryan Van Denmark is the most Scandinavian of them all.
  3. 90s Bills = no-huddle offense 20s Bills = no-punt offense Works for me.
  4. Maybe this is just our way of credibly committing to four downs of offense every drive, every game, all season. I've always wondered what would happen if a team did that. It worked for the Rams that one game.
  5. Ah, I actually did want to keep McCloud. Disappointing to him get snapped up by You Know Who.
  6. If the guy wants to retire instead of relocating to punt for a championship contender for a year, that's cool. I might make the same decision if I were in his shoes. There are other punters out there, and I don't mind rolling the dice on a young guy. That's what we were planning to do anyway.
  7. It's weird how the day after roster cutdowns feels like Christmas morning. I'm all excited to see if we can hang on to McCloud, Hodgins, and a few other guys, but I also know that we have big problems if any of those guys are playing significant snaps for us during the season.
  8. Well, that sucks even if it isn't terribly surprising. We could really have used Tre for the first half dozen or so games of the season.
  9. Okay admittedly I don't know what Jones scored on the Wonderlic, but he doesn't have dementia.
  10. Seriously guys, we didn't lose that game to New England because of just one thing. If it had simply been a very windy day and that was all, we would have won. If our run defense just had a bad day at the office and that was all, we would have won. If Daboll slapped the handcuffs on our best offensive player and that was all, we would have won. It took all of those things to manufacture a loss to an inferior opponent. (I do really mean "inferior opponent" by the way. It brings me lots of joy to say this, but there is a very large talent gap between us and New England, as our subsequent back-to-back no-punt blowouts showed.) That game was just a deeply weird game where lots of things went wrong and we still had chances to pull it out in the fourth quarter. Blaming it on just one thing misses out on how many things had to go sideways for us to take that loss.
  11. Well of course a weatherman would say something like that.
  12. There is a three-time pro bowler sitting out there on the street right now waiting for Beane to call.
  13. Slightly disappointed that Hodgins never developed into anything more than just a body who fills out a team's WR room. It would be nice if we could get him on the PS, but if the Giants pick him up I'm sure not going to lose any sleep over it.
  14. Here's the worst week of our GM's career: Got a draft asset for a guy who was about to be cut anyway. Had to dump a 6th round pick thanks to an allegation that nobody else knew about either when said player was drafted. Ate a modest cap hit after rolling snake-eyes on a guy they signed to a "prove it" deal. This is the guy who drafted our franchise QB, traded for a stud WR, signed a HOF edge rusher, and also got us guys like Knox, Morse, Motor, Davis, Oliver, Milano, Tre, Poyer, and Hyde. And lets toss Bass in there too because why not -- he's a keeper. GM's a bum obvs.
  15. I don't get the hand-wringing over Howard's cap hit. That was a sunk cost, right? Not a reason to keep a guy around if the coaches felt like Morris was a better option.
  16. I know OJ Howard didn't have a great camp, but sheesh. He's getting beaten out by multiple guys (Sweeny, Morris) who aspire to "journeyman" status.
  17. I was disappointed in 2021 Moss, but he's looked really good this year, he seems to have a clear role on the roster, and I'm pretty sure I'd rather have Moss than Blackshear + a fifth rounder or whatever Moss would fetch. If somebody wants to toss us a third, that's different of course. I'm just reluctant to trade anybody away for future assets when the time for winning is now.
  18. Can you provide a link? The only story I've seen is one that suggests that two teams might have been vaguely aware that there was something about Araiza but had no idea what it was. I haven't seen any stories indicating that any teams knew that he was accused of drugging a girl so that she could raped. Yeah, this is exactly the story I was talking about. It doesn't say that anybody knew these allegations. In fact, it says the opposite.
  19. I haven't seen any evidence at all that any NFL teams knew about this allegation or that Araiza was connected to it. No team has indicated that they knew about this allegation during the draft. No scouts, no GMs, nobody. Nobody in the media knew anything about it either. If you really think the Bills knew that Araiza was credibly connected to a gang rape and drafted him anyway, I think your priors are way off. I mean, if the Matt-Araiza-set-somebody-up-for-a-gang-rape story was so well known at the time, where were these guys? Why do they hate women so much? Why were they covering for a gang rapist? Why didn't they break this story wide open themselves? (The answer is obviously because this wasn't a story at the time, and this whole line of argument is a hack-ish way of getting another byline or two out of it.)
  20. Breaks my heart to see this happen to such a proud franchise. Just kidding I hope they go 0-17.
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