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Everything posted by BillsFanSD

  1. "No need to cover Diggs -- the Bills will never throw to that guy in the red zone."
  2. The schedule's fine. We were given a front-loaded schedule where we could play our toughest opponents while everyone was healthy. Didn't work out that way because we got hit by the injury bug early, but that's just unlucky. Also, it's nice that our last three divisional games are all at home -- they're going to matter more than we thought they might.
  3. Going for two was obviously the right call. Really, going for two is always fine unless there is a compelling late-game mathematical reason just to settle for the PAT, and in this case there was a compelling reason to make it a 14 point game. Kicking the PAT would have been a clear error. I didn't care for the play that was called, but whatever.
  4. I mean, the Minnesota ******* Vikings were on the winning side of a bizarre and miraculous game against us. That's how low we rank in the eyes of the football gods.
  5. Yes, they figured Davis would take another step forward. Based on his play last season, that seemed like a prudent bet. It hasn't worked out as well as we would have hoped. You seem to be forgetting that they signed Jamison Crowder -- seemed like a solid signing at the time -- and drafted Shakir. It's not like they ignored the position in the offseason or anything. It's just that the guy they signed to play the slot got hurt in camp and never really recovered, and they've brought Shakir along very slowly. My guess is they probably had plans for Cook in the slot and haven't felt comfortable opening that part of the playbook up yet. What did you want them to do? Go and get Davante Adams? Pick a WR early in the draft instead of a CB, which we desperately needed? Tell us what your offseason plan was.
  6. Wait, what now? Damn, you really got my hopes up there for a second.
  7. I have a really hard slagging the Jets too much. Imagine if we had the #3 pick in 2018 and selected a bust only to watch Allen and Jackson light it up. And then we turn around three years later and blow the #2 overall pick on another bust. We'd be looking for a bridge to leap from. Say what you will about our drought-era parade of clownshow QBs, but at least we didn't invest that much draft capital in the position. I hated the EJ Manuel pick as much as the next guy, but that's not even in the same universe as what the Jets have done recently.
  8. Milano Knox Cook -- so happy for this kid Bass Motor Gotta give Frazier credit for figuring out a way to shut down Chubb. This game was tense because of terrible offensive play in the first half, a bunch of low-percentage catches by CLE receivers, and one-sided officiating. It should have been more of a blowout with Chubb essentially taken out of the game. I think Josh is more injured than he lets on. That defender barely grazed his elbow by NFL standards and Josh acted like he stabbed him with a broken beer bottle.
  9. I get the complaints about the 4th quarter, but the defense took Chubb away and forced Brisset to beat us. That's a very good strategy, and they succeeded. Lots of folks were expecting us to get gashed on the ground today. Not going to get too upset over some sloppiness in garbage time.
  10. I still can't believe we lost to that team. I get losing to Miami and the Vikings. Those teams aren't as good as we are, but they're legit and bit us on a bad day as legit teams sometimes do. But the Jets? Really now.
  11. I don't think I can recall a season where so many players turned up with surprise injuries after finishing a game.
  12. Not a thing, and frankly he was right to want to be more involved in the offense, assuming that's what that was all about.
  13. Ugly win, but we'll take it. This secondary is giving up a bizarre number of circus catches. If only we had a CB1 on our roster who could help out a little in the secondary. Oh well can't have everything I guess.
  14. We can't afford to roster a CB1 at market salary who won't play. Obviously.
  15. What was even the point of signing AJ Klein if you're going to have him and Edmunds both inactive?
  16. I'm giving Knox a pass considering everything he's had to deal with. Not disagreeing with you from a raw production standpoint of course. Just that I'm not worried about his future with the team.
  17. If the team just said "We don't want Tre's first two games to be played five days apart on one of the worst surfaces in the league so we're sitting him two more weeks" I'd be 100% cool with that. Not cool with the silent treatment.
  18. Because we rotate D-linemen and don't rotate WRs. This isn't complicated.
  19. It is 100% worth having this game moved to a neutral field if that stops it from being decided by who can run the ball better.
  20. For a week. Unless they lose both games and then they can stay there.
  21. The last serious snow game was five years ago, and it was pretty epic. This isn't anywhere close to a "once a year" thing. Edit: Also, they'd probably be talking about moving the game even if we had a dome. The issue as I understand it is with getting the Browns into Buffalo and getting everyone to and from the stadium safely. A dome wouldn't help with any of that stuff.
  22. It really seems like they needed to make this call yesterday if they were going to make it.
  23. We both know perfectly well what this is about. You want me to have an abortion.
  24. This is why they call it "Monday morning quarterbacking." You have the luxury of knowing how the rest of the game played out, so you can make the "correct" decision in hindsight. It would be easy to draw up equally likely scenarios where the FG costs us the game and we really needed those additional four points, and then you'd be in here busting on McDermott for being too conservative and not going for it.
  25. I agree with you about Kim. I've never posted about her health issues other than just general well-wishes. Not idea where that come from. The team absolutely owes all of us information about the stadium, because it involves public financing and is therefore an immediate pocketbook issue for all taxpayers. Not our business? Get out of here with that. It's totally our business because the NFL is making it our business. Players are an edge case. On one hand, you want to respect their privacy as adults. On the other hand, transparency about injuries is important in any game that involves wagering. And if the team expects me to show up on game day and to buy their gear, it's not unreasonable to have some general understanding of what's going on with the roster. Players sign up for a certain amount of that when they accept their signing bonuses. Again, I'm not asking for total transparency about everything. That's not reasonable. It would just nice to know if Tre's injury is healing a little more slowly than we would like or if it's something else. And I'm aware that I have no legal right to that information -- just saying it would be nice to know. Edit: Maybe another way to put is that I'm not saying that the team owes us every nugget of information about every single person on its payroll. What I am saying is that, on the margin, I would prefer it if the team were slightly more forthcoming about certain players' injury status. That's all.
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