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Everything posted by BillsFanSD

  1. I think I may need to watch this game just to see how the other half of the NFL lives.
  2. I truly don't understand why people expect our defense -- any defense -- to just keep humming along when we are missing half our starters and several depth guys, many of whom are pro bowlers and/or HOFers. Football is a team sport, especially defense.
  3. I have to admit to having gotten this one wrong. I thought Miami would be a fringe playoff team this year, but not one that would give us any real problems. That was based on me having a comparatively low view of Tua. I'm still not convinced that he's legitimately good, but he's obviously good enough to take advantage of the weapons that the team put around him. I thought this would be the year that New England would just go away. The talent level of their roster is really pretty bad, and Jones is probably not the answer at QB. But as you note, Belichick figures out a way to make this team relevant even when it has no business being relevant. I should have learned that lesson last year, when he got a 5-12 roster into the playoffs somehow. I've really like the last two Jets draft classes, but I thought they were still a year or so away. I actually still kind of stand by this one. They're not as good as their record and we had no business losing to them. If they address the QB position this offseason I see them as a legit playoff team next year, but they don't have a playoff-caliber QB on their roster right now.
  4. At first I was kind of appreciative that you were laying out pros and cons -- everybody has things that they can improve upon, after all. But by any objective standard, McDermott is an very good game day coach. The Bills are one of the best teams in the league on fourth-down decisions, he doesn't waste TOs, doesn't habitually make pointless challenges, and works the clock well. If you want to see bad game day coaching, watch the Broncos or Chargers. Or Lions. There are things that annoy me about McDermott, like his unwillingness to share meaningful information with the media. But IMO he's the best HC the Bills have ever had. He probably would have won at least one SB with Levy's rosters.
  5. How cowardly of you to play this card now that the team is injured and struggling. Where were you during the bye week when we were sitting at 5-1, blowing everybody out, with a pretty firm grip on HFA?
  6. Reaching the super bowl would count as "successful" IMO. That was my expectation back in camp, and it hasn't changed. The injuries just mean that this is likely to be a failed season through no particular fault of anyone. That happens, but let's no sugar-coat it. We're in the process of blowing one of #17's prime years.
  7. Minnesota with a puckered butthole on that series.
  8. Justin Jefferson is just a Press X To Win button.
  9. Vikes off to a nice start. Cousins came to play.
  10. I loved being on the winning end of this sort of thing. Honestly, I think Josh Allen has officially passed Thurman for my favorite Bill of all time. So much fun to watch.
  11. Absolutely 100% this. With darn near everybody injured, we needed some studs to step up, and these three guys did.
  12. I'm not sure you're wrong. I can't remember the math exactly, but I made a mental note a couple of weeks ago about how the Vikings missing that PAT probably cost us the game. Not sure this game would have turned out differently, but giving Detroit the opportunity to mis-manage the clock definitely worked out in our benefit.
  13. Yep. Allen and Diggs deserved it, but I would have to go with Oliver over Bass. Probably Milano too.
  14. I'm feeling pretty pessimistic about the remainder of our season. But for a good chunk of my adult life, being pessimistic around Thanksgiving meant staring down the barrel of a 6-10 season with somebody like Kyle Orton at QB. Now, being pessimistic around Thanksgiving means being unsure about making a deep playoff run with an all-world QB who is still young and locked down. Life is pretty good honestly.
  15. I mean, Von Miller is a first-ballot HOFer. Losing him matters.
  16. This team is not significantly more talented than our 2019 roster. I don't think folks are coming to grips with how much talent is sitting in the training room right now.
  17. It's McDermott's fault that we have White, Hyde, Edmunds, Rousseau, Miller, Morse, and Dawkins standing around on the sideline. Toss in Epenesa and Spector if you want.
  18. I think folks need to keep in mind that the defense we had on the field today is just average by NFL standards. We're not more talented than Detroit once you consider the number of PB-caliber guys are just standing around on the sideline.
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