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Everything posted by BillsFanSD

  1. Feels kind of weird to jump directly from an epic World Cup final to Jets-Lions, but here I am.
  2. Miami -- We're the better team, but they're certainly capable of beating us if we don't bring our A game. Chargers -- Herbert gives them a puncher's chance against anybody. Honestly I would be happy to play the Jets or Patriots in the playoffs. Those are about the softest matchups we can realistically expect.
  3. Jimmy Johnson would have cut this guy before leaving the stadium last night. That one penalty reduced our win percentage by nearly 15%! There are guys on the street who can knock the ball down on 4th and forever and refrain from roughing the kicker.
  4. I mean, everybody is focused on Miami making their opponents play with heat stroke, but let's keep in mind that this is the same team that put a concussed player right back on the field when he could barely stand upright. They don't give a ---- about player safety. Screw 'em.
  5. Allen is a better QB than Tua. No question. That said, the rest of Miami's offensive personnel is probably better than ours. Tua isn't a world-beater, but he's definitely good enough to beat us with Hill and Waddle. He already did it once and he nearly did it again last night. Miami is likely to be a problem for the foreseeable future.
  6. Two things can be simultaneously true: 1) Our fans should not throw snow at opposing players. 2) Miami has absolutely no standing to complain about this. None whatsoever.
  7. I really hope this lands on Amazon. Partly so I don't have to pay for another streaming service, but mainly because TNF has been really good. I get that Amazon isn't going to be producing the broadcasts, but maybe they'll put the networks to innovate a little, or provide alternate broadcast/audio options.
  8. I'm not qualified to evaluate how good a job Dorsey is doing, but a) everything seems noticeably harder on offense than it was before the bye; (2) the offense really does seem to rely on Josh Allen being superman with comparatively little bright play design; (3) I don't understand the obsession with called handoffs on 2nd and 10. If the Bills do their normal end-of-year evaluations and bring Dorsey back next season, I'm fine with that. If they decide to move on from Dorsey, I'm fine with that too. I'm not sure that he's doing a bad job, but I also haven't seen anything to make me think that he's doing a good job either.
  9. Miami is a legit team. We have the best player on the field, but Miami probably has 3-4 of the top five and 12-14 of the top 20. Kind of like Bills-Chiefs back in 2020. Sure it would have been fun to blow them out, but I'll take a six-minute drive that ends the game with a walk-off FG. Winning that way was fun too.
  10. I trust our FG unit much more than I trust our "don't let them throw deep" defense. Frankly, I'm amazed anyone feels otherwise. How can you possibly have watched this defense give up third-and-long over and over again and criticize the offense for not putting the defense back on the field?
  11. Good for the Vikings. I was a little sad to see this record fall, but we all knew it would eventually. Doesn't take away from what we did against the Oilers.
  12. Haven't watched the pro bowl in eons. Just not interested. If they just announced two pro bowl squads to honor the individual players and cancelled the game that would be completely fine with me. On a closely-related note, I quit caring who did and didn't make the pro bowl quite a few years ago too. Too much of it is popularity and name recognition. I'd rather that my team win one more game and have every eligible player snubbed than see our guys on the PB roster and lose an additional game.
  13. Some of the posters who called for Sullivan to be fired have themselves posted worse jokes in this very thread and gotten no flak for it at all. So yeah, I think it's safe to assume that this is really just a lifetime achievement award and all the "outrage" over his podcast is just cover for that.
  14. Nope. If I wanted Dick Jauron running the offense, I would hire Jauron. I do not want our OC flinging RBs into the teeth of the defense when we need first downs.
  15. If these folks had been born 40 years earlier, they'd be all aghast about Twisted Sister or Dungeons & Dragons or somesuch. There's a certain type of person who's just predisposed to being a church lady, and they glom onto whatever the church-ladiest issue of the day happens to be. In 2022, it's this stuff.
  16. I think this little dust-up has definitively established than men can be just as whiny as women. Another stereotype has been debunked.
  17. Cool. Here's your chance to be brave: https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/topic/244382-jerry-sullivan-crosses-the-line-comments-against-women/?do=findComment&comment=8117369
  18. This is a bog standard internet joke and I am not offended by it at all. But you just jokingly asked another poster for pics of his daughters. In the same thread that you called for another person's firing over a similar joke. Maybe think on that a bit?
  19. Well, it's actually not Sullivan's fault that I'm being exposed to his podcast. That's Aaron Quinn's fault, in a very direct, literal sense. I would not have known that Jerry Sullivan even has a podcast were it not for two people who I follow on Twitter.
  20. If only we had a RB who could make himself available in the passing game. Or a TE with receiving skills. Oh well.
  21. My perspective on Jerry Sullivan may be colored by the fact that I live in South Dakota, so I don't get local news unless I seek it out. I subscribe to the Buffalo News, and I watch some of Cover 1's stuff, and I spend some time around here. That's basically it. I don't remember when Sullivan left whatever paper he used to write for (BN? D&C?). I read his stuff for a long time and mostly enjoyed his sense of humor. Sure, he was negative all the time, but there weren't many things to be positive about during most of the drought years. Somewhere along the line, it seemed like something changed with him. I don't expect sports journalists to be fans of the team they cover, and I'm all for critically evaluating players, coaches, staff, owners, etc. But it started to feel like Sullivan just hated the team on a personal level, and I found that off-putting. I have no idea if Sullivan actually hates the Bills or not, and I wouldn't blame him if he did (lots of people grow to hate their employer, and it wouldn't surprise me if sports reporters grow to hate their beat team on a long enough time horizon). Regardless, his columns started to come across to me as criticism-for-the-sake-of-criticism and I started passing them over. I don't think I've read anything he's written since the Pegulas bought the team at least. I wouldn't have thought about Jerry Sullivan at all today if a couple of guys from Cover 1 hadn't vomited him all over my TL just to show how virtuous they are. But then again, I literally never encounter this person. I never see him on television, and I don't read whatever paper he writes for. His stuff doesn't show up on this site. Obviously locals are a lot more invested in Jerry Sullivan than I am. I don't get it, but I'm not from the area either.
  22. Yeah, I had forgotten about that one. I thought Jackson's comment to that fan was unprofessional (why go after some rando on social media?) but the performative outrage was ridiculous. I'll grant that this is similar.
  23. I think you might have me confused with a different poster. I don't like Jerry Sullivan and I can't recall defending any other media figure any time recently. In fairness, maybe I'm just forgetting something.
  24. I don't think anyone anywhere actually finds his comments offensive. They just don't like Jerry Sullivan and they see this as an opportunity to drag the guy. Which is fine, up to a point. I haven't had any reason to think about Jerry Sullivan in years, and his schtick had gotten extremely stale by the time he disappeared to wherever he is now. Feel free to dislike the guy all you want. But I'm not buying the idea that you're actually bothered by the substance of his commentary on men and women.
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