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Everything posted by gobillsatthebeach

  1. The subscription doesn't cost too much, but is more than my NY Times and LA Times subscriptions. I wonder how the advertisers will react when when their views plummet.
  2. Thought you might like a pre-trade article on EJ Gaines progress. http://www.latimes.com/sports/rams/la-sp-rams-training-camp-20170731-story.html
  3. Actually very much is known about the climate. It has been studied for decades all over the world and that knowledge helped bring about 2 major world agreements. I'm not aware of many rich scientists who study climate change, but I am aware of deniers whose riches are based in energy sources and practices that cause climate change and are from one country. If you want the simple cliche, "Follow the money".
  4. You are missing the point. Younger people often don't fully take the risks into consideration. "It will never happen to me" is a common and normal thought. "I'm 21, that won't happen for years" and "I can make how much???" Meanwhile, the best of the best are groomed to excel, in football, experience celebrity, at least on a local level in college and have the opportunity that comes once and never again. We're not in their shoes and It's more complicated than just knowing the risks.
  5. Based on the comments, my guess is that many on this board are in their 20's and 30's. The decisions we make in our 20's are not the same as those we would make later in life. So many athletes who come from nothing or middle-class lifestyles and blow away the odds with the rarest of opportunities at making millions of dollars, often can't fully comprehend the risk they are about to take. At that age, we rarely look at the consequences. Look at our diets, our actions...What is the average age of the people in the tailgate videos doing crazy things? Compound all of that with a one-time life changing opportunity that can set you and your family up for life? The average middle-class person with average athletic ability can't truly comprehend that choice without ever having a chance to experience it. Look at those affected with the symptoms who said that they wouldn't let their kids play. We can't just say, "it's their choice, they know the risks", it's much more complicated.
  6. If only we could see that in our lifetimes....Thanks for posting that was great!
  7. We were amazed at the fan reaction. Even the post-game hosts were exasperated with them...Young throws over 400 yards, all those touchdowns, no punts and people bitched the Montana would have won the game.
  8. I will never forget this game. I had moved to Southern California 5 years earlier and a friend that I grew up with in Tonawanda happened to be in the Bay area at the same time and we were lucky enough to get tickets. As we walked to our seats, I saw someone seated in the row behind us. A childhood friend of ours who grew up on my street and hadn’t seen since his Dad passed away and he moved out of town at 16 years old. I yelled out his name in excitement and as a true Bills fan, said "We'll talk at half-time", which, as a Bills fan, he completely understood. We connected at the half but missed each other at the end of the game. And that was the last time we saw him… until 2013. We reconnected on facebook and he was still living in Northern California. Coincidentally, I arranged a wine country trip with good childhood friends and their wives, including my friend that I went to the game with and made plans to see our friend. About a month before the trip, he stopped communicating and I thought that we wouldn't see him. About a week before the trip, we finally connected and I learned that he had congenital heart failure, almost died and was hospitalized for a month. We did meet on the trip, which made it even more meaningful and talked about that amazing game, still in awe of what we witnessed. He wrote several questions about places and people that we grew up with in Tonawanda and my friends were able to answer his questions. It was a great evening with a lot of laughs. About 3 months later, he passed away, from congenital heart failure. It made me feel so good that we were able to connect and that he was able to see old friends, catch up with his hometown and feel good about life, both past and present. This game will always have a place in my heart. Go Bills!
  9. And for anyone who gives you a hard time, remind them that if Ralph Wilson didn't loan the Raiders $400,000 in 1962, there would be no Oakland Raiders. GO BILLS!!!
  10. Does anyone know if there are any Bills Backers tailgates at Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum?
  11. We're still in preseason and they changed a rule when the Ray Rice video came out. The NFL is not the law of the land, it's a private organization with a set of rules. They can buck tradition and change rules at their discretion. The hidden nugget in the last ruling is that cannibals can be studied beyond the University of Mississippi. Those studies will help eventually reclassify its status.
  12. Is WebMD a reliable source? http://www.webmd.com/pain-management/news/20100830/marijuana-relieves-chronic-pain-research-show How about the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12185373 Well said. The "rules" argument doesn't work either, the forward pass used to be illegal too. It's time for a real, open thought on the issue.
  13. There is no reason for this arcane rule nor a need to conflate with other issues like unprotected sex, which by the way, is legal or drunk driving. The reality is, people smoke pot...and so what, it doesn't affect anyone else. The forward pass used to be illegal too, but times change and so do rules. Although it's still listed as a class 1 drug, it is now open to more studies for its benefits. "Real Sports" had a great piece on the benefits of marijuana and chronic pain. It's worth watching.
  14. It's time for the NFL to get with the times. A huge number of people in their 20's smoke pot. It's legal in some states and it's about to become legal in California. It's been proven helpful to athletes that give their bodies and suffer from chronic pain. At this point, who cares if a player smokes pot on his time? Doesn't the NFL have enough issues to deal with than if a player smokes on his time away from the field?
  15. Great info! Thanks for posting!
  16. I lived in an upscale neighborhood years and a man killed his entire family. It can happen anywhere.
  17. Aside from the age of the Ralph (Green Bay and Soldier Field were both renovated but are still older), why are the owners so bent a new stadium? It has plenty of suites, some of which are unsold. It's structurally sound, has amazing site lines, all of the advertising that any stadium can show. What's missing after a $140 million renovation? Thanks
  18. The CTE link to boxing is much older than football. The term "punch drunk" is a euphemism for CTE from boxing. Some of the best known boxers in the history of the sport have been affected by some sort of mental degeneration. For example, Muhammad Ali, Joe Frazier, Floyd Patterson, Sugar Ray Robinson, Billy Conn, Joe Louis, Jerry Quarry, Emile Griffith, Freddie Roach. Later in life Floyd Patterson actually had to resign as a member of the New York State Boxing Commission because cognitively, he couldn’t think things through anymore. His reasoning was simply gone. Headgear definitely helps, but as we know it's not used at the professional level.
  19. Ask a player like Joe DeLamielleure if the sample size is small. Not only does he have it, he can tell you of many others that have it as well. It's not just CTE, it's also ALS. And how about Darryl Talley, Tony Dorsett and others who were diagnosed in their 50's or 60's? What about Jr Seau and Dave Duerson? Duerson committed suicide by shooting himself in the chest, so that his brain could be studied. A Harvard study is going on that is looking more closely at this subject. And if you are going to say the sample size of global warming is small, NASA published an article that says: Scientific Consensus: Earth's climate is warming. 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities. Not small.
  20. I am down to watching the Bills and that's it. The greed and the NFL's "priorities" is nauseating.
  21. Because of Ralph Wilson bringing the Bills to Buffalo, some of my earliest memories are with family and the Bills...From my grandfather sitting in his chair calling them the BUFFALO BUMS!!! to my father calling Ralph Wilson a cheap son of a B word only to rethink that when he was in the Ralph & Mary Wilson, Jr., Hospice Inpatient Unit at the end of his life. The links from my grandparents, parents and now my kids to the Buffalo Bills impacted our lives beyond compare. Thank you Mr. Wilson
  22. Does anyone remember the padding on Mark Kelso's helmet that he used for 5 years? He had two serious concussions and it was recommended that he never play football again. The Bills trainer new somebody that developed padding for the outside of his helmet and he never had another concussion. His nickname was "The Great Kazoo" because the padding made his helmet larger. It didn't look sleek, but it worked. During that same time, Steve Wallace, a 49er offensive lineman had the padding on his and he also never suffered another concussion. It baffles me that more people don't talk about that or that the padding hasn't been used more.
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