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  1. Awesome! Thank you for posting!
  2. No safeties in group 1? Hamlin is on a rookie contract
  3. Josh was a guest on Tom Brady's SiriusXM and both acknowledged that the Bills run the Patriot offense. Dabol was there a long time and incorporated it here. I don't know if he would go against his old boss and as a head coach, he didn't succeed, but as an OC with multiple Super Bowls, Josh McDaniel could be good. At the same time, if you saw McD and Dabol not shake hands after the Giants game, it's no secret that Dabol didn't listen to McD and ran the offense his way and was successful. It looks like Dorsey is a Yes Man to McD's demands. The D's injuries are in McD's head. He wants the offense to slow down and the chew clock to keep the D off the field as much as possible and it's not working. He has to allow the offense to play to its strengths and stop stifling offensive tempo and momentum.
  4. Awesome. I hope it gets a million plus views, truly amazing.
  5. Plain and simple. It's his diet and likely lack of exercise. One of the leading causes of heart attack and stroke is a diet consisting of meat, oil, sugars. As hard as it is to hear, we don't eat enough greens, legumes (beans) and fruits and eat way too much artery clogging foods. Sad but true. Study after study shows what the Standard American Diet (SAD) does to the heart and arteries. If you want more info, look up the very respected Dr Caldwell Essylstyn from the Cleveland Clinic and Dr T. Colin Campbell, from Cornell, lead scientist of The China Study.
  6. But Jimmy Page took lessons, he'd probably be an excellent teacher... There's a great video of him as a teenager talking about his guitar lessons...But I get your point, well said and Go Bills!
  7. No he can't, he wasn't vaccinated, minimum 10 days.
  8. Great video, thanks for posting!
  9. Hope for a speedy recovery, you have lot of people thinking of your and hoping for the best. We're with you.
  10. You could have half teams playing one week and the other playing the next week, maybe by conference and your team plays only the teams in your conference or splitting the conferences in two . It gives the owners their 16 week tv schedule
  11. Look at former player injuries: CTE, ALS, shortened life spans, crippling bodily injuries....Just how much do the owners need make? The NFL won't release financial numbers for a reason. I cannot believe the players voted for a 17th game. The dollars are there for benefit increases without adding another game.
  12. Have patience, it was worth the full view.
  13. There has not been a study that debunked the China Study, in fact the book sites several others that back it up. Another book called 'Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease' by Caldwell Essylstyn explains it even easier. http://www.dresselstyn.com/site/ He was a surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic who after many years, put his his patients on a plant based diet and not only did their cholesterol go down, none needed surgery. I followed it for the last year; no meat, dairy, poultry fish, oil or fats. I have a family history of high cholesterol and mine went from over 330 to less than 180 (The goal is less than 150). He correctly notes that your level can be at 170 or 180 and still have a heart attack. The goal is to get it down to 150 or less and your LDL below 80. No recorded heart attacks at those levels. Both books say the same thing, our western diet is the greatest cause of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. What the China Study showed is that people who ate plant based, non-processed diets have much lower rates of those diseases and those that moved to the US experienced those diseases at the same rates that American do. It truly is what we eat.
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