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Everything posted by Klaista2k

  1. How did Allen look overall in his bowl game? I caught a little early on and he actually was super impressive.
  2. I don't see how Rosen has any leverage whatsoever? If the Browns draft him what's he gonna do sit out and go to the XFL or something?
  3. I just noticed every single team we need to win this week is playing on the road. WTF what are the chances of that? Ugh
  4. Which team has the better shot at winning on Sunday? Is it the Bengals beating the Ravens or the Raiders upsetting the Chargers?
  5. Maybe Saint Doug can help us get into the playoffs this year!
  6. If we finish 9-7 and miss the playoff's I think it's safe to say we got pretty unlucky this year. Yes we did have that terrible 3 game stretch (Jets, Saints, Chargers), but keep in mind we started 5-2, and have actually been playing pretty good of late (won 3 out of 4 before the Pats loss). I feel Baltimore just got super lucky this year. They played the Packers without Rodgers, and Houston without Watson. If those guys weren't hurt they would have lost at least 1 if not both of those games, and we'd be in the playoffs this year for sure if we finish 9-7.
  7. Honestly can the quality get any worse? Multiple angles showed that Benjamin was CLEARLY IN and it should've been a touchdown and they overturned it. The league should make an independent panel to review it and determine right or wrong.
  8. Rosen will be gone and Darnold probably isn't coming out so it's down to either Josh Allen or Baker Mayfield. Which one should we take?
  9. I've revised my idea on how I think the NFL should handle it. In the regular season refs should be fined for wrong calls (If they reach 3 fines in X amount of time then they should be gone) In the playoffs I think it should be zero tolerance type of policy. 1 wrong call and you are done. Should be reviewed by an independent panel.
  10. Perhaps something like this would work.... In the regular season fine them significantly and if they reach 3 fines within a certain period of time fire them. If they have 1 wrong call in the playoffs they should be gone. I think that would be a pretty fair system.
  11. That's not enough. What if that Benjamin call happened in the playoffs and ended up costing us the game? They need to get serious and start firing these guys. I see it as the only solution.
  12. I think whoever gets it wrong should be fired. Whether the call comes from the on the field ref or the official in NY. There's no excuses for this and it's ruining the game.
  13. There's no excuse for how bad some of these calls are getting in the NFL. Is it time for the NFL to start firing refs who make these egregiously bad calls? I think it should go to an independent panel for review, and if its determined the the call is wrong the referee should be terminated. I see this as the only solution to fixing this problem with the corrupt officiating.
  14. They suck. I mean they signed Tolbert for Christ's sake.
  15. So did KC beating LA pretty much screw us?
  16. Dammit that sucks. I could potentially see this happening.
  17. What happens if we beat Miami, the Raiders beat the Chargers and Titans beat the Jags? Would we get into the playoffs?
  18. The Iron Bear.
  19. The worst thing about TT's game is that when we get down a couple scores you know the game is over. He's just not capable of leading us back to victory.
  20. What about Greg Roman? The offense has statistically regressed in every category since he left.
  21. Ok maybe it's a bad idea for next week. As far as next year I say we should find a new QB tho...
  22. Are you even a Bills fan? You aren't acting like one. lol
  23. Yes easily. There was no conclusive to overturn it. Simple keep the call the same. Not that hard buddy.
  24. How much of a bull **** call was this? It looked like had control and got both feet in. Absolutely ridiculous that this call was overturned IMO. Something really needs to be done about the awful NFL officiating.
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