Hope: Miller gets the starting job and Reilly makes the team
Expect: to watch this on a tablet at a music show and not give a !@#$ what people think. !@#$ **** up for 10 mins then peace out to watch the rest of this scrub game in the confort of my house which has turned into a psychic testing center for morons.
I learned this in middle school when i was really fast but lost a lot of speed in pads cuz i had no leg muscles yet this and my height effectively left all my football dreams to Madden franchises
I eventually became a successful reefer delivery engineer but it wasnt easy :lol:
The reason Rambo cant stay on the team is his knee keeps failing on him. I feel bad for dude he was a playmaker at S depth and STs and could start in a pinch.
A lot of us will lose respect for the coaching if Miller is cut to start Ducasse.
Can you imagine how this place would explode if we have to start Wenning week 1 and he WINS?? The trade tyrod and start wenning bandwagon would be full in a few hrs.
I was right its already happening the bandwagon is on the road