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Marty McFly

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Everything posted by Marty McFly

  1. dope song and album. didnt know there were other hiphop heads here. Makes me LOL at all the bandwagon "cant name 5 players on the team besides Cam and Kuechly" Panther fans braggin all week about how Cam isnt a statue like brady and bla bla bla HGH bla bla bla He always has. and thats why I will always put him over Tom Brady* in All time arguments. plus Manning has always had to carry teams he played on (with SB50 being the exception) Tom had to carry his team this year and he cudnt get it done like manning in 07 or 08 (even tho he lost the 2nd one)
  2. Dude I think you mis-understood my post. I did not and still do not like the Rex Ryan hire. The jets games were the only thing Rex did good besides bringing in Tryod Darby and Cognito. Now that he has his bro and the draft will be spent bringing in players that fit "his scheme and system" he basically stepped up to the noose, the defenses performance will decide whether he hangs himself or hangs last year as an out of norm season.
  3. Von Millers will be well deserved too (hopefully this means we can snag one of their LBs in FA). I assume you were in the Panthers blow out crowd? Your comment shows you sir, are a class act. GO Bills! It wasnt a weird feeling. They had a cake walk schedule then with all the momentum and self believed hype they steam rolled 2 good teams, (Palmer had an injured finger on his throwing hand remember), then they face the #1 defense with the #1 game manager QB in the league and thought it was gonna be another cake walk. that **** was a rude awakening for them. Cams gonna be a great QB one day, he learned a lot from last nights game. I think hes gonna **** on him and throw some in-direct shots at QBs like Cam, Wilson, and Tyrod. just gonna make me dis-like sully even more. LMAO. nice. are you trolling or for real? I knew it was gonna be closer then the blowout people expected. Rooting for Manning and Denver throughout all the playoffs I was very satisfied.
  4. I was rooting for Peyton and the Broncos and couldnt believe what I saw...it was like Cam was looking at a live grenade and didnt have the heart and grit to jump in their and fight for his team. I like Cam too I was very disappointed. EDIT: in fact that play disappointed me more then Cams over throws and miscues durin the game.
  5. This makes me smile. I also noticed. His gameplan was off the hook. Completely dumbfounded Newton. You get Newton some top WRs in the offseason and some O Line upgrades an they might be back in the NFC champ game next year. I dont think so. I been enjoying my day off from work watching NFL Net and ESPN and Von Miller is getting madd shine. Even in the Manning Interview theyre asking him about Von Miller. He deserved that MVP. which is cool. top 2 2011 draftpicks face off in superbowl, the 2nd pick becomes MVP the 1st pick loses but not with class after walking out of the presser. Seriously, if the NFL is rigged then that means NO RINGS FOR BRADY since they been cheating since forever. smh. I hate fans like that. They hate Manning knocked them out the playoffs the 2 times Peyton won the SB. dont get me started on the hockey modified glove bull ****. Boston teams cheat. Yes there are shakey penalty calls in games but they almost always favor the Pats* so those fans can eat a nice place of STFU on rice. lol so many excuses for the most cheating-est team in the league. get over it Pats* I bet if brady goes to another team he will not win a superbowl. Its all good bro, just dont put me down about it on some passive aggressive ****. everyone has their idiosyncrasies. thats just one of the quirks that make me, me. I have to translate to people who dont know me or my lingo in real life too.
  6. !@#$ YEAH DUDE! MANNING BRONCOS! #teamunderog. #hashtagsaremeaninglessimmockingthem. I feel bad for Cam. but this was Peytons last rodeo and a make up for the seahawk rapage. Im happy for him. this will only make Cam a stronger player and build his character TRANSLATOR Creel = marklar: word that can be used for anything based on context. Rapage: Broncos got raped last SB so grateful for the universe bla bla: im being grateful that i made good $$ in tips at work got my party "favors" and got to enjoy the game after work without anyone spoiling the ending for me. using universe in place of God cuz i dont wanna start that rabbit hole of a debate of creation, (to each his own in their beliefs). ^ this. some of those Cam overthrows looked like Ej Manuel was playing: I had quoted someone who said "good defense creates bad QB play." IDK why it didnt show up. there is that clear enough for you? @joesixpack
  7. I actually liked watching the game brah. I delivered pizza (side gig) for about 6 hours and made it home to catch the game on DVR without anyone spoiling the ending for me. it was great. had some pizza and wings from the store had some "party favors" it was awesome. so grateful for the night the universe threw at me. I was a good game to watch for me cuz i like defensive creels prefer shootouts or balanced games but meh. i expected it to be all defense. I wish Peyton and Carolina played better but it wasnt one of those boring 1960s 1970s defensive struggles. each drive was suspesnful like whos gonna make a game breaker? and then BAM either defense would make a huge play to force a punt or turnover. and the Broncos won. I couldnt be happier. I bet carolina spends in FA and the draft on some key WR and O Line help ^ This. some of those Cam over throws look like Manuel was in lol
  8. where can i watch the full press confrences? I had to DVR the game cuz of work and made it home witout any spoilers. great defensive game. happy the Broncos won. where can i see the full pressers tho? besides Cams 1 minute temper tantrum Speaking of pointless bitching. I looked at the panthers SB nation page. lost track about how many comments about how the NFL screwed them lol smh. they sound worse then us with the fake P.I call on Robey @ jax in London
  9. its ok its ok.... ill take the heat and blame Rex for not challenging. lol Go Broncos!
  10. Almost none of those guys played the jets week 17 and we won anyway. so while I agree the injuries killed us during the season but that doesnt absolve rex cuz he showed he could win with bak ups against a team with a much better defense and the playoffs on the line. his scheme and the way he mis managed the defense cost us a few. dont forget replacing Searcy and Spikes is the headcoaches job too. and its like he forgot they were gone. EDIT: and gilmore was gone when we were already pretty much out of the playoff hunt
  11. LOL thanks for the correction. in a way Hes off the leash cuz now hes got his bro on the team and grabbing "his players" for a defense that he said had all the pieces it needed prior to last season, and will fully use his scheme all season. This year i would say hes stepping into the noose. There can be no more excuses. He can hang last season into the noose as an outlier in his career with a top 10-15 defense, or stick his head in it after getting almost full control of the defense with his bro, stubborn scheme, and players needed to fill it through the draft. Seriously. Tyrod played above and beyond what was expected from him last season, next season will determine if hes a long term prospect or a very good interim QB. week 1- week 17 progression shows hes trending up.
  12. thats correct but doesnt let rex off the leash
  13. I take all those comments with a grain of salt because people also act like bandwagon Carolina Panther fans. just ask @boyst62 LOL got sonned by a robot....need some sun block? On the bright side at least Blaine Gabbert the latest 49ner starter at QB(who might be an Alex Smith-type project and best QB out of all the names you listed) had a good stretch of games, and Weeden, Nassib, and McCoy got a decent game or two under their belts. So yeah....Ill take my chances with Tyrod and draft all Defense and an OT, WR this draft. Maybe that super kicker Ogyuanda or watever his name is this season too.
  14. Same here. that ship has sailed and the tweedle brothers have us floating between playoffs contenders or defensive self destruction leading to team collapse/re-build.
  15. This, and didnt the Ravens have 3 diff OCs during his 5 year learning camp in Baltimore? This truly was Tyrods 1st year. Whether the Ripley believes it or not.
  16. That would be awesome. I see random band wagon Carolina fans are still embarrassing themselves through comment sections everywhere.
  17. Agree. I been Team Tyrod since the Cleveland Pre-Season game. Watch link. Get hyped for next season. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4eEJOui0Qk
  18. Im right there with you Yolo. Go Broncos! Thats a sick % bro. the odds are stacked against Denver but i rootin for the Sheriff Go Broncos!
  19. He still got fired after another season anyway. He knew Flutie had the best chance to win and caved in. Tough spot to be in for a coach but he lost his balls and shitted on the QB that game managed them to a playoff entrance. Flutie plays his heart out for the team and Wade lets Ralph B word slap him 2nd hand.
  20. Only if they get up by 2 or 3 TDs early. If Broncos can play keep the ball away from cam with short passes and the running game draining the clock it will be a tighter game. Also I wouldnt take Denvers defense so lightly their LB core who will be responsible for keepin Cams scramble runs in check is top notch, add that to arguably the best secondary in the league in zone coverage and we got a game.
  21. Wade> Rex. easily the only thing I have against Wade was tucking his balls between his legs and benching Flutie at Ralphs command over a meaningless week 17 performance. SMH...
  22. after reading that article 26cornerblitz posted and sifting through some comments im starting to see why they trash delhomme. I like the Panthers and I think Cam is awesome to watch play. Denver the underdog and im rooting for them. but after reading the comments the Carolina fans are posting, is it me or are Panther fans Just stupid to the point of offensively stupid? I dont get it. Theyre throwing the HGH thing out there when its obvious Peytons decline in performance and arm strength completely dismantles that accusation. Am I being a snob? or are they really that stupid?
  23. Wow....that Super Bowl tho...against the Pats* tho? damnnn that loss was on the kicker and Panthers defense. Delhomme was the one who kept them in the game. im shocked. That would be cool. Hope they studied that 2nd Falcons game plan this year.
  24. Why? I didnt watch their season but I watched that Super Bowl. He had a hell of a game. I dont think Rob Johnson or Trent could ever hold a candle to that performance.
  25. Who do you think is gonna slip down on draft day and can be a steal for the team that bites.
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