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Marty McFly

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Everything posted by Marty McFly

  1. Tell Dennison to out the option plays back in the playbook and stop fckin around. DT is def an upgrade over everyone here besides matthews and clay. He had an awesome preseason with us in 2015
  2. The real #1 reason: because its on espn instead of syndicated tv channelsmlike nbc, cbs, fpx, etc. I have cable but it doesnt carry espn so i get screwed and im not going to my cpu to stream a football game unless its the Bills.
  3. After all the doom n gloom around here. I can really appreciate this post 4 what it is. We have a solid defense and a QB that wont turn the ball over. If we can start playing better offense, theres no reason why we cant make a late run into the divisional round?
  4. what these bros said. Its Buffalo. We hate QBs unless their on Jim Kellys level. it is what it is. Until a QB that plays for Buffalo takes the team on a respectable playoff run once or twice, regardless of how good the defense, WRs, and OC was/is/will be, hes gonna get crucified.
  5. I rwad all that in a Boston accent. It was bad. things i cant stand: imaginary psychic chicks and patriot ball washers.
  6. Probably. This offense took a nose dive.
  7. What is it with Buffalo and QBs? Damn get off everyone elses QBs nuts. Can we just draft our own QB instead of going throhgh other teams dirty laundry for one? Fck.
  8. Not this time. They would have lost to the jets today but the zebras gift wrapped them a win after stealing a jets TD and giving the ball back to the Pats* in the worst call in history.
  9. Youre all feeding a Brady sucking troll. Yep, clean that vomit up
  10. I agree with this. Pics or it didnt happen.
  11. :lol: Youre trolling right? You dont actually eat the bullsht you jus tried to feed us, do you?
  12. Right. I cant see how they trade for a RB when our lack of speed and quality WRs is ine of the main reasons the run game isnt working bc we hwve no WRs that they get scared getting beat deep by, like Goodwin, Sammy, Hogan, etc. Edit: just bring back J Will. He knows the offense already.
  13. I think this is ego shlong swinging. I bet J Will wouldve had more ypc if he were still kn the team then the bowling ball. I want in on that. :lol:
  14. Thats a really cool story. If i ever make it out of the circus my life has become, ill do same.
  15. Agree. Hogans from the 201.
  16. By the time i watched football the NFL was the only game in town. Any old AFL bills games worth watching? With high flying offenses?
  17. Agree on Tate. I sqw it in him last year. He is a solid #4 WR with upside to be more.
  18. 4getting Watkins for a minute, if we still had and any combination of Hogan, Goodwin, and Woods we would def be 4-1 or maybe undefeated. This offense would be rolling a lot smoother, Goodwin and Hogan would push the defense back on the deeper routes opening things up for Shady on the ground and Woods in the slot. Tyrod isnt the best QB but hes a playmaker when he actually has weapons. How many over 40yd pass plays did we have 2015 and 2016? Enough to be at the top of the league in big plays for two years, look it up. Dennisons/Castillos scheme sucks for this roster. Period. Castillo with the Dennisin scheme just hit us with a Reverse Rex Ryan.
  19. I gotta agree with some of this. Hes a run stopper for sure but we knew that when we drafted him, he isnt pass rusning at the NFL levelnyet if ever, thats why they have Yarbrough or Lorax rushing the QB on 3rd and pass downs.
  20. What is the world coming to when people cant stfu n enjoy a good troll thread. I will do a line for the collective stupidity on this board. If you mad then You just dont get it like kanye west in they fishdick gay fish episode.
  21. Im IN on a Bills W and Taylor over 224 yds. Well hes got Flash Goodwin on his team so he must be part of the JL
  22. Way with words? You have no idea how right you are brother. Agree with all your suggestions. I hope they listen to you.
  23. Bye week sees Zay jones take on his old nemesis in a grudge match....the jug machine... Zay Jones vs the Jug Machine. Jug machine has no fcks to give... Jug machine hits em with an uppercut to the ribs... Jug machine jukes, ducks, dips, moves, jives... Jug machine dodges jones and punches him in the eye... Zay jones hands is clay stones, drops another pass thinking of a bigger score... Jug machine puts Zay jones into the figure 4... Zay jones reverses and grabs the ring rope to take control... Referee makes jug machine break the hold... Jug machines a heel, yellin at the ref, sayin it was no fair WHAM!!!! SUPER KICK OUTTA NOWHERE!!!!! jug machine is down!! They say trust the process but, the process aint free... Zay Jones gets over his yips when he covers the jug machine for the 1-2-3 //
  24. Cousins wants to work with Shanahan again, so he might get that family discount in SF and trade down like you said. After 2 seasons of franchise tag money, i could see cousins take less money to play where he wants to. They def need to shore up that o line and im sure a top pick in the 1st could get them 2 solid o line rookies in the 1st round or even 2.
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