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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. The most abundant resource in the universe is stupidity; unfortunately most of it is on Earth
  2. which is bullsh*t because i'm not much older than he is and have fond memories of Mad Magazine. There was also Mad TV on Fox from the 1990s-2000s so either Mayor Pete is trying to score political points....or he doesn't have a sense of humor
  3. The red witches have been known to be wrong and change their allegiances The battle outside Kings Landing will be eye candy. The real battle will be inside when Arya and The Hound infiltrate the city and extract their vengeance After Arya strikes another name (or two) from her list and we are finally blessed with Clegane Bowl, the Dany/Sansa rift opens setting up the final episode. Dany does the nutty Targaryian thing forcing Jon to side with his Stark cousins over his Targaryian aunt. When Jon's true lineage is revealed he abdicates and leaves the 7 kingdoms to rule themselves. Then he goes to find Ghost and apologize. That was a really dick move in Episode 4 to just give up his dog without even saying good bye Varys seemed to have been on good terms with Melisandre who you should remember was able to hide her true form. Perhaps the Lord of Light has been shrouding Varys?
  4. I think we have a working title for a collaboration project : Tactical Rabbi
  5. Japan falls under the American security umbrella
  6. Boston San Francisco (San Jose) The guy who killed the AAF Go Blues!
  7. this is how i picture gator and before i put him on ignore, thats the voice in my head when i read his posts Yaaaaay!!
  8. i'd be willing to suspend enough disbelief to think that since Winter had started the vegetation had died out as the weather changed But they changed the architecture too That's just sloppy show running
  9. you know what would really shame them? having to stitch a red maga to their clothing. and if that doesn't teach them a lesson, they should be sent to some kind of camp to help them learn
  10. i'd rather watch Tom & Jerry reruns than most current TV Maybe that's why dead people keep voting Democrat
  11. i beg to differ. there is no such thing as bad tang
  12. Progressive Gun Control = Guns for me but not for thee
  13. that's not a symbol of "white supremacy". that's the "made you look!" hand gesture 10 year olds make so they can punch you
  14. That only happens when Republicans are out of power. In power they are Democrat Lite
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