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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. if we're going to play this game, my guess is any black conservative gets #metoo'd by a white woman. secondary guess is accusations of criminal activity when he was younger
  2. Khan tells Elizabeth II not to invite Trump to a state dinner because something something something #orangemanbad Elizabeth II invites Trump to a state dinner Khan is not invited
  3. Mad Queen Daenerys holds court over her ashen kingdom The Mad Queen accuses Jon Snow, the existential threat to her claim, of treason in a scene mirroring the deaths of Ned Stark's father and brother. Dracarys...except Jon Snow is also a Targaryian. Aegon the Unburnt, reborn of fire, true heir to the Iron Throne is revealed
  4. Cersei Lannister died on Mothers Day 2019 Tywin Lannister died on Fathers Day 2014
  5. https://townhall.com/columnists/sheriffdavidclarke(ret)/2019/05/13/send-in-the-clowns-n2546212
  6. During the Battle of Winterfell, Melisandre told Arya that she would kill people with brown eyes, green eyes, and blue eyes. During the parlay / execution of Missandre scene, there were several shots of Dany's green eyes
  7. Cersei, Jaimie, Varys, Qyburn, Euron Greyjoy, Harry Strickland, both Clegane's and a big chunk of the population of Kings Landing Are you not entertained?
  8. rewatched Season 8 Episode 4 Noticed the coffee cup Had to fast forward thru Jon's farewell to Winterfell. That part where he just ignored Ghost on his way out was a serious dick move Missandre's execution scene featured several close ups of Dany with her green eyes
  9. sounds like the sansa/danerys rivalry has spilled over into the real world, with actress sophie turner (sansa) blaming emilla clarke (daenerys) for the coffee cup
  10. Tyrion Lannister rides along with Colonel Kilgore Tyrion Lannister enters The Matrix Tyrion Lannister meets Tyler Durden
  11. give a dire wolf a belly rub and a squeaky toy and watch him turn into a big baby
  12. so you contribute 1.5% per year for 40 years ,then you get 40% of your higest pay every year for the rest of your life you've self funded a year and a half of your retirement. Where does the money come from to pay you the rest of your life?
  13. SFPD has better things to do than patrol the city, like raid the home of journalists https://www.sfexaminer.com/the-city/san-francisco-police-raid-home-of-journalist-to-find-leak-in-adachi-death/ See how Trump has declared war on journalism!
  14. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-05-12/-trumpville-site-chosen-on-israel-held-golan-to-honor-president
  15. so why are you complaining that "They already got mine" when in fact you are the one in control?
  16. asshat?
  17. Brazilian priest, that's like a lot of priests
  18. You do know that you can roll your TSP into another retirement plan right?
  19. This ninjas in two of the Lefts long term goals (401k confiscation and 100% inheritance tax) while paying morons a reduced monthly income
  20. And what happens when Jupiter and Saturn run out? You'll have to suck it out of Uranus
  21. Stop for a second and think like a Progressive. It's different when Trump calls them names it proves he is a fascist with an infantile mind but when they call Trump names, you should just shut up racist poopy face
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