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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. then you've learned nothing from game of thrones, your friends are the ones who will betray you
  2. funny how that happens when we stop sending them pallets of unmarked foreign currency
  3. Biden's son died of cancer, that should get at least a chuckle out of HaHa Gator
  4. So has biden or any of his spokespeople given examples of what makes him a good candidate for president other than #orangemanbad
  5. And most of the crowd is probably reporters
  6. NSFW (lots of F*bombs)
  7. https://www.theblaze.com/news/facebook-claims-it-suspended-candace-owens-page-by-mistake Yeah, "by mistake"
  8. The latter is my guess I hope so. It really bothered me how he left things with Ghost
  9. The Browns are a sexy pick because it gives sports reporters an excuse for some mental m*sturb*tion Until they prove otherwise, the Browns are a third place team *edit, really? m*sturb*tion is blocked?
  10. Translation: The DNC is getting ready to remind character actors the system is rigged in their favor and is encouraging them to remember who pulls their strings
  11. He also likes to hang out in the Canadian frontier
  12. #stopthebans This is something both sides of the political spectrum can actually agree on
  13. https://www.fastcompany.com/90351597/now-this-is-something-to-be-grumpy-about-meme-superstar-grumpy-cat-has-died
  14. I miss the old days of geeking out to Everquest. On a somewhat related note, Vanilla WoW scheduled for release August 27
  15. Regarding Jaime, Dany was outvoted by Jon and Sansa. And before you argue that she could have just went full Mad Queen and overruled them, she still needed The North but had not yet solidified her position Dany had warned Varys in S7 not to betray her and was quite clear what the consequences would be
  16. https://www.bradenton.com/entertainment/article230475754.html someone will probably come up with a bullsh*t reason why this is raysis
  17. you got warm facials because your dad didn't have enough money?
  18. Dany understands that a ruler has two options: love and fear Dany knows Sansa (and thus the North) will never love her Dany lost her Friendsville love (Jorrah) Dany lost her BFF (Missandei) Dany lost the love of her loyal advisors (Tyrion and Varys) Dany's romantic love was rejected by Jon Dany sees how the people love Jon, who already has a stronger claim to the throne Dany isn't going to waste any more of her time trying to be loved Let it be fear
  19. Tim Kaine was one of the few politicians I was wrong about. When he was Governor of Virginia, I called him Governor Douche As Senator from Virginia, I have frequently referred to him as Senator Douche For a few months in 2016 I referred to him as Vice President Douche I'm glad I was wrong about the last one
  20. Petition is up over half a million now. I encourage the aggrieved to boycott the finale, lessening HBO's server usage and bandwidth thus decreasing the chance of it buffering while the rest of us watch
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