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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. And this ashtray, and this paddle game, and the remote control,and these matches...
  2. So when does the Speaker plan to schedule a vote?
  3. If the prequel series includes the back story of Brandon the Builder, they should cast the guy who played Brandon Stark. And maybe find a role for Max Von Sydow
  4. Trump got a porn star to pay him for sex and the #resistance to pay his legal fees
  5. do you have the list of the top 20 largest TV finale audiences? Is that number on raw viewers or percentage of the audience? 10 million viewers twenty years ago would be a higher audience share than 19 million today How many of the top 20 are broadcast series? basic cable? pay cable?
  6. To be fair, Sam and Davos had been sitting out in the Dragon pit all day and were probably thirsty
  7. why is the "p" in "coup" silent? shouldn't it be pronounced like soup?
  8. 361 2020 is a leap year
  9. mostly old people, but their ratings do improve during football season when people forget to turn the tv off after a CBS late game
  10. I just finished rewatching Episode 5 Dany planned to raze the city regardless of the bells, and Grey Worm was in on it. Her brief moment of hesitation was the moment she crossed the proverbial Rubicon Anyone else see the irony in the Lannister forces manning the scorpion giving the order to "Fire"? Arya's shellshock scene is straight out of Saving Private Ryan, and Maisie Williams deserves a best supporting actress from all of the award shows Gregor Clegane unmasked = Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker unmasked I know some people weren't happy with the uninspiring end to Cersei Lannister but this was a character who spent her life playing the metaphorical game of thrones and she goes out with her world literally crashing down around her
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