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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Biden thus far has copied the campaign style of HRC https://www.lmtonline.com/news/article/Biden-s-campaign-is-one-of-limited-exposure-13898011.php
  2. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2019/05/27/climate_is_unpredictable_weather_you_like_it_or_not_140411.html
  3. So how does MLK fare in the era of #metoo https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7071713/FBI-tapes-Martin-Luther-King-Jr-40-affairs-laughed-friend-raped-parishioner.html
  4. Focal point of system didn't realize he was such a big deal That will inspire the confidence of his teammates.
  5. Lemmy, Slash, and Dave Grohl playing Ace of Spades
  6. But the spin will be the "Green Wave" https://news.yahoo.com/green-wave-eu-vote-amid-climate-crisis-194422602.html
  7. i disagree. Memorial Day weekend reminds us of the sacrifices Americans made in defense of Liberty And because of that sacrifice, a once bitter enemy has changed their ways to become a close friend
  8. i remember watching the State of the Union Address and when that image of the Democrat response appeared, my initial reaction was: That's a meme waiting to happen
  9. Republican farts in the room: CNN panel discusses the foul odor, the rudeness, and was it a biological attack? Democrat farts in the room: CNN panel enjoys a juvenile giggle while discussing the fragrant potpourri
  10. I'm not really sure what he said, but I think that French guy made a few uses of a German word for "to strike"
  11. Netflix Has 175 Days Left To Pull Off A Miracle... Or It's All Over
  12. I spent many a nights grinding on Norrath, Kunark specifically I recall one night venturing thru the level 15ish castle/tower on Kunark when something cast a Fear on me and I ended up falling down a hole into the depths with some giant badger looking things. My friend and I never could have gotten down there by ourselves so we rounded up an epic posse of noobs to recover my corpse
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