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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Wait, that's Joe in the picture? I thought it was another Hillary Clinton sighting in the woods of Chappaqua
  2. Isn't "electrolysis" how they give Brawndo what plants crave?
  3. Especially when you wonder how many of that crowd are campaign volunteers and media
  4. transgender studies. i find your cis-neanderthal barbaric notions of binary gender to be on the level of super mecha literal uber hitler orangemanbad unwokeness
  5. how will we know how many diet cokes or scoops of The Queens ice cream he takes?
  6. wait, so does that mean Steele is obstructing the investigation that he started?
  7. aww snap, tay tay is getting political https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2019/05/28/taylor-swift-promises-to-get-political-in-upcoming-music/
  8. wait, you mean Social Justice Warrior isn't a viable trade?
  9. Gonna have to disagree with you on that one. At least Harf's annoying traits can be ignored by her looks
  10. Sorry to raise the spectre of PPP here but with the pissing contest between Trump and the "Deep State" and Trump's recent declassification kick, I wouldn't be surprised if Trump declassified alot of things (UFO and other topics) that some folks don't want to see made public in late 2020 (if not re-elected) or late 2024 (if re-elected)
  11. Full thread includes a tribute to K9s fallen in the line of duty
  12. In the 90s? Is it going to have zubaz, mullets, flannels, and the color teal?
  13. wow, just wow that was epic ikr
  14. https://www.newcriterion.com/issues/2019/6/restoring-the-lost-consensus
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