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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. were any Americans killed? HAHA Gator needs a chuckle
  2. betchya could roll quite a few tanks and armored personnel carriers thru that
  3. into the waterways of the upper midwest which are full of asian carp, lazy government workers, and ...
  4. Your @Nervous Guy, they'll have to wait outside
  5. Do you have a recipe for pasta and pickle juice?
  6. Same Hearst wasn't a formidable villain I was expecting Mrs Ellsworth to tell her daughter at some point about her real father Most of the story seemed to revolve about getting Jane and Joni to ride off into the sunset happily ever after What was the point of the new young wh*re? Was she banging the director between scenes or something? Wu was little more than a cameo
  7. i'm not gonna lie to you, Brian Cox as part of the cast was part of what led me to watch And as always, his performance was excellent
  8. Suburbs and was nowhere near today's events
  9. 8PM EST tonight Just a reminder for all you c*cksuckers
  10. awesome, even when the assclowns change names they're still ignored
  11. The last one, Terminator Genesis, I think it was called wasn't bad. It wasn't good either, but it wasn't terrible. Plus it had Emilla Clarke
  12. AndroidTV, $29 https://www.amazon.com/YAGALA-T95-S1-cortex-A53-Processor/dp/B07H1FBVPV/ref=sr_1_6?keywords=android+tv&qid=1559297168&refinements=p_85%3A2470955011&rnid=2470954011&rps=1&s=gateway&sr=8-6 Wireless Keyboard/Mouse $22 (because the remotes suck on AndroidTV boxes) https://www.amazon.com/Rii-Bluetooth-Wireless-Touchpad-Rechargable/dp/B00JO80LVW/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2NG8UBD8KYJNG&keywords=bluetooth+keyboard+and+mouse&qid=1559297214&refinements=p_85%3A2470955011&rnid=2470954011&rps=1&s=gateway&sprefix=bluetooth+keyboard+%2Caps%2C151&sr=8-3 Firefox. Tor browser for Android was released a week or so ago but I haven't gotten around to trying it out Reddit App Cyberflix App Mobdro App Optional Apps Kodi SMB or SFTP server (copy files to/from) You can also control the AndroidTV remotely with a keyboard and mouse from Linux, Windows, or Mac with a program called scrcpy
  13. yeah they're being oppressed by the orange super mecha literal hitler
  14. One minor detail, there was no "Gotti" crime family. Gotti was boss of the Gambino family
  15. Free Dick Van *****! *Edit, even TSW censors Dick Van D*ke
  16. Right now they're into the NFC West http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000001031146/article/nfc-west-franchise-quarterbacks-each-teams-greatest-passer Franchise QB criteria are: Beginning in 1967 after the merger (Rules out Kemp) Minimum 48 Starts At least two of: Winning Record, Pro Bowl Selection, QBR > 75 Only Four Bills QB started at least 48 games: Ferguson had a losing record, never made a Pro Bowl, and had QBR under 75 Fitzy had a losing record, never made a Pro Bowl, but had a QBR over 75 Bledsoe had a losing record, but made a Pro Bowl, and had a QBR over 75 Jimbo meets all three requirements So by NFL.com's definition, the Bills have only had 2 "Franchise QBs" in the modern era. Jimbo and Bledsoe Our Longest Franchise QB Drought would be 1967-1986 with a dishonorable mention of the current 2004-Present (which hopefully ends with Allen's 48th start) Our Biggest Mistakes. Uhhhhhh, pull up a chair and grab a Snickers
  17. If the clip above is any indication of current Chinese military strategy, they seem to still follow the philosophy used in the Korean War. Point the lesser trained and equipped soldiers in the general direction of the better trained and equipped Western forces and hope to overrun them with sheer numbers
  18. I took four years of French in high school and a semester in College, but the only French I really remember is
  19. Adblockers will only be available in Chromium to enterprise users https://news.slashdot.org/story/19/05/29/2227219/google-to-restrict-modern-ad-blocking-chrome-extensions-to-enterprise-users For those unfamiliar with the difference between Chromium and Chrome: Chromium is an open source web browser. Chrome is Google's modified version of Chromium. Chromium is also the basis for Microsoft's re-engineered Edge browser. In addition, Chromium is available to most Linux distros. So basically Google wants to nerf ad blockers for everyone except paying customers of Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge
  20. Just finished S1 of Succession. Not bad, kind of a Shakespearean family tragedy set in modern corporate America with Brian Cox as patriarch of a very dysfunctional family
  21. Democracy dies behind a paywall
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