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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. jump on I-90 and head to Cedar Point, about halfway between Cleveland and Toledo. It's a bit of a drive, but you can thank me later
  2. Not bad, but this is Joe Biden's best musical performance
  3. as much as i enjoy living rent free inside your head, could you splurge for some furniture? it's pretty empty up there
  4. That's kinda like the New York Giants inving Scott Norwood to a Super Bowl XXV commemoration
  5. Keep us posted know how the live Hulu works out. I'm probably going to pick it up in late August when College Football season starts
  6. some people love summer and some people hate it. but what everybody loves is the second week of deer camp. All the guys are here. we drink play cards and shoot the bull, but never shoot no deer. the only time we leave the camp is when we go for beer. the second week of deer camp, is the greatest time of year
  7. i made it a point to avoid PPP faces, but since the seal has been broken Just line them up for me 3 Stooges style Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk
  8. wait what no! that nigerian dude still owes me for helping him with saddam's gold!
  9. When pit bulls snap, do they snap on their family or do they snap against another person they are not as familiar with or trained to be obedient to? Serious question, my experience is with more docile breeds
  10. I'm pro-gun and pro-dog An AR15 is an inanimate object that is only dangerous when controlled by a human A pit bull is a live animal that can be dangerous when not controlled by a human
  11. https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2019/05/researchers-strapped-video-cameras-16-cats-and-let-them-do-their-thing-here-s-what-they?utm_source=pocket-newtab
  12. Get off my lawn!
  13. So you associate Trump with a large penis?
  14. Maybe it's just me, but I don't get what the fascination with Megan Markle is. Yeah she's kinda hot, but there's plenty of hot women out there
  15. Thankfully I have never needed a lawyer at any point in my life. But if I ever did need one, the kind of person that I'm "Glad you aren't my lawyer" in the best of times are probably the kind of person you need in the worst
  16. Look at it from another point of view. McConnell knew Garland would not be confirmed and was trying to spare the American taxpayers from the cost of a failed hearing
  17. Procedural question. Do "Trump Lies" apply only to lies told by Trump or do they also apply to lies told about Trump 3 years ago we were told a Trump Presidency would result in the re-implementation of segregation, mass deportations of Hispanics, gays/lesbians rounded up into concentration camps, wars with Iran and North Korea, and an economic collapse on the scale of the Great Depression
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