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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. So 184 hate crimes in one year in NYC is an "epidemic" but a similar number of shootings per month in Chicago is "meh"
  2. October & November are the best sports months 3. NHL Season in full swing 2. Bills haven't been mathematically eliminated yet 1. College football hitting it's stride
  3. The Clinton dynasty 1992: 43.0% 1996: 49.2% 2000: 48.4% 2016: 48.2%
  4. I remember watching that nonsense years ago. I wonder why ABC hasn't done a follow up 10 years later
  5. NASA thinks they found Snoopy, 50 years after being jettisoned into space https://techcrunch.com/2019/06/10/nasa-snoopy-lunar-module-likely-found-50-years-after-being-jettisoned-into-space/
  6. https://nypost.com/2019/06/09/aoc-runs-away-from-opponent-rich-valdes-at-puerto-rican-day-parade/
  7. A UFO briefly landed on First Lady Melania Trump's head
  8. Facebook still generates mad ad revenue and owns a treasure trove of personal data of everybody on the Internet
  9. schumer has gone there so many times that's where amazon ships his packages
  10. https://spectator.org/the-end-of-legitimacy-and-the-collapse-of-democracy/
  11. Obama got that look on his face like he just caught a whiff of one of Creepy Uncle Joe's old man farts
  12. guam can't support an nfl franchise. a packed stadium might make the island tip over
  13. https://www.businessinsider.com/facebook-investors-vote-to-fire-mark-zuckerberg-as-chairman-2019-6/
  14. The Blue Jays, as Doc mentioned, won the World Series in the early 90s. Having a Canadian team win the World Series was serious national scandal at the time, so America pulled ourselves together and took our revenge by not allowing a Canadian team to win another World Series or Stanley Cup This NBA thing Toronto has going on? Meh, nobody cares about the NBA
  15. They weren't born velocoraptors, but they self identify as adults which is about the last time a Canadian team won the Stanley Cup
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