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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. I thought you were the mayor
  2. http://www.startribune.com/ilhan-omar-s-credibility-takes-another-hit/511152612/?refresh=true
  3. The only players I would cheer an injury to are dirty players like Vontaze Burfect or Ndomukah Suh that are known to target opposing players for injury Brady, I hate as much as every other non-Patriots* fan in America. But I still respect him as the GOAT. I would never root for him to get injured on the field but I would still get a chuckle if he couldn't play due to constipation or bloody hemorrhoids.
  4. Yeah but this time it will be different because shuddup!!!
  5. https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/news/21952590/battle-for-azeroth-preview-world-of-warcraft-communities Elder Scrolls Online lets you join multiple guilds. It would be a nice QoL addition so you can be in a raiding guild with other players that want to explore end game content, while at the same time be in a casual guild with coworkers, or if your friends kid asks you to join their guild and you don't to hurt his feelings, and still be in a guild with some schmuck you met on a football message board
  6. gugny is too small to be an ogre, he's more like a cranky yard gnome
  7. 10 Trillion Dollars. Only need to print nine of those to pay for the Green New Deal
  8. From what I've read, Classic WoW is supposed to be fairly close to the original with a few Quality of Life enhancements. One QoL enhancement they should consider is the ability to join multiple guilds. Between work, offline friends, online friends, former online gaming friends, and random people that I struck up a conversation with, I've had several people suggest starting a guild when this thing launches
  9. fire mage and affliction warlock. also toyed with rogue and dps priest
  10. Keep telling a lie until it becomes the truth
  11. Boston vs Not Boston Unless Not Boston is San Francisco, I'm rooting for Not Boston
  12. Media seems to be trying to resuscitate Warren lately
  13. I think what I'll end up doing is waiting a month or two after launch. Its gonna be crazy crowded and they'll have bugs to work out. Plus the launch date is close to the start of College Football and NFL seasons which will consume the bulk of Saturday and Sunday plus Monday and Thursday nights
  14. He lives in California, they send you to the gulag for that. The straw, not the cocaine
  15. And here's a family photo of your Dad the Frankfurter, your mom the Hamburger, your sister looks like a real sweet cookie, Pops off to the side, and I'm guessing you're the small fry
  16. they wanted jimmy dean sausage but somebody screwed up the order
  17. Think like a Progressive Russia buying Facebook ads = bad Obama administration sending campaign advisers to influence Israeli elections = good
  18. i keep telling myself i'm not gonna do it but gawdammit internet, stop tempting me to play wow classic!
  19. The Occupy Democrats get hysterical enough they may have menstrual bleeding
  20. You've chosen to ignore content by Tiberius You've chosen to ignore content by Q-baby! You've chosen to ignore content by Tiberius Hat trick!
  21. well she was planning on going to Wisconsin but the Russians hacked the planes GPS and forced her to land at a high dollar fundraiser in Los Angeles then there was that time the Russians hacked her teleprompter and slipped in that line about deplorables
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