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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. You been to a doctors office lately? We're importing medical professionals because American snowflakes are too busy Tweeting and Safe Spacing to study the science and math necessary to become a doctor
  2. if racy pics on the internet gets a medical license revoked, there's going to be a serious shortage of doctors in a few years
  3. https://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2019/06/18/15000-kilos-of-cocaine-confiscated-during-drug-bust-at-philadelphia-port-federal-sources-say/
  4. 3 reasons why CNN showed up: Gotta at least pretend to show the veneer of being an objective outlet DNC gets free access to opposition research Video of the event to piece together sound bytes out of context
  5. Yeah but he's just being metaphorical. It's not like he drew cross hairs on a map
  6. SoA started out decent, kinda like Hamlet on Harley's. But it quickly became A-Team on motorcycles Breaking Bad on the other hand started out kinda slow, but then it became absolutely amazing
  7. i thought canadians were supposed to be a polite people
  8. cripes, that's almost as incomprehensible as EII almost
  9. Today I learned that OS/2 Warp has been running the New York City subways for a quarter century
  10. he asked you a simple question, there's no reason to get snippy
  11. Israel unveils new settlement, Trump Heights
  12. And most of us have him on ignore anyway
  13. https://www.dailyherald.com/business/20190615/uber-plans-to-start-delivering-mcdonalds-hamburgers-by-drone-this-summer America's about to get even fatter
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