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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. why should women only be allowed to police women? and who defines the women allowed to police them? Should it be cis-gendered biological females? what about females born without a *****? should gender traitors that do not vote Democrat have a say? i find your lack of gender neutral wokeness to be an offensive assault on my safe space *edit, really dude? vag*na is censored
  2. those pesky carp have really soured you on all things oriental
  3. https://tech.slashdot.org/story/19/06/22/2229215/iran-steps-up-cyberattacks-against-america I hope Trump doesn't have similar reservations about unleashing the dogs of Cyberwar
  4. 3 Stooges Mel Brooks movies Zucker & Abrahams movies (Airplane!, Naked Gun, Kentucky Fried Movie, Hot Shots)
  5. you're the only one that calls it that
  6. Funny how promoting 40 years of Intersectional victim identity politics comes to a head
  7. I hate it when Gramma and Grampa try to drag us into their fights
  8. "Because of our reputation - what we do" Translation: C-Span at least tries to be somewhat impartial. MSNBC doesn't even pretend to be anything but the DNC Minitrue
  9. were we on a square planet full of block faced superman characters?
  10. AOC in a Star Trek uniform would be kinda hot
  11. Sitting at home in the dark during a thunderstorm because a storm knocked out the power. So I get on my smartphone to see the weather map. But the current conditions are cloudy with a 0% chance of rain
  12. If Boris Johnson does prevail it will be interesting to see his first visit with Trump. Regardless of what you may think of either's politics, you gotta admit they do kinda look alike
  13. That camp would terrify AOC to the core. I mean if she was frightened of a garbage disposal, imagine how scary those big ovens would be
  14. I voted for all four because the OP set this as a multiple choice poll
  15. https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/06/california-third-world-state-corruption-crime-infrastructure/
  16. Obama didn't make those shows, somebody else made them happen
  17. Bill Clinton was still popular among the Democrat base. A few campaign stops in Southern Florida and he might have herded enough eventual Nader / Green Party voters back to the Democrats to capture Florida
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