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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. As the Democrat clown car shifts into gear, I suspect we'll start seeing several NeverTrumpers with tacit endorsements of Trump
  2. Would you feel better about Trump's diplomatic efforts if it involved pallets of unmarked foreign currency?
  3. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/29/us/politics/fake-joe-biden-website.html
  4. People want something to believe in. An absolute Truth to anchor them God (The Great Power you cannot see) Government (The Great Power you can see) Global Warming (Apocalyptic Zealots) Me I don't believe in Beatles, I just believe in me (John Lennon) Molon Labe
  5. Instead of reproducing Mission Control as a tourist attraction, NASA should should try sending people back to the Moon and then onto Mars, and from Mars start exploring the asteroid belt
  6. So who had the better performance, Beto in last nights debate or Derek Anderson's 2/17 for 23 yards
  7. I want to hear the Asian guy speaking Spanish. And Gillibrand should update her muscle shirt to "Just trying to get some chipotle"
  8. Heheheheheh, Hey Beavis he said...
  9. USF and Houston have alot larger alumni base and are spread out across the country. It would be rather disheartening for UB to join the conference and be out represented in their own stadium
  10. Now pretend somebody spit on AoC or Omar and imagine the different coverage
  11. Plus Buffalo has a very small fan base concentrated around the Great Lakes and Northeast. Not sure how well UB will represent in the stands at road games in Florida or Texas vice Ohio and Michigan
  12. I suspect that was Dundon's plan all along. He knew the league would eventually fold but wanted intellectual property rights to their apps. But I don't think he anticipated just how quickly the league would fold and is trying to get his money back plus keep the IP Dude's trying to have his cake and eat it too, with a full refund
  13. http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/conditions-on-the-streets-of-san-francisco-are-comparable-to-the-slums-of-mumbai-delhi-mexico-city-jarkarta-and-manila I suggest reading this article with some background music
  14. just a hunch, but the impeachment porn crowd are going to be in for a disappointment on the scale of GoT S8
  15. https://www.foxnews.com/us/stranger-caught-pooping-florida-driveway-ring-camera
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