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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. A pair of related anecdotes that my father, a man who is not into any kind of new age mumbo jumbo, passed along to me over the years About a year after my grandmother (my fathers mother died), my parents were visiting my grandfather. He was in a nursing home and they would visit a couple times a week. When they visited, they would ask if he had any other visitors. Family, old friends, the usual. He was in good spirits that day and told them that he spent some time with my grandmother. My parents kinda let that go, figuring it was close to the anniversary of her death. He died that night Several years later, my Mom died of Cancer. Near the end, as my father tended to her, she told my Dad to be careful, he was getting in the way of the two men. Later, she said to my father. "Dad". My father replied that he was there (my parents called each other Mom and Dad). She said, "No, Dad. Your Dad". He said, "Yes, I'm Dad". She was weak but able to pull the oxygen from her nose, and in a lucid voice said "No, your Dad is here". And the "two men"...my grandfather was a twin
  2. Just a hunch, but this story might originate from a wing of the DNC trying to slow walk their excuse to deny Biden the nomination
  3. Mister Poopybutthole
  4. i don't own one but I'll pass this along to a few folks that do
  5. I've heard some talking head types pontificating how COVID will alter American life after this is all over. I think America, and the West in general, is going to be rethinking our business relationship with China. And those jobs that are "never coming back," just might
  6. I believe it was Groucho Marx who said he would never join any club that would have him as a member I would never join a club that is trying to recruit Tibs
  7. I have developed two new theories regarding COVID recently. The first of these theories (I shall shelve the other theory for another discussion) is that COVID is just a giant PR stunt by Sony to hype The Last of Us 2 and HBO to hype their related upcoming TLOU series
  8. yeah i'm not sure how ahsoka is gonna work out. part of the thrill of Mandelorian was getting to know new characters
  9. I wouldn't wish COVID on anyone. But if we have to start picking people to be infected, it's the only time I would consider voting for HRC
  10. Guys are self medicating with Internet porn
  11. My workplace has been divided into 3 teams. One team is on an indefinite telework status because they are over 60, have a medical condition that impairs the immune system, or someone in their household has an impaired immune system The other two teams are on a 3 days on/2 off/telework, 2 days on/3 off/telework rotation
  12. I think there will be football. The annual spring/summer college scrimmages will not happen NFL training camp will be closed to the public The regular season may be shortened Games may be played to an empty stadium I do not think there will be baseball
  13. I loved the exchange between Gus and Mike at the end of the previous week's episode
  14. President of Your United States. Because some people still cry #notmypresident
  15. This was already posted in the Clinton thread. And I've seen it several times in the last few days And it's still funny every time
  16. That picture of Tom Hanks really reinforces my theory that without makeup, lighting, camera angles, and digital editing, Hollywood celebrities are just as ugly as the rest of society
  17. I'm calling bulls*t on this one. Have you noticed most everybody is at home surfing the Internet because of the Coronaclap
  18. Could care less about Biehn and Dawson. What about Bill Burr
  19. While they play politics by adding poison pill pork barrel projects, people are dying of Coronavirus. Are Chuck and Nancy guilty of negligent homicide?
  20. Or what about people that have already paid off their mortgage?
  21. You think you're bored? Try buying a gun. A friend of mine spent 12 hours waiting for the background check to finish. That's how backed up gun stores are
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