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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. if somebody is on your private property you can ask them to leave. if they refuse you can call the police on them for trespassing. same with wearing a mask. if you are wearing a mask on my property and i ask you to remove it, you have three options. remove the mask, leave the property, or if you do neither i reserve the right to go gran torino on your ass
  2. Yes, with 3 caveats: Carrying a weapon while masked should be prohibited, either openly or concealed If convicted of a crime while masked should carry jail time in addition to the original offenses Refusal to remove the mask at the request of law enforcement, the property owner, or security in the employ of the property owner should be classified as either a low felony or high misdemeanour requiring jail time
  3. yeah i know it's an older meme, but still funny
  4. Amazing how this information has been out there for anyone to pick up for years. But now that Biden has quickly fallen from the Democrats Great White Hope to another tired old politician, it's being picked up so the Democrats can swiftly move onto their next shiny bauble.
  5. true, but pulling out too soon can spread the seed of doubt i kinda hope Willie Brown's chew toy gets the nomination so we can enjoy 16 months of really bad sex puns
  6. Mods, can we get this thread title corrected to adequately reflect the discussion. maybe something like "HAHA gator's early July Trump tantrum"
  7. have you read Willie's piece on SFGate.com? he's not sure Kamala can work it to completion. https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/williesworld/article/Bad-news-for-Democrats-none-of-these-14059874.php maybe it's time to withdraw?
  8. And if you look at her record, she has been quite flexible on her positions
  9. i'm upset that KTVU assumed the child's gender
  10. incredibly body but kind of a butterface. or in canadian would it be a booterface?
  11. I'm always on time, it's the meetings that start early or late
  12. Bob Lazar has been around since at least the 80s. He has a very compelling story but over 30+ years some holes have been poked thru it
  13. But then it won't be as chaotically entertaining
  14. We know for a fact that President Trump was at the DMZ but was the First Lady there as well? it could just be Melania's hat
  15. but how do we get from here to the warm stable planets? either our tic tac overlords share their minty fresh technology or we develop our own, one step at a time
  16. $1 campaign contributions might cost the campaign more than $1 to process
  17. The Moon is a stepping stone to Mars
  18. https://larrysanger.org/2019/06/social-media-strike/
  19. https://larrysanger.org/2019/06/social-media-strike/
  20. https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2019/jun/27/streaming-tv-is-about-to-get-very-expensive-heres-why
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