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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. or it could have been conscripted labor
  2. woke LARP'ers
  3. And if you're ever seen Futureman, you know how much damage a mere 11 seconds can do to the Universe
  4. Whenever I hear "China Lake" my brain changes it to
  5. i think the Democrats have found their new leader in AoC. Problem is where Leftist idealogues have a history of leading
  6. Labor participation rate has remained steady the last 5 years, meaning that the increased number of Boomers retiring are offset by new workers added to the labor pool
  7. Reminds me when I was a kid and my Mom blamed an earthquake on me. I grew up in PA which isn't exactly known for earthquakes. One day I'm upstairs in my room and feel the tremor. So I go downstairs to see what's going on and my Mom thought it was me jumping up and down on my bed
  8. So think back to high school physics. f=ma. Force equals mass times acceleration But that only works in a vacuum. After the basic principle is taught, students are taught to factor in a coefficient for friction, wind resistance, electrical resistance in a conductor, etc Your mathematical philosophy has neglected one of the most crucial factors of our modern world... The Troll factor You sure about that hoss? ? Yeah, it has been
  9. Earthquakes, Stromboli volcanoes, and now Taco Bell is facing a tortilla shortage Could these be signs of the End Times?
  10. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/op-eds/knitting-and-fraying-in-a-divided-culture
  11. So you're excuse why the unemployment rate is low: 10,000 people a day are retiring. How do you excuse away the size of the labor force is an all time high?
  12. Then you can watch CNN. And only CNN
  13. Now I want to go to Law school and become a judge so I can preside over this very case and deliver my ruling: Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!
  14. Weak economy 2009-2017 = Bush's fault Strong economy 2017+ = Thanks Obama! Election meddling in 2016 occurred during Trump administration? Was Benghazi caused by a Trump tweet? Did Lois Lerner use the IRS to intimidate the #resistance? Why did Trump's DoJ walk guns to Mexican cartels? I never thought this stuff could ever happen as I watched Barack Obama tear down the Berlin Wall
  15. Yes. But they're bootleg streams https://www.reddit.com/r/nflstreams/
  16. Raspberry Pi costs $35. With case, power supply, and SDCard, it's about $45. Add about 15 minutes of your time and you can stream anything on Reddit
  17. sometimes a girl's gotta give some head to get ahead
  18. were they captured by Marine Corpsemen?
  19. Damn I loved Firefly, but Joss Whedon is such a douche
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