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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Governor Blackface's special session on Gun Control adjourns after two hours https://pilotonline.com/news/government/politics/virginia/article_accacc58-a258-11e9-b828-e3483991b816.html
  2. The Hopper vs Russian guy scenes kinda felt like Peter Griffin vs Giant Chicken
  3. I would have asked for a million dollar research grant confirming the theory of a thunderstorm in my area
  4. i binged it yesterday. first few episodes went a little slow as they built up the pubescent and parental relationship dynamics. but once they got thru that it picked up nicely The Hopper/Russian Agent dynamic went a little Peter Griffin/Giant Chicken
  5. Out of curiosity, did you try Youtube TV in Silk? Dunno if it will work but might be worth a try and reporting back
  6. New Zealanders aren't complying with new gun control scheme
  7. think like a progressive: you will believe what you are told to believe
  8. Is this an excuse to go shopping? http://www.gunbot.net
  9. maybe he's going to announce an agreement with Iran to obtain nuclear weapons to unleash on American gun owners
  10. she almost makes it sound like they have an idea who is going to be implicated, but never said anything while it was going on
  11. i kinda wonder if the Dems have written off 2020 and are just using it to see how far left they can go ahead of 2024
  12. clovis points, dinosaur fossils, meteorites, geological strata. You gotta admit, God does have an ironic sense of humor
  13. Remember, these are the peaceful protesters and defenders of liberty like at D-Day And these are the fascist racist domestic terrorists
  14. yeah, once the raw numbers started rolling in is when people noticed something wasn't going according to plan
  15. it's been along time since i desecrated my digestive system with one of those things, but I do recall if you don't let them cool down first the insides are almost as hot as molten lava
  16. Not an official live "album" but still worth watching
  17. You do know that Mach varies right?
  18. Or better placement. Antenna are susceptible to interference from nearby electronics and signal strength varies thru housing materials (ie you get a stronger signal thru wood than brick) If you're having problems with signal in one part of your home but better signal in another, you can use something like an HD HomeRun to distribute your antenna over ethernet to Smart TVs, Android devices (including FireTV), and Linux/Windows/Mac
  19. Mach is the speed of sound Space is a vacuum where sound does not travel How can there be Mach speed in space?
  20. Reminds me of a meme a former coworker had on his cube. Dude had a young daughter that was into My Little Pony and in spending time with his daughter had discovered a subculture of My Little Pony dads.
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