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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Every time I see "The More You Know" stars, it reminds me of this lower
  2. So who's gonna name Kaepernick at DoJ?
  3. The Federal Government is not "running out of money". The Federal Government is approaching it's Debt Ceiling, which is in effect Uncle Sam's credit card limit. Obama and Congressional Republicans got into a pissing contest over the Debt Ceiling a few times earlier this decade as did Clinton and Congressional Republicans in the 90s. Now it's going to be Trump and Congressional Democrats turn. Basically Congress sets an artificial limit on how much money they can borrow to fund the Government. When that limit is approached they start yelling at each other about out of control spending or greedy people not paying their fair share. Political grandstanding by both parties is eventually followed by an agreement to increase the Debt Ceiling in exchange for some meaningless symbolic concessions. The underlying problem of Federal spending increasing at a faster rate than the economy in general is not addressed, but meh. That's for a later Congress to figure out, amirite?
  4. How EII sees himself when he clicks Submit How the rest of us think EII sounds
  5. Visit a domain registrar's website and pay there fee. There are a bunch of registrar's out there so you'll have to decide which one is best for you
  6. https://www.nyse.com/quote/ARCX:USO
  7. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/jul/11/google-as-a-landlord-a-looming-feudal-nightmare
  8. https://www.wsj.com/articles/i-come-to-bury-biden-not-to-praise-him-11562885072
  9. There's a US Attorney named Zachary Terwilliger. I wonder if he has any relatives named Bob
  10. Voter rolls exceed voting population Import illegal aliens Label voter ID requirements as raysis i wonder what happens next?
  11. I have never been afraid to admit AOC is hot, but she is in the Danger Zone
  12. I don't know if it's Parkinsons or what, but Merkel should probably step down or at the minimum take a medical leave of absence.
  13. how's that Obama Presidential Library coming along?
  14. And that just gets you on the waiting list for Club Seal
  15. Keep right on driving There's the danger of stopping your car, exiting the vehicle in traffic, and getting run over by another vehicle There's also the danger of somebody else stopping their car, existing their vehicle, and attacking you for whatever cash you grabbed And whoever the cashed belonged to previously may engage law enforcement to track down their stolen money
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