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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. i'm not sure there was any "deep state" meaning to that note. It may have been as simple as a Presidential "Thank You" note for attending the funeral. A note on Presidential letterhead signed by the 45th President of the United States. Not President Hillary Rodham-Clinton nor President Jeb! Bush. Signed by President Donald J Trump, who thanks you for attending
  2. so what's the sitcom math on half a million people running across the desert vs a fleet of A10 Warthogs firing at 70 rounds per second?
  3. notice how there are fixed (and a minimum) donation amount? I used to work with a guy who would donate $1 to random Democrat candidates. Small contributions can be a net loss when you factor in the cost to process the donation
  4. that's only fair, they've given so many free colonoscopies
  5. AoC will be irrelevant after 2020. Dems gonna primary her next year and if that fails NY State Dems will redistrict her out of a seat after the 2020 Census. State machine won't let her near statewide office. She might be lucky to make NYC Council with an eye on Mayor at some point. Maybe hang it up for a stint on MSNBC until she's been forgotten enough to jumpstart her career with porn
  6. They should all make $15 an hour, it's only fair
  7. https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/9508239/ancient-rome-most-accurate-model-ever/?editorialView=yes
  8. I find your discussion of binary gender discriminated rest rooms to be a violation of my space space on the internets And the correct answer is to avoid social contact in the men's room. The men's room serves a specific purpose and is not to be used for social gatherings or impromptu work meetings
  9. According my source on American/Soviet relations in the 1980s, they were called Russians
  10. My guess is he is trying to deflect coverage away from the upcoming Mueller testimony and Epstein hearing. #fakenews already knows Mueller's testimony will be a big nothingburger so they would have otherwise spent this week spinning up their false narratives that although Mueller's testimony won't implicate Trump, Trump is still guilty of #orangemanbad stuff Meanwhile #fakenews has been in damage control mode over the Epstein case So now the #fakenews is focused on Trump v Pelosi vs AoC & Crew. That will all come to a sudden halt once Mueller raises his right hand. Rather than expecting an outcome based on a weeks worth of #RussiaRussiaRussia #orangemanbad #resist, people will see Mueller's testimony as a non-event. Followed a day or so later by the details of Epstein's hearing and the possible naming of names. Maybe even some of everyone's "faves"...
  11. That's assuming the EU cares about the people of Britain or the people of any country in Europe
  12. Caught up on Season 2 of Krypton (SyFy). Worth checking out. Season 1 is a little low budget Also watched Episode 1 of Chernobyl. There sure are alot of Ruskies with British accents ?
  13. I'm not. A second Brexit vote would only serve as political cover for a predetermined outcome (Remain)
  14. whenever Trump does some stupid stuff on Twitter I remind myself that Hiliary Clinton is still not President
  15. Because elected officials don't always carry out the will of the people who voted them into office
  16. That's not how it works champ. You don't vote on something to see how it works out, then hold another vote to decide if you really meant it the first time
  17. Starts Monday July 15th at 3AM Eastern / Midnight Pacific
  18. it's schitt like this that makes me think, maybe i do want that PS90 after all
  19. Russians? Have you learned nothing here? It was the British aka The Red Coats
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