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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. https://www.zdnet.com/article/kazakhstan-government-is-now-intercepting-all-https-traffic/ How long til somebody proposes a similar measure in the US. Because you know, protect against hate speech or something
  2. Flip the ticket with Haley at the top of the ticket and I'd consider it if she picked a better running mate
  3. To be fair, of the three born in the US, one is from Detroit which is pretty much a 3rd world country and another is from the Democratic People's Republic of Massachusetts
  4. maybe the Underpants Gnomes lived there
  5. SJW vs #2A Call me a homer, but my money is on #2A
  6. tossup between blueberry and strawberry the chocolate based pop tarts never did it for me
  7. The NFL has an International Series in London and Mexico City. I would expand the International map to include venues such as Tokyo, Berlin, Canada, Austrailia/New Zealand and South America. I would also introduce the Nomad Series. Play a few games in places like Omaha, San Antonio, Portland, Norfolk, Albuquerque, Alaska, or Boise. Each NFL franchise sacrifices one home home game to the International and Nomad series', for a total of 32 games played in non NFL venues. If security permits, play a game or two in front of the American Service Members stationed overseas
  8. Netflix posts first subscriber decline since 2011 https://www.barrons.com/articles/netflix-stock-earnings-51563395899?mod=hp_LATEST
  9. But unlike previous retail sales, this one depends on consumers blind willingness to purchase that actively spy on them
  10. I came to the same conclusion after about 5 minutes yesterday
  11. John Brown had a plan, followers, funding, and a plan of attack. The Antifa guy just went Leeeeeeeeeroy Jenkins!!!!!
  12. A friend of mine once bought a $1 bottle of water on Amazon and had it shipped to his home within an hour
  13. Two Minute Hate was such an adrenaline rush, now it's part of the 24/7 News Cycle
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