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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. If Starfleet handed you a red shirt and gave you the option of serving under the command of Kirk or Picard, would you rather live fast and die young or have a chance at surviving the 5 year mission Speaking of 5 year missions, Kirk never finished his
  2. Picard never got demoted I'm just sayin'
  3. The good news is Benevolent Bernie has bestowed a $15 minimum wage to his workers The bad news is their hours are being cut https://www.foxnews.com/politics/bernie-sanders-campaign-announces-it-will-cut-hours-to-pay-staffers-15-minimum-wage-prompting-mockery But hey, $15 is only fair amirite?
  4. An issue that both sides can unite in favor of
  5. I think this story sums up how the SJW would fare in a Civil War https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/cobb-county/case-involving-2020-campaign-sign-leads-to-criminal-charges/968312297
  6. Watching NASA's replay of the Moon Landing and although it's 50 year old history, watching Armstrong step off and proclaim "One small step for man, one giant leap for Mankind" is still a beautiful thing
  7. True, but she can direct the DoJ to give a low priority to adjudicate student loan default cases. Or issue an order that Federal contracts are awarded to companies with a $15 minimum wage. She could also declare a "Gun Emergency" that halts all Federally mandated background checks on gun purchases, and while this is in place how many gun stores and pawn shops would go under until only the woke corporate entities like Walmart or D*cks can sell a gun?
  8. NASA's website will replay the Moon Landing broadcast starting at 10:38PM EST tonight https://www.nasa.gov/nasalive
  9. The thing with Warren is she seems autocratic enough to not care whether Congress cooperates.
  10. Lefties sure do like their purges
  11. Well said Foxx
  12. Maybe if there were a legislative body based on population, such that a state the size of California gets like 53, while a state like Wyoming gets 1
  13. The life span of a $1 bill is about 7 years didn't exist in 1995
  14. Funny how stuff like this happens during an Administration that never had one scandal or even a smidgen of corruption (that we were allowed to know about)
  15. A coworker of mine comes from a stereotypical liberal New York Jewish family. Raised a loyal Democrat but has since turned into what modern Leftists would consider to be a Jewish Nazi Right Wing White Supremacist Gun Nut (aka a Republican). He had commented over the years about the political difference he had with the rest of his family. Recently he's commented that even the life long loyal Democrats in his family are getting sick of where The Party is going
  16. That's why we banned assault cars
  17. I can't quite decide which is more irrelevant, ESPN's "Future Power Rankings" or Madden Ratings. Because honestly, I don't give a damn about either
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